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Rusty's thought of the day thread

We have a caller on line 4.....Billy from New England(not the old one honest)

Hi Rusty my genitals are swollen.......what could be causing this?????
Today's thought: Dang puddles got a big refill overnight. Auction at the farm next to mine today is going to be a wet affair. Would like to get one of several oil stoves they are selling if it is not too expensive.
Ours will be next, Billiam. Got some heavy shit headin our way here tomorrow. Go firgure, Got a bunch of plant stuff to do tomorrow. Re-potting and fertilizing. Guess I ain't gonna make it to the junkyard. Fuck. :mad:
Thought of the day.
I was slung out in the nursing home today instead of working back on the rehab unit.
Gosh, I'd forgotten how much fun those people are :dizzy::tongue:
We have a new fella who grinds his teeth constantly.
One of my nurse co-workers says he sounds like an old creaky porch swing when he does it.
Doesn't bother me in the least. He was my little shadow most of the night.

Thought of the day is: God it's good to be home!! :yum:
I just had a thought......

Light travels faster than sound.....This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.:whistling:

I may have that in my signature:yum::yum::yum::yum::yum::yum:
Thats good from 4 chucks.....soft boiled eggs for breakfast you and you dear wife and a few left over for baking.

Crap i would love to live the life some of you guy's do on your land....respecto.
We have a caller on line 4.....simon.....

Hi i have a problem with my girlfriend....she says i should be more giving in the bedroom.....should i buy a 50 Inch TV to satisfy her more???

naah - that just means she wants the new vacuum wrapped up on the bed to find when she gets home. a 50" TV might distract her from housecleaning and washing the dishes.
Nah, that probably means she wants you to hook it up to a 1/2 horse motor and wire the circuit so she doesn't blow any fuses
naah - that just means she wants the new vacuum wrapped up on the bed to find when she gets home. a 50" TV might distract her from housecleaning and washing the dishes.

Boo, hiss!


you think she meant fresh batteries for her "remote"?

Plastic, fantastic lover!:brows:

Nah, that probably means she wants you to hook it up to a 1/2 horse motor and wire the circuit so she doesn't blow any fuses

This is why i need you back asap Rusty.....help me with this madness:hammer::hammer::hammer:

We have scott on line 3....

I have a fetish for pineapple,duct tape and a 1 meter length of hose pipe....some people say i am odd???? should i try passion fruit instead:whistling:

RUSTY DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Got any thoughts to share????????????????????

If you don't tell --- I'm gonna kick your ass!!!!!!!!!!!!
