Rusty Shackleford
Automotive M.D.
Yeah, well i was feelin ok this morninbecause i had taken it last night. well i forgot this mornin cuz i was feelin fine LOL
you're feeling fine - don't need the meds!
(OTOH, try a couple generic naproxen - anti-inflammatory, takes the edge off for about 9-10 hours)
Well it's hot and muggy here....storms are brewing.
And im clocked off for the next week or so and same goes for my Wife....gonna have some chilled time together.
AW CRAP! i just remembered that the Daytona night race is on the 4th! SOB!!!!!! how am i gonna throw an outside party, adn watch the race?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!!?!?!