beds said:
Okay, so it's "natural" and not normal. It's natural to be born with genetic defects. As a society we don't exterminate or even chastise people born with genetic defects.
IF (and that's still an IF) homosexuality is genetic, then it is NOT a choice or a behaviour. Sure, you, JD, may choose to put on your leather chaps and go to the gay bar one night, but alot of these people who discover they are homosexual would rather not need to go through a divorce, or to tell their young children why they are leaving their daddy.
I would not call it "natural" either. Now you are playing word games the same way a lot the gay agenda apologists do trying to degrade the meanings of words or find a word that does not seem so abrasive so people will accept it. Again back to my earlier posting - how could it be natural?
Here is the definition of natural according to the internet:
l, n
adj. 1. Present in or produced by nature:
a natural pearl.
2. Of, relating to, or concerning nature:
a natural environment.
3. Conforming to the usual or ordinary course of nature:
a natural death.
4. a. Not acquired; inherent:
Love of power is natural to some people.
b. Having a particular character by nature:
a natural leader.
c. Biology Not produced or changed artificially; not conditioned:
natural immunity; a natural reflex.
5. Characterized by spontaneity and freedom from artificiality, affectation, or inhibitions. See Synonyms at
6. Not altered, treated, or disguised:
natural coloring; natural produce.
7. Faithfully representing nature or life.
8. Expected and accepted:
"In Willie's mind marriage remained the natural and logical sequence to love" Duff Cooper.
9. Established by moral certainty or conviction:
natural rights.
10. Being in a state regarded as primitive, uncivilized, or unregenerate.
11. a. Related by blood:
the natural parents of the child.
b. Born of unwed parents:
a natural child.
12. Mathematics Of or relating to positive integers, sometimes including zero.
13. Music a. Not sharped or flatted.
b. Having no sharps or flats.
n. 1. a. One having all the qualifications necessary for success:
You are a natural for this job.
b. One suited by nature for a certain purpose or function:
She is a natural at mathematics.
2. Music a. The sign (
) placed before a note to cancel a preceding sharp or flat.
b. A note so affected.
3. A yellowish gray to pale orange yellow.
4. Games A combination in certain card and dice games that wins immediately.
While some of the definitions of natural could be applied to your interpretation of homosexuality -
1) and
4 b ) - for instance, there are others like
8) that are at odds with saying that homosexuality is "natural".
Again - the problem goes back to behavior, just because you have a predisposition to a certain type of behavior does not mean you have to engage in it if that behavior has detrimental consequences. Alchoholics Anonymous is founded on this very principle. In fact alchoholism is a pretty good comparison, it has been proven that there are people who are genetically predisposed to alchoholism - and there are plenty of other people who become alchoholics thru exposure to the behavior. Homosexuality is the same thing - in the end it is a behavior that is under your control. What the gay advocates are trying to do is change the morals, laws, and generally accepted behaviors of society so that they can get away with their behavior without having to suffer for the consequences. I have been following this stuff since I was in college 20 years ago and the utter lack of a real argument for the laws that have been put into place continues to amaze me. I remember when AIDS first started to make inroads into the US and how the media stories always mentioned that it was gay men that were catching it. There was no call from the leaders of the gay community to stop engaging in multiple sex partners and stop the behaviors that were known to spread the disease - instead their tactics were to blame the goverment for either spreading the disease on purpose to wipe out homosexuals or blame the goverment for holding back the cure on purpose. If somebody in the gay community had come out and urged responsibility I might have formed a different opinion of them as a whole but that did not happen then and it has never happened since then. Instead their tactics are to bludgeon public opinion with political correctness, obscure the real issues thru word games and denigration of the English language, and put people in positions of goverment power to spread their own agenda.