Ran over a deer while mowing the field


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
Staff member
Well apparently nothing runs like a deer, but when the coyotes get them they tend to stay down for the rest of eternity. That is what happened to this doe. It was a coyote kill. Conveniently located about 30' away from my daughter's swing set.

We've had so much rain, and the field area is in low land, so every time I've tried to take the tractor down there its sank in the mud. Yesterday was the first time I could actually get down there and the grass was about 24" to 30" high. It completely covered the deer, or more correctly what was left of the carcass.

We've been seeing a lot more coyote activity lately.
Is there suppose to be a picture tied to this thread? We have been seeing and hearing more and more coyotes in our area also in the last three years. In a way at night it is kind of neat to listen to them howl. But we still have way too many dear.
Uh, no photo of the carnage.

There is, however, lots of bone and fur scattered around the play area.
we have those suckers here in northwest georgia too. i hear them almost every night. i live about 150 yards from a major river, they run up and down all the time. we can hear them howling at night, sends chills up your spine.a guy down the road shot a female he thought had killed a couple of barn cats and a few days later found 2 small pups. he turned them over to dnr.
I just saw saw this thread. I almost hit a deer Saturday while I was mowing. I was driving through the yard focused on a spot off in the distance trying to "hold my line" then all of a sudden I saw something out of the corner of my eye. Maybe about 10 feet in front of me a deer goes bouncing through the yard. I just stopped and stared at him for a few seconds while he then bounced across the road and into the field across the road and finally over to the creek. My son said I should have had the loader on the tractor and chopped his head off with the loader. Gotta love kids.:unsure: