Obama wants your grandkids to pay your neighbor's mortgage!


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
Staff member
Looking over some investment newsletters led me to a piece from Reuters that has been published as an analysis -- or warning -- to investors.

Basically its saying that Obama is looking like he may bypass congress and use FannieMae & FreddieMac to 'bail out' home loans. Doing so would allow people who have depreciating homes with mortgages greater than their values, to modify their mortgage and would allow the banks to write down the loan principle so if you previously owed $200,000 (FIGURED USED FOR EXAMPLE PURPOSES ONLY) on your home you may end up only owing $125,000 after this political gift from the White House.

An August Surprise from Obama?
AUG 5, 2010 00:26 EDT

Main Street may be about to get its own gigantic bailout. Rumors are running wild from Washington to Wall Street that the Obama administration is about to order government-controlled lenders Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to forgive a portion of the mortgage debt of millions of Americans who owe more than what their homes are worth. . .

The move, if it happens, would be a stunning political and economic bombshell less than 100 days before a midterm election in which Democrats are currently expected to suffer massive, if not historic losses . . . A few key points:

1) . . . GOPers and Democratic moderates in the Senate are unwilling to spend more taxpayer money on more stimulus. But such a housing plan would allow the White House to sidestep congressional objections and show voters it is doing something tangible about an economy that seems to be weakening.

2) Wall Street banks are alerting their clients privately to this possibility. Here is what some are cautiously saying publicly. This from Goldman Sachs:
GSE policies are one of a dwindling number of policy levers the administration has left to pull, so it is conceivable that changes could be made, though there is no sign that a policy change is imminent. The Treasury’s essentially unlimited ability to provide financial support to the GSEs creates an interesting situation over the next twelve months: the GSEs could potentially be used to provide additional support for the housing market and, to a lesser extent, the broader economy in 2H 2001.

And this from Mizuho Securities:
As policy makers ponder their next move the data suggests that they face not only a stalling recovery but a growing risk of deflation taking root in the economy. As a result, the Administration has turned back to industrial policies by approving the purchase of a sub-prime auto lender by GM as a means for pumping up domestic sales, especially since the latest auto sales data indicates that consumers are still responsive to incentives. This precedent increases the risk that the government will use its control of Fannie and Freddie to increase consumer cash flow and juice the economy again.
... The nascent recovery is already running out of steam. Wall Street economists just downgraded the government’s second-quarter GDP estimate of 2.4 percent to around 1.7 percent. And as even Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner is warning, the unemployment rate may well begin to rise back toward the politically toxic 10 percent level given such sluggish growth. Many in the White House thought the unemployment rate would be dropping sharply by this point in the recovery.

... The mortgage Hail Mary would be a last-gasp effort to prevent this from happening and to save the Obama agenda. The political calculation is that the number of grateful Americans would be greater than those offended that they — and their children and their grandchildren — would be paying for someone else’s mortgage woes.
Remainder at link => http://blogs.reuters.com/drudge.html
Why would they even consider doing this? Back in 1980-81 no bailouts were offered when interest rates shot through the roof. I spent the next 3 years paying off that mess and never got anything but a bigger interest deduction on my taxes.
He is just an undocumented Kenyan lawn-jockey.

But, yes, he is president. Let's all push for ALL illegitimate alien trespassers to
be sent back to their birth-country -- starting with Øbama. I look for him to legalize ALL illegals before the next election. When he does, you can kiss Conservatism good-bye. Invest in THIS precious metal: lead....as in .44 & .45
Re: He is just an undocumented Kenyan lawn-jockey.

But, yes, he is president. Let's all push for ALL illegitimate alien trespassers to
be sent back to their birth-country -- starting with Øbama. I look for him to legalize ALL illegals before the next election. When he does, you can kiss Conservatism good-bye. Invest in THIS precious metal: lead....as in .44 & .45

I was replying to a pervious post. If that post was off topic, take it up with him. Thanks.
No its not. Why don't you stay on topic instead of simply attacking the messenger?

:w00t2:Hey, I think this was attacking the messenger in its purest form. :yum: You can do better than this. Cant you? Have you got this thread back on track yet?
If it makes you happy, Mak, we can make it a birther post. There...happy now?:clap::clap: Here's a happy dance for you.

No, I did not make it a birther thread. Someone else mentioned it, I said something about it, and Bob attacked me, stating I attacked some other messenger. Funny. Just pointing out the obvious again.
I guess he does have to make good on his promise?
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P36x8rTb3jI"]YouTube- ‪Obama Is Going To Pay For My Gas And Mortgage!!!‬‎[/ame]
If Obama & company were to forgive a portion of the mortgages of those defaulting this would cause every republican, conservative and independent to camp out at the election sites to vote them out.

I don't think they are that dumb but I could be wrong on that one.:whistling:
Either way I'm gonna be first on line to cast my vote next election and in 2012 too. :brows:
Well they are denying it in the press today but it most likely is going to go on behind the scenes anyway.
Well they are denying it in the press today but it most likely is going to go on behind the scenes anyway.
Thats the scariest part about it , What else are they scheming behind the scenes ? They damn sure know now they cant just use their witty looks & bright ass comments to get any body beleiving their crap :ermm:.

Well maybe some fall for it still :whistling: