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Report Your Snow Depth

Valdez is a little over normal right now. We got another foot or so in just the last couple of days. I think we've gotten around 130 to 150 inches so far and still have a few months left.
20 fresh inches in Northern Utah (56 base). Heading up next weekend to take the snocat for a spin with the nephews. I believe I saw one of those allusive krustys without tracks on my property last time. I'll take some pictures and submit for verification. :brows:
Looks like I'll be finally heading out in the snowcat on tues or wed after this storm is over with. Temps are still around the freezing mark right now. It was a light mist most of the day just enough to get a nice thick layer of ice over everything and make it slippery as heck. Shortly after supper, the mist turned to snow and it's coming down pretty good now. We're up to 6" since supper from this storm alone and it's not supposed to let up till tomorrow night. Plus, our regular operator/club president whipped out yesterday on his snowmobile dislocating his shoulder in the process so he's now out of commission for 4-6 weeks. No grooming for him means more grooming for me.
Looks like I'll be finally heading out in the snowcat on tues or wed after this storm is over with. Temps are still around the freezing mark right now. It was a light mist most of the day just enough to get a nice thick layer of ice over everything and make it slippery as heck. Shortly after supper, the mist turned to snow and it's coming down pretty good now. We're up to 6" since supper from this storm alone and it's not supposed to let up till tomorrow night. Plus, our regular operator/club president whipped out yesterday on his snowmobile dislocating his shoulder in the process so he's now out of commission for 4-6 weeks. No grooming for him means more grooming for me.
thick crust of ice sounds like krusty conditions.pun intended
Temps are still around the freezing point. Snow has been falling since yesterday at supper on and off. So far, we got roughly 8 inches but with it being so warm, it's coming down as heavy wet stuff mised with a bit of drizzle. Not fun to drive in right now. Keeping a close eye one the weather as my wife will be traveling to the city tomorrow then flying out west for a week.
Temps are still around the freezing point. Snow has been falling since yesterday at supper on and off. So far, we got roughly 8 inches but with it being so warm, it's coming down as heavy wet stuff mised with a bit of drizzle. Not fun to drive in right now. Keeping a close eye one the weather as my wife will be traveling to the city tomorrow then flying out west for a week.

you Kanuks,:shifty: thinking you have 8 inches most likely 5 by Americans standards, :yum: thought you guys we on the metric scale yes I know we all are supposed to be but we like to rebel. :wink:
Just call me a die hard....I use celsius for temp(sorry, but you guys using farenheit is just way too confusing...freezing occurs at 0 degrees) and inches and miles for distance. I hate using cm's and kilograms etc...
We got almost 1" of rain on Sunday and Monday. Finally got below 0c last night (-19c right now) and a light dusting of snow last night.

Hardly any snow on the ground. The groomers haven't left the barn yet this season. This season is definitely one for the record books.
We're up to 1 1/2 -2 ft of snow right now. Grooming is slow going but possible. Went out this morning to do some local grooming. It went pretty good actually. Another 6" would help but I can't complain. Definately a weird winter....never saw rain here in January before. Usually, it drops to -30 after christmas and stay there till february. Most be that global warming Al Gore was yapping about.
Down here is SO-CAL we got some snow over the last 4 days!!!! At our fire camp (Fenner Canyon Conservation Camp with CAL-FIRE. N 34 23' 28" W 117 46' 42") we got about 5' of nice heavy snow @ 5500'elv. Up in the town of Wrightwood They got between 8 and 10 feet @ 7,000'elv. Alot of news coverage took place regarding the area burned by the STATION FIRE earlier this year. Looking at the mountains now,,,,there are alot of dozer lines and bare hillside to play on. Plus, all the fire roads have been fixed, widened, and cleared of any low branches. Man I wish I had my Thiokol 4T10 finished!
another blow here in nome we are actualy undr a 1020 high pressure system but getting wind from a low south of us at 6 degrees and 30mph winds we wont get any more snow but watching what we have blowing out to sea wished we would get dumped on again
here in new york we got about 4"......... we havent eaven got the tucker 222 out yet :sad: the most we had was 10" but some melted iv only put 275 ish miles on the sled.
I feel like I have switched lives with Bob .......no snow so we have to drive around the field for fun.....where is my Hawaiian shirt...


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Uh, we have about a foot of snow here, and I'm not wearing a Hawaiian shirt today!
we are 34 1/2 inches less than normal right now,less than seven inches on the ground out of fbks...it's been 10 above in the mornings and up to 35 degrees for our high......calling for 40 above tomarrow....have been clearing land for dof,open cab d-9, with no problems.....almost 200 acres in less than two weeks,should be done on saturday...will post lots of pics then,sleep now lol...Bill w
This is the worst winter I have ever seen here in Trapper Creek/Petersville. I have just over 2.5' on the snow depth gage and if you are in a spot that gets any wind then it is about 1.5'. I used to be an average of 10' by this time of year with a high of 16' on the level in 1989-90. If we don't get any snow it will be a very early breakup. The bright side is the mosquitos don't usually do so well in low snow years.
This is the worst winter I have ever seen here in Trapper Creek/Petersville. I have just over 2.5' on the snow depth gage and if you are in a spot that gets any wind then it is about 1.5'. I used to be an average of 10' by this time of year with a high of 16' on the level in 1989-90. If we don't get any snow it will be a very early breakup. The bright side is the mosquitos don't usually do so well in low snow years.
don't feel bad its not anybetter i nome all the snow we got in the first storm blew away and now its up to 35 degrees this morning.the iditarod mushers aer going to have a hard time.
Today, we are supposed to have 2inches of snow, but at the moment, we have 6 inches of fresh snow, and it doesn't stop snowing.

So probably the weater network is in Florida.

Tomorrow should be more, just afraid by what's will happen, they've announced 6 inches.
We had some ice yesterday, enough to cause quiet a few accidents on the rural roads and one major fatal accident on the Interstate (I-65) that had the road closed down for about 8 hours. Today & tonight we are getting snow again. Should top out at about 3" when all said and done. Right now its coming down nicely, we have about a 1/2" of light fluffy snow on top of the ground (which still has several inches of base) but its obviously end of the season for me. I'll take whatever I can get.
rained and snower all weekend got about 3 to 4 inches of mesurable snow it was just enough to smooth things up took s nice high speed trip out of town to watch the iron dog racers come in last night with the boys
We are finally going to get a major snow tonight into friday with high winds as it moves up into New England. Looks like a foot or more so we will have the most we have seen this season.