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Rusty's thought of the day thread

Well Galvi another day off to a roaring start without you! Time to get your tired arse out of bed. You took advantage of the missus and made a fool out of yourself again ,didn't you mate! Now get out and about and make her some coffee and breakfast and try to get back on her good side.
Rusty hows the game going....i hear giants are doing better than usual :yum::yum::yum:

Inside info tells me you may need a tissue :yum::yum::yum:

Me i am a Vikings fan to be honest:biggrin:
Rusty hows the game going....i hear giants are doing better than usual :yum::yum::yum:

Inside info tells me you may need a tissue :yum::yum::yum:

Me i am a Vikings fan to be honest:biggrin:

You mean there is another Vikings fan around here. :hide: :yum:

They did play well today, hopefully they can carry that into the playoffs.
You mean there is another Vikings fan around here. :hide: :yum:

They did play well today, hopefully they can carry that into the playoffs.

I am thinking of buying the Giants...whats their value at the moment.....$0.00:yum::yum::yum:

Should have change for the bus home :yum::yum::yum:
I would love to see Brett win a super bowl to finish out his career. He has that team believing in themselves right now.
Should be a typical Favre/Vikings showing - Out in their first round...

I'd love for them to last long enough to get plastered by the Packers in the championship game. (Currently destroying the Cardinals 26-0 in the 3rd quarter.)
Should be a typical Favre/Vikings showing - Out in their first round...

I'd love for them to last long enough to get plastered by the Packers in the championship game. (Currently destroying the Cardinals 26-0 in the 3rd quarter.)

You mean kind of like a few years back when the Pack won over the Vikings both times in the season but then the Vikes whooped the Pack in the Playoffs?? I kind of smell that coming myself but the wrong side this time. :yum: Remember the year Moss did the fake moon in the end zone :yum:
Hey Rusty i thought of you today and picked you up a new years prezzie....i went by the pictures you posted of yourself and think i got the right size.

I just need your mailing details so i can send it.....PM me them ASAP.
Rusty....i never posted on this....

Not long before Christmas i bumped into my Mom that i am well not on terms with but i stood to listen to her for 10 min.....nothing changed between me and her but i did find out her Mom my Gran that i was dear to and not spoken to in some time had passed away.....she had a fall whilst cleaning the tops of the kitchen cupboards and cut her arm real bad....she never called anyone and just sat home nursing herself for 2 days and when the bleeding did not stop she called for help(stubborn old cow like she was)...she went to hospital and after tests she was told she was loaded with Cancer...she never left Hospital and died 3 weeks later.

Joke is i found out this just before Christmas and yet it happened just a little over 3 years ago....so yes i failed her for sure if we look at it the way you do...but we cant change things and we were not to blame...i beat myself up and in ways am still in mourning....but i do know it's not my fault and she would be pissed if i did feel that way.

Rusty i am sure there is words of help in that crap i just typed somewhere just find it and do not blame yourself or feel a failure...Gran would feel disrespected.

I hope this helps...crap i never intended on talking about this....Heres to Grans everywhere....mine was 84 and loved a drink and a laugh...thats where i get it from i guess.
This could cheer up anyone:yum::yum::yum:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCuJldPkJZM&feature=channel"]YouTube- Lee Evans - Live At The West End - Part 7/7[/ame]
sorry to hear that, m8. my gramma fell too and hurt her leg. shes out of the hospital now and in a nursing home. gonna go see her straight away from work.
No hoopla up here! Too dang cold for outside activity. Plus the Amish are pretty tame compared to some of the rednecks.