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Random thoughts

What happens if Trump wins?

His own party has disowned him. (I would bet they offer to make up real fast).
Of course the Dems / Libs hate him.

Does he retaliate, if so upon who.

Just thinking.

If Trump wins, he'll be the next POTUS.

Not all of his own party has disowned him.

There are a fringe of representatives still backing him here in Ohio.

I expect the rest will fall in line. What else are they going to do?
Was never anxious about the holidays, it was the one time of year the family actually got along. I loved Thanksgiving the most as I would put on a spread that would have made Henry the 8th blush.

I actually like Thanksgiving more than Christmas even dispite the cooking and cleaning, where you know... people enjoy the company of others and not just what each other got. But the sad thing is, retail companies are killing the holiday by moving black friday sales on Thanksgiving now.. I just think that is crap.
We have family supper once a month at 6 different locations so our turn comes round twice a year. One of our turns falls on Christmas Eve so I much prefer Thanksgiving at my wife's cousin's house. :biggrin:

It's strange that as my wife's uncles and aunts died off the tradition is starting to falter. It's sad but in a few years it'll just be another memory.
We have family supper once a month at 6 different locations so our turn comes round twice a year. One of our turns falls on Christmas Eve so I much prefer Thanksgiving at my wife's cousin's house. :biggrin:

It's strange that as my wife's uncles and aunts died off the tradition is starting to falter. It's sad but in a few years it'll just be another memory.
They won't know what they are missing until it's gone. And it is 10 times harder to get something like that started again.
I wish my family had a tradition like that. :thumb:
We have family supper once a month at 6 different locations so our turn comes round twice a year. One of our turns falls on Christmas Eve so I much prefer Thanksgiving at my wife's cousin's house. :biggrin:

It's strange that as my wife's uncles and aunts died off the tradition is starting to falter. It's sad but in a few years it'll just be another memory.

As we get older, our generation loses the traditions started by our parents and relatives. I know now that my mom is gone, Christmas and the rest of the holidays will be just another day for our family.

My brother was never big on traditions, and his kids are even worse, they could care less about the holidays. My sister still has Christmas, but even she said she is getting tired of it. At 72 years old, I can't really blame her.
I understand bald. As we age many of us notice our hair thinning and to often eventually gone. Bald. But only on top of our heads. Why? Why can't we go bald where our beards grow? That would be much more convenient and even looked forward to.
I must confess, watching the debate last night that I was wishing The Hag would just have a massive coronary and drop dead right on the spot. Taken out in a body bag and listen to all the phony accolades over the next 5 days while she lies rotting in state at the Capitol Rotunda while heads of state do their duty paying their respects to someone they despise.

I know, that is not very nice and certainly not Christian like and for that I must confess, but that was my Random Thought and I will not lie about it.
I must confess, watching the debate last night that I was wishing The Hag would just have a massive coronary and drop dead right on the spot. Taken out in a body bag and listen to all the phony accolades over the next 5 days while she lies rotting in state at the Capitol Rotunda while heads of state do their duty paying their respects to someone they despise.

I know, that is not very nice and certainly not Christian like and for that I must confess, but that was my Random Thought and I will not lie about it.

Well then, this should certainly make your day.....

I think it's sad that in this day and age people still make fun of you for being different. :( But to be honest, it makes me happy now. It just means I'm sticking true to myself, and not following the crowd.
I think it's sad that in this day and age people still make fun of you for being different. :( But to be honest, it makes me happy now. It just means I'm sticking true to myself, and not following the crowd.
I've been doing that since I was a kid. Life is too short to live stress about what others think about me. I only care about what I and my close friends and family think about me. Everyone else can suck it if they don't like me.

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I've been doing that since I was a kid. Life is too short to live stress about what others think about me. I only care about what I and my close friends and family think about me. Everyone else can suck it if they don't like me.

Sent from my SM-G900W8 using Tapatalk

Don't know you personally, but I like ya. :biggrin:
Sometimes I notice people looking at certain scars I have and I don't know if it makes them feel uneasy.. or they want to say something but don't know how... I've only had one comment of "You shouldn't do that, things will get better" Which.. whatever. But I just see them as battle wounds of a fight that I won. That's why i wont always wear a long sleeve shirt.. Sure looking at them may bring some bad memories.. but they also serve as a reminder that I got past it.
Good for you AF. That sure seems like the appropriate way to handle them. I'd do the same ....or I'd stare back at them till they look away....depending on my mood and how the day was going.
I've gotten to a point in my life where I really don't give two hoots about what anyone else thinks about me. I get dirty looks everywhere I go all of the time now. I can just tell what people are thinking. "Look at that guy...too lazy to walk anywhere so he's got a scooter. Or....Look at that young guy. He's just faking it. He doesn't need a handicapped parking pass. Or, look at him walking around with two canes." Sure, it pisses me off but I don't allow it to dictate my whole day.
I've gotten to a point in my life where I really don't give two hoots about what anyone else thinks about me. I get dirty looks everywhere I go all of the time now. I can just tell what people are thinking. "Look at that guy...too lazy to walk anywhere so he's got a scooter. Or....Look at that young guy. He's just faking it. He doesn't need a handicapped parking pass. Or, look at him walking around with two canes." Sure, it pisses me off but I don't allow it to dictate my whole day.

Yah I totally get that.. I'm sure some like to think you are only doing it for a disability check to get out of working.. The standards that society expects everyone to be at on a similar level is unrealistic and honestly not very moral..

I'm sure a lot of people think I am selfish and only thought of myself.. the problem is that they have no idea whats going on in my head.. thats the injury that eventually shows on the outside when it gets bad enough.. It's not just something you just "get over". Its a chemical imbalance in my brain that affects my mental well being..Just like those such as yourself have things on the physical level that prevent what the majority of people would call a "normal" life. Well everyone would agree that nobody is perfect, then they should know that everyone inst normal in some way or another..
Yah I totally get that.. I'm sure some like to think you are only doing it for a disability check to get out of working.. The standards that society expects everyone to be at on a similar level is unrealistic and honestly not very moral..

I'm sure a lot of people think I am selfish and only thought of myself.. the problem is that they have no idea whats going on in my head.. thats the injury that eventually shows on the outside when it gets bad enough.. It's not just something you just "get over". Its a chemical imbalance in my brain that affects my mental well being..Just like those such as yourself have things on the physical level that prevent what the majority of people would call a "normal" life. Well everyone would agree that nobody is perfect, then they should know that everyone inst normal in some way or another..

I totally understand. I try to avoid certain people now as when I run into someone I haven't seen in a while they immediately say...."You're looking good. When are you going back to work?" Are you f'ing kidding me? Most days I can't make it from the living room to the kitchen without being in pain. You are only seeing me today because it's a good enough day to where I can make it to the truck to get out and about. You didn't see me for the past 5 days bent over in pain at home. One of the many things that aggravate me. People in general take their health for granted.

I have a specialist appointment this morning and have been stressing about it for hours because of the mobility issues I face. I have to either chance parking on the street a block away and struggle walking with a walker or park in the parking garage three blocks away and use the scooter. But the scooter doesn't fit in the freaking elevator they have there. It's a whole process for me to just get to an appointment now.
Chocolate Strawberry Charleston Chews are going to be the death of me... :mellow: You put one of those in the freezer and you can suck on it for hours and it never gets old. Waaay better than any Lolly pop... :wink:
Catching a cold sucks after having a broken back. One sneeze is enough to bring this 6'3" man to his knees. Good gawd my spine felt like it wanted to fly out of my body. Guess I know where I'm sleeping tonight. Ugh

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A little while ago I set my search engine to DuckDuckGo as my default on Firefox and the homepage to USA Today from Yahoo.
Things are running a whole lot smoother now.
A little while ago I set my search engine to DuckDuckGo as my default on Firefox and the homepage to USA Today from Yahoo.
Things are running a whole lot smoother now.

I switched to duckduckgo a while back. Forumsforums is my homepage. :wink:
taaa daaaah!


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