The very best are the husband / wife tag teams!
Okay. I was a young strapping lad of about 10 at the time. (Late 70's) I spent most weekends in the summer with the family on the Mississippi boating out of LaCrosse, WI. This particular weekend dad was working on the boat so we never left the marina. Our slip was down near the ramp. Got the setting?
Well, I'm fartin' around on the dock watching the boats come and go when an older couple (60-ish?) pull up in their 18-22' small cuddy-cabin boat. Pa, a rather round fellow, waddles off to fetch the car-trailer while ma, an even rounder little lady, secures the boat and readies it for trailering.
Pa backs in the trailer with their lovely, yellow Cadillac Eldorado. Well for those who don't know, an Eldorado is a front wheel drive yacht of a car. Quickly and efficiently, the boat is on the trailer and everything is all set.
Pa starts to pull out of the water and gets the trailer to the little lip in the ramp with the boat about 1/2 way out, yup, you guessed it, the front wheels start spinning. With several tries, he backs down and tries to pull out, without success. Finally on the last try just as the tires start spinning ma hops on the hood and out pops the whole rig, slick as anything.
Needless to say, my dad had joined me to watch the festivities (squealing tires and so on), laughed our butts off over this. We would sit an laugh about that story until his untimely death in '95.
I still chuckle about it today as I'm typing this!