OK , All computer nerds ? I need help !!


Gone But Not Forgotten
We had local wirerless internet hooked up to the island house in Panama . To say I was unhappy with its performace ,may be the biggest understatement I ever make . IT Sucked !! I was on the CELL phone every fickin day trying to get it working . It may have worked 25% of the time .
Is any other way to get internet service without using this provider , Supposenly he is the only one with a tower in Bocas del Toro .
1) Do you have line of sight to a provider?
2) If yes, you can set up your own relay that would be aimed just for you. As OhioTC18 said that would be expensive, but worth it.
3) Is satellite available?
Do you have land lines? Is a T1 available (Most likely not)
I dunno ??? I use Movie Star . I just buy prepaid phone cards when we are there and load them in the phone . We also have another phone company ,Cable&Wireless Panama but I know nothing about them . I know you can set up a monthly account for cell phone service .
1) Do you have line of sight to a provider?YES
2) If yes, you can set up your own relay that would be aimed just for you. As OhioTC18 said that would be expensive, but worth it.HOW MUCH?? ESTIMATE
3) Is satellite available?For TV it is , but I been told no t for internet
Do you have land lines? NO Is a T1 available (Most likely not)

answers in red
I know if Bobcat was still here, he could tell you what he uses. It was a USB modem, maybe Verizon. No idea if Verizon would work on the island or not.
I know if Bobcat was still here, he could tell you what he uses. It was a USB modem, maybe Verizon. No idea if Verizon would work on the island or not.

YEA He would know ! Where is that low life ,when I need him !!!:w00t2:
Al, I cannot really give you an estimate. I know the equipment is available. Since it transmits through the air, is there something like the FCC there? Would there be taxes / tariffs / permits?

Depending on distance, there are also Infra Red setups. I will try to find you some websites with providers. You will have to inquire of them for installation in Panama.
Please give me a guessimate of how far to the nearest ISP.

Of course, I could come down for a couple months and work it out with you. LOL

Maybe we could start up a small business.
Al, satlink internet is available worldwide. It may be costly but any sat phone with a data link is internet capable. I would contact a sat internet provider and ask if I were you.
YEA He would know ! Where is that low life ,when I need him !!!:w00t2:
Al last time i herd from him he was scolding me for taking jabs at your krusty while i drove around in the devels taxi. he said him and his kristi were comming to alaska north of the brooks range to do some work, as for your computer the set up is a little spendy but get a hughs net dish and reciever and have your own station alot of the guys are using this system out at there camps if it works this far north should work great for you down by the equator