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Ron Paul Bombs The Establishment!


Gone But Not Forgotten
There are those out there who believe Ron Paul is unelectable/can't beat Obama. Get your ear to the ground. Ron Paul is gaining traction even among the left leaners...progressives/liberals. The disenfranchisement is bipartisan. The left is well aware they have been let down on the promise of hope and change. There are hardliners who will vote for Obama no matter what but there are many who are looking for a stronger candidate and they find him in Ron Paul.

Take a look at this article from Salon magazine. I think you will be surprised at what is being written to the attention of the left by the left.

I think Ron Paul could take it all. I think the people are upset with both parties right now. At least I know I am. I have read many places those that voted for Obama are upset as the Hope and Change didn't happen. Young kids that voted for Obama are now upset and they are looking for a different direction. Ron Paul is campaigning to this kids and they are listening. The left is upset with what they have and the right is upset with what is being put on the plate. JMO

300 H and H

Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
I hesitate to post this, but.....

For better than 10 years I have been aware that the so called "fight" between political parties is just a side show to keep our attention drawn away from the real fight. The wealthy elite (Central Bankers) vrs. the rest of us. And for far too long they have been kicking our collective asses....Now there are many more who are begining to become aware...This could get interesting....

Go Ron Paul!

CG outstanding post!! You too Bambi!!

Regards, Kirk


Gone But Not Forgotten
Jessie the Body Ventura you know that famous governor from Minnesota that can beat up your governor once said.

Politicians are just like the WWF. On the mat they fight like cats and dogs and when the party is all over they go back stage and party together and talk about how dumb we are.

Well not word for word but close.

And Jessie was both WWF and politician.

It is time to get rid of the existing two party system.


legendary ⚓
GOLD Site Supporter
Nibbling at his heels.
For the cause of Liberty.

Dr. Paul isn't just a politician, he's a teacher for those who don't represent the status quo!

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJ_sLDWZdc8"]Ron Paul's Fantastic Speech After Taking 2nd In New Hampshire - YouTube[/ame]

300 H and H

Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter

Thanks for posting this. I really like what he had to say as well. It's done here in my state, but I wish him well for the rest. I may just have to send him a little something to help out. However if he does not get the nomination, I will vote for the winner. But I certainly hope the country wakes up in time to realize the truth he speaks, especially about our money, and the Federal Reserve system. The inflation they are causing strikes to the heart of our problem. Printing money with no authurization, making OUR money worth less each passing day. And no one else in EITHER party has anything to say about this issue. GO RON PAUL!

Regards, Kirk
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300 H and H

Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
WTF? Got something to say?

Maybe you should, to get it out of your system......

Regards, Kirk


Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
Now this is priceless. :glare:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cILGviTOTI&feature=player_embedded"]Jon Stewart on MSNBC on New Hampshire Ron Paul 2nd - YouTube[/ame]#!