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"Owning" the employees

My question is........should they "own" you to the extent they can tell you how to li

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We've discussed smokers and to some extent drinkers and people with medical conditions.
What hasn't been mentioned is those that have a lifestyle that cause endagerment.
Mountain climbers
On/off-road racers...

Can an employer tell the employees to stop certain other activities since they can change group rates as well?
BadAttitude said:
I find it strange that you endorse this policy, and yet you contribute to the problem. Why not set an example and discontinue selling the tobacco? (just asking, not looking to flame you:D )

I do not endorse the law, I just wrote what the law is. Knowing the law and agreeing with the law are two different things. :tiphat:

bczoom said:
We've discussed smokers and to some extent drinkers and people with medical conditions.
What hasn't been mentioned is those that have a lifestyle that cause endagerment.
Mountain climbers
On/off-road racers...

Can an employer tell the employees to stop certain other activities since they can change group rates as well?

Actually I'm not sure if I can directly answer your question, but I do know that limits can be set on various things and still be legal. I personally guarantee the company loans and credit lines. As such the bank I deal with requires I have a life insurance policy with them as the benificiary. As part of the deal, I am forbidding from SKY DIVING, SCUBA DIVING and MOTORCYCLING in my insurance policy. I suspect that employers could consider those activities but I also suspect that just as Dargo does above, the whole thing may just be shifted to individual policies.

Generally you can divide up policies in a few ways. Individual policies like Dargo funds. Small Group policies, typically for employers under 25 but sometimes up to 50 employees. Large group policies for larger employers. Large group policies are typcically the most stable and easiest to get because of the 'law of averages' and the 'pool sizes' involved with the large groups. But it is common for those policy premiums to increase 12% to 15% every year, year after year . . .
Durwood said:
I would say they are looking at a major lawsuit and once they lose it they will change that policy.

But to answer your question-Nobody should have the right to tell you how to live once you leave work. Unless it would be something illegal.


The State of Massachusetts instituted a NO SMOKING rule for all state employees and it was tested in the courts. The rule was upheld.
B_Skurka said:
I do not endorse the law, I just wrote what the law is. Knowing the law and agreeing with the law are two different things. :tiphat:
Bob your qoute "I belive employers have the right to set policies like this"

is basically saying the same thing...endorsing it, IMO
Junkman said:
The State of Massachusetts instituted a NO SMOKING rule for all state employees and it was tested in the courts. The rule was upheld.
Did they forbid employee smoking entirely or just while working?
Junkman said:
The State of Massachusetts instituted a NO SMOKING rule for all state employees and it was tested in the courts. The rule was upheld.

Wasn't that just on the job?

Our state employee's are banned from smoking in the workplace. They are allowed breaks to go outside and smoke during work, and ofcourse they can smoke at home if they so choose.
BadAttitude said:
Bob your qoute "I belive employers have the right to set policies like this"

is basically saying the same thing...endorsing it, IMO

I believe 'endorsing' the law would be more like saying "I agree with it and therefore I do it." Simply admitting it exists is not the same as agreeing with it. We do have a smoking friendly company, any private office equipped with an air cleaner (which I will provide) is considered a smoking room. Further our conference room and our lunch room are both considered smoking rooms.
[size=-1]en·dorsed[/size] , [font=arial,sans-serif][size=-1]en·dors·ing[/size][/font] , [font=arial,sans-serif][size=-1]en·dors·es[/size][/font]

To give approval of or support to, especially by public statement; sanction: [size=+0].[/size] See Synonyms at approve.

Respectively...Sorry to disagree, but I still think you endorse that policy based on what you said.:wave:
OK, I beleive, based on current case law and only because it is supported by the courts, that employers have the right to do this; however my personal beliefs are not reflected in the current case law.

Is that more clear?
BA, I guess you could pick on me more than Bob. When I spoke with Bob, he has a much more liberal smoking policy in his workplace than I. I do not allow any smoking indoors and am cruel and force those who so desire to stand out in the cold to smoke in the winter. It's my little part to encourage them to quit. ;)

I will be attending a funeral today and burial tomorrow of a close friend and business associate who died of lung cancer Friday. He had quit smoking nearly 20 years ago, but was a 4 packer a day before that. The damage was done. It has been very, very sad to see him dying over the last few months. One of his sons is a heavy smoker and already has that bad hack. I will be with him quite a bit later today and most of the day tomorrow. It will be hard for me to not beg him to quit. He is a very close friend as well and I don't want to meddle in his business. I really don't know what to do. I'll have to bow out of this particular conversation for now. Hopefully it's understood why. Thanks.
Dargo said:
BA, I guess you could pick on me more than Bob.
Trust me...I'm not trying to pick on anyone, so don't feel your to blame. Just responding to what was said.

Sorry to hear about your friend...my condolences