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Ose Mountain in Alaska


New member
welcome to the forum duane...i envy you guys..while it is a tough life,there is nothing better in the world than going outside and hearing nothing....just quiet...very peaceful..i take it you are back in by wein lake?my wife and i are looking at a place on wein...it has five cabins,with the main cabin right on the lake.only seen it thru the realtor's photos....we may get time to fly in this spring.Bill w
Any Questionx, on the place on wein ask me. Not sure about the 5 cabins any more. Dan W. sold some stuff off. Atv and etc, and cabins. Best not buy unseen. Trust only you self. Best e-mail me or one on one about the place. But we hope to see a good friendly new owner buy it. Just do your home work. A one mile ice weelled landing can be done now . Everitts Air is hualing a load in March 27 th.DC-46 Strip is on north end the place is on the south end. Check it out now. (5 long ) :unsure:200 feet deep good fishing.


New member
Your close... After Melting butter on a lot of bear meat , I am sick of bear meat. Give me Black Angus BEEF, Marbled !!! No more Wabbitts TOO.! after 11 in 11 days that's it no moo ! Thank God for a supply plane ounce a month...But if push comes to shove we been there done that.


New member
Beautiful country. Wish I could find something like that, but not so cold.
Astronauts wear space suits,....Alaskan's wear layers of warm clothes during the winter and not much in the summer. We have a young man from Alabama spending the winter with us. Loves it. His home is six miles north of Florida, go figure ! Not a wanted person either !:smile:


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Got this from Duane in the email today


"Put your paws up.!..... You are under-A- rest , For the Murder of Ma-ma and Baby Moose"


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New member
Today, there was what appears to be a teacher that was killed and parcially eaten by wolves according to the people that found the body.
WoW ! Thats rare ! But I know they could . They can be feares, Like Dogs they can be meen too. Iffen they can take down a moose they sure could take out a Man. Wonder if that will hit the news.. Dought it.:sad:


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WoW ! Thats rare ! But I know they could . They can be feares, Like Dogs they can be meen too. Iffen they can take down a moose they sure could take out a Man. Wonder if that will hit the news.. Dought it.:sad:

Well the Anchorage Daily News did a story on it. I put a link on my last post to the story. The State wouldn't confirm it yet but the locals said it was and I figure they can tell what the tracks were.


Active member
Today, there was what appears to be a teacher that was killed and parcially eaten by wolves according to the people that found the body.

That's not good, mother nature can be a mean mother sometimes.
Got your PM Duane and sent a reply. if you look in the upper right
hand corner where it says "welcome", you can click on Private Messages
to access the page easily.

Snowtrac Nome

member formerly known as dds
GOLD Site Supporter
Well the Anchorage Daily News did a story on it. I put a link on my last post to the story. The State wouldn't confirm it yet but the locals said it was and I figure they can tell what the tracks were.
from the way the evening news portrayed her she might have been a tree hugger they like out give out treats to them animals like wolf's and she might run oout of treats or just didnt bring any and that will pi$$ off a wild animal something terrable one needs to heed the advice don't feed the animals.


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from the way the evening news portrayed her she might have been a tree hugger they like out give out treats to them animals like wolf's and she might run out of treats or just didn't bring any and that will pi$$ off a wild animal something terrible one needs to heed the advice don't feed the animals.

People do that with bears and the like, feed them because they look cute. Then when you run out of treats... well you fill the bill...

Timothy Treadwell did the same thing of sorts with the bears, he just pissed one off that didn't like being talked at like it was a little kid... So it ate what bothered it... Timothy

Wasn't even a case of "IF", just when...

I see people in the Parks trying to feed wild animals from their cars which is illegal, but they are clueless to why you don't feed the animals. It conditions them as humans are a food source... so because of their stupidity, the next hiker may get mauled expecting a "Snack"..


New member
And they wonder why I carry a BIG gun ? Not to kill but as a Precaution. It has saved my life twice now ..." Never take a knife to a gun fight." Like wize with wild animalis!


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And they wonder why I carry a BIG gun ? Not to kill but as a Precaution. It has saved my life twice now ..." Never take a knife to a gun fight." Like wize with wild animalis!

Why I carry a revolver verse an automatic, in sub zero temps, the Auto has a tendency to freeze the slide, not to mention they don't handle moisture well, the revolver seems to work just about all the time in all temps.

Not the "Massive" fire power of the 9MM with a 14 shot clip and weak bullets, but a few well placed .44 Mag rounds in the boiler room will stop or reroute the "Issue"...


New member
Why I carry a revolver verse an automatic, in sub zero temps, the Auto has a tendency to freeze the slide, not to mention they don't handle moisture well, the revolver seems to work just about all the time in all temps.

Not the "Massive" fire power of the 9MM with a 14 shot clip and weak bullets, but a few well placed .44 Mag rounds in the boiler room will stop or reroute the "Issue"...

I carry a single six mag. 44 . Nothing will work if you loose your cool or use 30 rounds . I make one shot work allways. My Dad taught Me well. Gut shot is good if you want him to die way off,.. but up close !. You have to as I have had to twice now , The neck just under his head as he charges you . Instant death. Not the head.Scary when he drops dead at your feet. Gut shot gives him time to chew on you.:hammer:

Snowtrac Nome

member formerly known as dds
GOLD Site Supporter
i havea big auto i can carry desert eagle 50 and it has always functioned in all weather i don't carry it any more be cause my primary self defence gun is a marlin 1895 modified for 50 ak and the barrel is cut down to 16 1/2 inches one hit from that and nothing ever gets back up. so why pack a heavy pistol.


Active member
i havea big auto i can carry desert eagle 50 and it has always functioned in all weather i don't carry it any more be cause my primary self defence gun is a marlin 1895 modified for 50 ak and the barrel is cut down to 16 1/2 inches one hit from that and nothing ever gets back up. so why pack a heavy pistol.

Did Jim West build your Marlin or you? I've lusted for one
of his take down Marlin's for years.


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Duane is going to send some more of his smaller cabin photos to post and some of his building the main house.

Should be a few days, but should be interesting!
Last edited:


Gone But Not Forgotten
SUPER Site Supporter
It's his version of your Panama place, in the Wilds of Alaska!

ugh ? I never had to kill a charging bear with a 44 mag , but I once killed a spider with a stick , screaming like a girly man the whole time .:yum::yum:

There was that one time I ran out of ice in the freezer for my drink .... That damn near killed me ......:yum::w00t2:


New member
My God! Incredible stories ! I tip my hat to you Sir .
Go easy on me ,... My hat size is 7-3/8 all ready Thank you for the good words.../// I have a few more to get out there. Just enjoying life, best I can... No end of the bar for me but a stage might be fun...:hammer:


New member
ugh ? I never had to kill a charging bear with a 44 mag , but I once killed a spider with a stick , screaming like a girly man the whole time .:yum::yum:

There was that one time I ran out of ice in the freezer for my drink .... That damn near killed me ......:yum::w00t2:

Good One ... It's the snakes that makes me a girly man... But I have Snakes here too , Not comenly known but I have seen them in a swamp hot spring area Need to put my brand on one and get my name in the book ... as there are not supose to be snakes In the interiour of Alaska.

bill w

BigAl...you got the record on outta there....we may be in alaska,but your voyage in life makes us bow to you..way cool...Bill w


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Duane sent me some more photos to post, some are self explanatory, others may not be as easy to describe. The are photos of the Green House, cabins and the main house.

You need to keep in mind, that to build any of this stuff, it either have to be gotten from the wilderness, towed 100+ miles by snowmachine or flown in... None of this was easy and took years to get it where it is now.

Since he is now able to post here, maybe I can get him to describe what photos are of what and where.


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And again here is another set of photos of Duane's place.


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This one isn't too hard to figure out what it is, it is the view of their home. Note the little satellite dish on the porch, that is the Hughesnet internet system. That gives him the connection to the world via internet...

Makes Wilderness a little less remote...


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Snowtrac Nome

member formerly known as dds
GOLD Site Supporter
he has done some nice work on the place i lovve the fall colors the tundra gets pretty in the fall around here too


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he has done some nice work on the place i love the fall colors the tundra gets pretty in the fall around here too

Fall flying is by far the prettiest time to fly the area, all the colors are great, the snow moving down the mountains... Postcard stuff...


legendary ⚓
GOLD Site Supporter
Mr. Ose, Sir..
Some people would say "How can they live like that?"
I would say you are very blessed and fortunate to live like that.
Awesome pictures, lovely stories.
Bravo and God Bless You and Yours. :D