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Re shop manual for Bombi SW48/Bombi/etc

Thanks for the tips , just gota get the float out of the carb.
Here the pics of the cleaned ex manifold .
now I just have to bolt it to a piece of angle iron a hand it off to the welder.


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Absolutely right aulen 2002 there is a sping clip to hold the float pivot pin and float down in the body of the carb .
My problem was after removing the u shaped spring clip out the float and float pivot pin would not com out of the carb.
I fially got creative and bent a cotter pin to fit under the float and pin and used a claw hammer to give it a bit of a tough and it all came free and the pin slided easly out of the float,
But there is more work it appeares that the main meetering jest may be pluged with corosion. And Im sure the is a little more work to do on the carb.
Heres the picks.
Oh yea the float check out fine


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I see the manifold is off to the welder, but I have a trick to those who are following your project. I (like a dumb butt) backed my 54 fordson major tractor out of the shed during a large snow event and promptly snapped the cast manifold / exhaust pipe off.(RODE UP THE SNOW DUH)

I took it to work (tech school) and one of the welding instructors quickly laughed at me and said "Nope".

Ever determined I talked to another INSTRUCTOR who promptly directed me back to the first. sensing my determination he told me to go Heat it up. (900) and weld a 6011 rod on it. if it stuck come and find him.

Apparently not all cast is the same. if a 6011 rod sticks to it warm, then some magic rod that he keeps in his office will weld it just fine. ($9.75 per rod) I assume of nickel content.

Short story long. with some careful sticth welding I saved my manifold/exhaust pipe. and he told me to not go crazy with the grinder.

I also used the Brazing technique to save a transfer case on a IH scout. I jumped the truck and found the front drive shaft to be too long. It snapped that case apart like nothing. I worked on that jig saw puzzle for days, but brazing rods are holding to this day. (yes I put in bump stops).

Keep up the fight.

Sorry to all to, that are watching !
Haven't got the manifold welded yet . Still have to mont it to a piece of steel.
But have finally got the the main body parts of the carb apart and some of the internals. ( see pics)
Dose any body have a flow chart for the cab ?
Work on this unit has been slowed by yard work and those bloodsucking bugs,
Had a big hatch, High water and warm temps of and on and no indoor place to work.


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