A little event I almost forgot about;
Glad I jot things down
Well, I did it.
Found a saw stop.
My hand.
I'm careful. To a fault.
But there apparently are times, like today.
I was zippin' off some wood chalks.
No measurement required.
Got into a rhythm.
Forgot....I don't have rhythm.
A stuck pig comes to mind.
Thing is, my lovely better half was up at the neighbors.
She hardly ever goes to the neighbors.
They're miles away
Today is nine eleven.
So, after nicking the large artery in the top of my hand, I kept my composure and immediately ran down the road, screaming.
Juuust kidding.
I stumbled around, muttering fond remembrances of my childhood puppy.
Kidding again.
I knew to stop the blood.
Thing is, when one uses the good hand to help the hurt hand, well, there's just no other hands.
I was rather amazed at my sensibilities during what could rapidly develop into a somewhat dire situation, by;
Sticking my hand up in the air
Pressing my fingers on the vein
Pouring water on the cut
Then pouring good Scotch on it
Then finding a clean cloth, ripping it in shreds, and tying it tight.
I stood there looking at the smart phone.
Thought about asking siri what next to do.
Then realized the bleeding had stopped.
Went back to work.
My lady got home an hour or so later.
Got a bit excited about the carnage...'blood everywhere!'.
She should be well aware of my thin, onion paper Irish skin, and I bleed most every working moment of every day.
What agitates me is I didn't think to apply super glue.
somebody posed a question
'how in heck did you manage to cut the top of yer hand?'
Well, that's a fair enough question.
Although, I thought it might've been obvious.
Permit me to illustrate;
Haphazardly put your left hand in the path of the whirling saw blade by placing it directly underneath while the other hand is reaching for another piece of wood.
Deftly use the sliding feature of the compound sliding miter saw;
pushing down and forward while its wind milling (not under power) during a state of confusion
as to what's wood, and what's your hand, and whether or not the saw is on,
and what a saw is. while considering changing your political party affiliation.
Permit the teeth to grind into your flesh until it stops.
Bug your eyes out with amazement at the idiocy of the event
Call yourself several defamatory names
Bleed on everything
Run to and fro
That about covers it