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Random thoughts


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Just had some kind of corn on the cob with something on it and chips called "Takis Zombie" Is that an Arizona
(and Mexico) thing ?
I feel like no matter what, I seem to upset people or rub them the wrong way.. I know I'm not perfect, but I'm doing something wrong or upsetting you somehow, just tell me. I wish I people would just tell me what's wrong with me or what I'm doing wrong. Why? That way I learn to become a better person...

I know I come across sensitive, but like I said, I need to know so I can fix and grow. I won't learn that by people playing safe with me all the time... :(
You sure do not upset me or rub me the wrong way.
From my experience, no matter how hard you try you cannot please everyone ....so as the song goes you have to please yourself (old Ricky Nelson song, Garden Party).
Perhaps your sensitivity causes you to sense this in others and that then impacts how you act since you feel you are upsetting them ..when maybe you are not. Some people no matter what you do will not like you. Gravitate to those who like you and appreciate you for who you are. The others just don't matter.
Easier said that done but worth the effort.
You sure do not upset me or rub me the wrong way.
From my experience, no matter how hard you try you cannot please everyone ....so as the song goes you have to please yourself (old Ricky Nelson song, Garden Party).
Perhaps your sensitivity causes you to sense this in others and that then impacts how you act since you feel you are upsetting them ..when maybe you are not. Some people no matter what you do will not like you. Gravitate to those who like you and appreciate you for who you are. The others just don't matter.
Easier said that done but worth the effort.

Oh that is bueatiful! Thank you! ;)
Something I learned a loooooong time ago.......it's not what others think about you. It's what you think about yourself.
Don't live life trying to please others as in the grand scheme of things it only matters if you please yourself and God.
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.

That is my random thought for the day.
Something I learned a loooooong time ago.......it's not what others think about you. It's what you think about yourself.
Don't live life trying to please others as in the grand scheme of things it only matters if you please yourself and God.

Oh so very true! I'm trying my best to work on that... Thank you!
cleaned up the task bar and added the important apps.
Removed all the gaming crap and things that will never be used.
I'm liking this lappy.
Kid with a new toy?
"Cortana" says to ask her? anything.
Anything? lol


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...and only four more Fridays till boating season in Ohio!
I say America needs as much technological superiority as it can possibly
get - - - I love technological sophistication - - - America needs a mini-smart-bomb
the size of a pencil, that can be launched from the White House lawn, travel 4000 miles,
and "take out" one the "bad guys" lunching at a local "Middle Eastern" restaurant, without
even so much as disturbing a single hair on the heads of the surrounding innocent civilians.

. . . LOL . . .

I say America needs as much technological superiority as it can possibly
get - - - I love technological sophistication - - - America needs a mini-smart-bomb
the size of a pencil, that can be launched from the White House lawn, travel 4000 miles,
and "take out" one the "bad guys" lunching at a local "Middle Eastern" restaurant, without
even so much as disturbing a single hair on the heads of the surrounding innocent civilians.

. . . LOL . . .

Very possible even today with drones. The problem to me is who has control of the trigger and who do they consider 'bad guys'. Many times it is obvious but other times not so much.
Very possible even today with drones. The problem to me is
who has control of the trigger and who do they consider 'bad guys'.
Many times it is obvious but other times not so much.

I hear ya.

One small example:
We're at the point in America today where you'd better think twice
before you display a political bumper sticker on your truck. You might
come out of the Shopping Mall and discover that all 4 tires have been
slashed (as a political statement.)

And that's just at the local level, not the national level where they
have been known to "turn some Gov'mint agency loose upon you."

'Course I ain't paranoid and don't think about all that unpleasant
stuff much these days.

I get my "daily dose of Fox News" and that's 'bout all I can take.

I used to be a "news junky" till I discovered one day that it was a
"fun killer" so I quit //grin

"The United States Gross Domestic Product [GDP] was estimated to be
$17.914 trillion in 2015." The annual Gross Domestic product is the dollar
measurement of the market value of all the goods and services produced
every 12 months in America. So what? So get out there and start shopping.
Your Walmart Cart loves you and wants to serve you -- but you have to do
your part and rake the goodies off those shelves and into your cart. You
want to create more jobs in China, don't ya? :biggrin:

-i need a new tattoo & a piercing
-I ought read a book-- i luv to read, & my usual bar's not yet open--
-my arm is in pain- ow
-prosciutto is in my fridge-
-Stillers won
-your team didn't
-i need to buy eggs
-i hafta put my pantry together, seeing as to how my family/pal put my pantry onto my table
-my pal is gonna buy me a new table-- hm-- i happen to luv my current table~
-& a couch-- i happen to luv my current couch, too--
-i need my earbuds, music, & an adult beverage, & then a nap
There is a saying that “courage is being afraid, but doing it anyway.”
Those who dare to love are the most courageous people. Love is frightening on the uppermost of levels. What if it isn’t shared, what if it doesn’t last, all the insecure what ifs you can think of.

But what about the deeper levels. The things we conveniently forget when tumbling into the joy of love.

Anyone that has lost a pet knows what I am talking about. Every new puppy, kitten, horse is an abundant supply of love. We grow to understand each other, to accept our differences and be there when needed most. But people generally outlive our pets. We are heart broken when we have to say goodbye and often it is our decision to send them on to the next world. What courage that takes. Knowing it won’t last forever, but conveniently forgetting that while in the midst of the joy the companionship offers.

Take it a step further. Every person you love, every joy you have shared will someday end. I am not being negative here, just practical. We know there is the opportunity for great joy, but also great pain. Yet we are courageous enough to take that chance. We know in a relationship that one day one will leave the other, if by walking out the door or passing on. We don’t dwell on it, and most times never really think about it, but the truth lies there like the tiniest of blips on our radar. It is what makes love so real. The knowing that the intense emotion, the joy, the sharing is so special, so magical. What builds it to the intense levels we enjoy is the fact it won’t last forever.

Love is the great gift because it is as fragile as tissue, and as strong as iron. It can make us better people, it can help us bring out the best in others. Love works because it is temporary. For some it last decades, for some years, for some days. How brave a heart must be to put itself at such risk? How steadfast you have to be to know what you know, yet continue on anyway.

This is the true purpose of the human being. To be courageous, to love, and to accept what comes. I find it the ultimate bravery.

There are those that still fear such a wonderful gift. Fear of the change when we find ourselves alone once again. Fear that it will never return. It is that fear that is the most harmful of all things. That fear stops us from being the human beings we are meant to be. Know that the pain won’t last, know that the love for however long the duration will be worth far more than the hurt that follows.

Know that sometimes you will have to “take the hit”. And it will be far greater than never knowing the joy.
Random thought "popped" into my head..............is it normal to be having a conversation with someone and suddenly you think "Hmmmm. I wonder if he'd notice if I reached over and pop that pimple on his nose?"
my television is on mute & my foot seems to be in need of casting--not yay-- feeding tube poles can injure u-- jager, pabst-- myself, if i'm hurrying toward my ladie's room; etcetera--
Why did I worry today about scratching the floor as I pushed my table out of the way to leave room for the New Flooring?