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POLL: What brand snowcat do you own?

What brand snowcat do you own/operate?

  • AKTIV Snow Trac, Trac Master, or Snow Master

    Votes: 104 14.2%
  • KRISTI KT2, KT3, KT4 or KT7

    Votes: 10 1.4%
  • THIOKOL/DMC/LMC (any of the numerous models)

    Votes: 189 25.9%
  • BOMBARDIER (J5, Bombi, B12, C18, etc)

    Votes: 154 21.1%
  • TUCKER (classic steel track)

    Votes: 74 10.1%
  • TUCKER (rubber track or terra track)

    Votes: 63 8.6%
  • VMC

    Votes: 6 0.8%
  • Other (please list the brand/model in the thread below)

    Votes: 63 8.6%
  • NONE, but I enjoy the Snowcat forums anyway

    Votes: 40 5.5%
  • NONE, I visit the ForumsForums but don't frequent the snowcat area.

    Votes: 42 5.7%
  • NONE YET, but I am looking for a snowcat.

    Votes: 76 10.4%

  • Total voters
There are a few Imps on here that have been modified. I believe Teesoter (I may be wrong) has a friend who widend his tracks for great flotation. I would like to get an Imp and put some really wide tracks on it.
There are a few Imps on here that have been modified. I believe Teesoter (I may be wrong) has a friend who widend his tracks for great flotation. I would like to get an Imp and put some really wide tracks on it.
I also have plans to raise another Snow Master I will be working on next. I will be completely changing out the old suspension and should loose about 200 pounds in the process if not more. I was planning on modifying this one but time and money on this particular project just isnt there. My next one will sport a 225 HP Subaru WRX Turbo motor and about 6 more inches in ground clearance. BUT first I need to finish this guy. http://www.forumsforums.com/3_9/showthread.php?p=88163#post88163

I feel the Snow Masters just look to squatey. They need some hieght at the track area to look right. I have never dragged the bottom of my snowmaster even in the DEEPEST Champaigne Powder! BUT there is always room for improvement and a bit higher would do it for me.
Welcome to the gang Groomer Guy! You need to get a Snow Trac. Stay away from all other wanna be snowcats!

-1 rep point for corrupting a newbie.

Just kidding, but I thought about it. :idea:

All Content Copyright K.R.I.S.T.I. - Kristis Rescuing Impotent Snow-Tracs, International
Your reps earn or loose 1 rep point. Mine on the other hand earn or loose you 4. Typical Kristi owner! BUT maybe not typical. You actually thought about it and made the right decision.
A 1970 Flextrac Nodwell FN15 with a 250 Ford industrial, an FMX automatic trans and an OC15 final drive.
I don't own a Snow Cat, but I think they would be quite the unit. I do have a 1949 Bombardier B12-CS.
Welcome to the Forums. :thumb: While Bombardier considered the B12 and C18s to be snowmobiles and named them as such, I think we loosely define the term "snowcat" as a track driven vehicle designed for over-snow travel. That definition would include your B12.

Similarly it would exclude BigAl's Kristi KT-7 simply because BigAl can't get his KT-7 to actually travel over snow :yum:
Similarly it would exclude BigAl's Kristi KT-7 simply because BigAl can't get his KT-7 to actually travel over snow :yum:

Well yea .... Thats true ,but it sure looks good being towed behind the Matching Ford truck that I use to pull it with !:moon: :coolshade
I voted!!


I also can't make my screen shot larger..:(
Put on your bi-focals:)
I am not a blonde, buster.
I am a firey red head.. so watch it chump.. hehe

I am sure that at sometime in your past you may have dyed your hair blonde .I am sure it was a weak moment in your young life ,but it's OK .... IT's OK :thumb: ..... <--- (I learned that by watching Dr Phil) .:argueing:

Now just calm down and back away from the gun . <--- (I learned that by being shot twice )!:toilet: :2gunsfiri
I am sure that at sometime in your past you may have dyed your hair blonde .I am sure it was a weak moment in your young life ,but it's OK .... IT's OK :thumb: ..... <--- (I learned that by watching Dr Phil) .:argueing:

Now just calm down and back away from the gun . <--- (I learned that by being shot twice )!:toilet: :2gunsfiri
Nope, I never dyed my hair blonde.
Why would I?


New to forum, owner of 1972 Tucker 543A with modified tracks. I use it only for access to my cabin in the mountains outside of Winthrop Washington. That's in north central Washington state, about 30 miles from the Canadian border.


  • IMG_0642.jpg
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Welcome to the Forum! Nice looking Tucker. How does she perform?

She performs pretty well given her age (and mine). Burns a lot of gas, and I probably need to rebuild the tracks, but it keep running. I don't do a lot of off-road stuff, but when I have it goes pretty well in two feet of new snow. I haven't been stuck yet, but it could happen if I get too cute. The tracks are some type of modification, not sure who did it or the brand, if there is one.

The sled behind the Tucker in the picture is one I modified so we could bring in a new generator to our off the grid cabin. It worked, and we got the 500 pound Coleman in a few hours ago.

Phil Millam
Winthrop WA
No, not too late. You just bought the wrong machine. Shoulda got a Kristi! :yum:

All content copyright (c) K.R.I.S.T.I. - Kristis Rescuing Impotent Snow-Tracs, International.