The first one for me was a Hawker Decathlon, with wooden spared wings. It belonged to a friend who learned acrobatics in it down in Texas some were. I flew it quite a bit from the back seat. And, we did hammer head stalls right over the top of my house... along with all the loops, figure eights, reverse Cuban eights (hate those!) and all sorts of inverted flight. Once he left the lid off the smoke oil tank, and when we rolled upright, we got a bath in concrete form oil...
Another friend had a Piper Aztec he rented to the Ames Air Port for multi engine training. Dan let me take it off, fly back to our home air port and all but land it back there. What a thrill.. not a bit of torque steer with twin counter rotating variable pitch props.. We took that plane out West on a fishing trip over a weekend. That was a hoot as well.
Next was a Piper Turbo lance II that was a plane I really miss a lot. Retractable gear, and a Tee tail. That plane did so many things well, and could get up high enough for oxygen masks to be required. It was fast enough to make a difference in travel times.
Last year it was my time to buy a share of an old Cherokee 160, and almost did. the intent was for me to finally get a private license. Except the owner put it down in a corn field, in the dark, near a town 40 miles South of here. I was the one who cut the wings off, as they were to damaged for salvage. We loaded it on my fifth wheel trailer and took it back to the air port hanger.. My friend who owned it, walked away from it with minor injuries for the most part. The plane would not have been damaged except he hit a terrace head on. This buckled the front gear, and tilted the engine down, as the plane did a over the nose roll onto the top of the rudder, and smashed the roof of the cabin. He had the door open before impact thankfully.
Right now, I find my self grounded. No close friends who have a plane at the moment anyway...
Regards, Kirk