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Rusty's thought of the day thread

Bodine got pushed out trying to block on the last turn and ended up second. It was a wild race with about half the field gone to crashes. Bodine and another ended up wrecking after the finish line. I can't remember the winners name. Too many new faces to keep up with this year.
Galvi,Deano and Rusty just can't hang anymore!:yum: Bunch of wimps. I would have loved to have partied with them when I was working nights. Friday mornings were always the start of a big weekend and drag back to work Sunday night at 11:00. Many years of doing that.
Galvi,Deano and Rusty just can't hang anymore!:yum: Bunch of wimps. I would have loved to have partied with them when I was working nights. Friday mornings were always the start of a big weekend and drag back to work Sunday night at 11:00. Many years of doing that.

Maybe they are having their own party and you weren't invited :whistling: :sex:

sorry been in the hospital all morning and into the afternoon. im here now tho. huge party last night for daytona. thanks to the pothole breaks, i got pretty bangered :yum:
Sorry guy's and Girls.....with the wife's mom having a stroke last week all my time for the foreseeable future will be taken up with family duties....i will try my best to pop in as and when,i for sure know all you good folk at FF understand.

Life slings shit when you least expect it....how we deal with it makes you the person you are.
Sorry guy's and Girls.....with the wife's mom having a stroke last week all my time for the foreseeable future will be taken up with family duties....i will try my best to pop in as and when,i for sure know all you good folk at FF understand.

Life slings shit when you least expect it....how we deal with it makes you the person you are.

You know we'll be thinking about you sweetheart.
Take care of your family AND yourself :flowers:
hang in there Galvi - we'll be thinking of you and yours and slinging prayers.

and now we return you to your regularly scheduled frivolity...
Thanks ....you are good people....kinda good to have FF to visit when i do get some quiet time,a good place to blow off some steam and forget things for a while which does help re-charge the batteries.

Got the kids in bed and wife is out settling her mom for the night as she is having a bit of a pannick attack...so i am alone and trying to chill a little.
take care of what yo need to, galvy, we are here for ya always.

and as far as me, it wasnt me, the lil lady has been having some extreme abdominal pains and nothin the doc gav eher was working. they dont know what it is yet though..
take care of what yo need to, galvy, we are here for ya always.

and as far as me, it wasnt me, the lil lady has been having some extreme abdominal pains and nothin the doc gav eher was working. they dont know what it is yet though..

It was you sitting on her belly....why i dont know:yum::yum::yum:

I send my Love and wish her well:flowers: