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Obama Negotiates With Taliban Over Gitmo Prisoners


Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
Re: Obama Negotiates With Taliban Over Gitmo Prisoners

Mak, Joe, do you realize how far you have to stray to make a somewhat dubious point?

"But, but the military complex must eat...so lets send them oil money, let them buy arms then war with them. My goodness we are a smart bunch. "

"Or prop up their corrupt governments for decades while they abuse their citizens. This was the reason we have a bad relationship with Iran among others today."

I had to go back and look to find it but I think this is the last post that even resembles WTF was even being discussed as far as the original topic. :ermm: Talk about a thread growing fuckin legs, but considering who has been adding to it its no big surprise.


Active member
SS you are flat wrong, Islam is a religion, American Islams have every right to practice it a Baptist or a Catholic does. The prevailing view on this forum about declaring it not a religion so it can be discriminted against is so laughingly simplistic you never hear about the idea in any sort of serious discussion (I take that back, if you consider the far far right serious, you only hear it there). I am not afraid of consdiering any concept, but pretending Islam is just dumb. I dont undstand it becaue the concept is stupid it is not beause I am.


Gone But Not Forgotten
Your little boy in the office is not as good as you think.

But...you did call him boy, it is right there in black and white. Isnt it about time you say I am off topic and change the subject?

What part of "Your" did you not understand? You seem to have a problem with reading what people are actually saying. Typical Left Wing crap to try and sway the people. You have been swayed.


The Old Salt
SUPER Site Supporter
That's only because the American lamestream media would never dare to cross the PC boundry line and call the spade for what it is. The hue and cry from the left would be deafening. The very same left that mocks things like Tim Tebow's display of faith would have a shit fit over any statements exposing Islam for what it is. A Cult. Nobody is professing that the majority of those that participate in this cult are terrorists, just that the majority of terrorists belong to this cult. That's all. :biggrin:


New member
and you are flat wrong. Islam cannot be forced into the same catagory as other world religions-



Islam is a state religion created to justify power and the oppression of non-Muslims.


One of our greatest mistakes is to think of Islam as just another one of the world's great religions. We shouldn't. Islam is politics or it is nothing at all, but, of course, it is politics with a spiritual dimension, politics all wrapped up in a deity.


The video is dull — seminar room, dim lights, PowerPoint — but its message from an F.B.I. counterterrorism analyst is provocative: fighting Al Qaeda and other extremist groups is a “waste” compared to the broader threat posed by Islam itself.


Active member
What about, "Your idiot SS just made another post" If I say "your" can I pretend I didnt say he is an idiot, too? This is too silly to argue, you called him a boy right here in black and white. Man up, you did it. It is not the Left Wings fault, you did it. By the way, I was using idiot and SS in a hypothetical circumstance, I really wasnt calling him an idiot. But I bet that will be a bit more difficult to understand. I am bored with this.
What part of "Your" did you not understand? You seem to have a problem with reading what people are actually saying. Typical Left Wing crap to try and sway the people. You have been swayed.


Gone But Not Forgotten
I am bored with this.

Good. It is all drivel anyway. I called him "Your Boy" because no matter what or how wrong and unfair he is you will go to no end to protect him. Not in the sense you are thinking that has been driven into you.

And don't call me right winger as I have no plans of voting for any of them right now.

And don't call me racist as you no idea of what I am or who I associate with. You just like to say stuff like that because that is what the media has said. I am done too


Active member
Anyone who mindlessly repeats Islam is not a religion is not even up to the semantics level yet. Islam is a religion and is constitutionally protected, pretending it is not a religion is simplistic and far more dangerous to the US than all the terrorist combined. You do understand that right?


New member
I'm tired of your uninformed insults. I'm not going to lower myself to your level of ignorant debate, simple as that. You want to debate, do it without the insults and after you've don't your homework.

PS, homework does not mean listening to oberman


Active member
I'm tired of your uninformed insults. I'm not going to lower myself to your level of ignorant debate, simple as that. You want to debate, do it without the insults and after you've don't your homework.

PS, homework does not mean listening to oberman


New member
and besides baiting conflict, is there anything else you can do here ?

really, your MO is pretty tiresome:blahblah:

With mak2 it's not a matter of trying. It just comes natural. Right now he has another thread, the Global Warming thread, on its knees with the same pointless BS. Seems to be a waste of everyone's time trying to have a conversation with him. Why bother?


Active member
I just want to make sure you realize probably more than 90% of Americans think Islam is a religion, and if I say that on here it is pointless bullshit. :yum: YOu really do crack me up.
With mak2 it's not a matter of trying. It just comes natural. Right now he has another thread, the Global Warming thread, on its knees with the same pointless BS. Seems to be a waste of everyone's time trying to have a conversation with him. Why bother?


Now a Published Author
Site Supporter
Anyone who mindlessly repeats Islam is not a religion is not even up to the semantics level yet. Islam is a religion and is constitutionally protected, pretending it is not a religion is simplistic and far more dangerous to the US than all the terrorist combined. You do understand that right?

It may be a religion, but so is "Global Warming" to a lot of people. But they aren't killing in the name Al Gore.

Millions of people are part of Islam just as people are Christians, becaused that is what they were raised with like Obama was raised as a Muslum (it's a fact, get over it).

The differance is most people want to be left alone and raise their families, no matter what religion they are. The differance is as a rule, you don't find "Christian" countries saying they are going to wipe anyone off the planet because of their race, but at some point that changes. You have Islamic Clerics preaching pure hatred, not just "Don't like them", but Genocide.

Israel is about ready to attack Iran to slow their stated distruction by Iran.

There are millions of people that will be dying shortly because they clearly believe their version of "God" is telling them to kill. That makes them a cancer, and you don't wait until you are Overwhelmed with cancer before you react... This time coming apon us isn't going to be good times!


Active member
Fine fogtender, all the rest of that are arguable points on other threads. My point is Islam is a religion. That religion deserves the same rights as any other under our constitution. That is my whole point plain and simple. We as a nation cant just pretend it is not a religion so we can make seperate rules for it. As soon as a person who practices Islam breaks a law anyone else in America is subject to they should be held to the exact same standards as everone else. If an American Islam kills someone he should be prosectued exactly the same as everyone else. I have seen killing American Islams for no other reason touted on this board and not one of you voiced any dissent. THe global warming schtick doesnt really pertian to this thread, that is the other one I ahve to odascity to disagree with someone on.
It may be a religion, but so is "Global Warming" to a lot of people. But they aren't killing in the name Al Gore.

Millions of people are part of Islam just as people are Christians, becaused that is what they were raised with like Obama was raised as a Muslum (it's a fact, get over it).

The differance is most people want to be left alone and raise their families, no matter what religion they are. The differance is as a rule, you don't find "Christian" countries saying they are going to wipe anyone off the planet because of their race, but at some point that changes. You have Islamic Clerics preaching pure hatred, not just "Don't like them", but Genocide.

Israel is about ready to attack Iran to slow their stated distruction by Iran.

There are millions of people that will be dying shortly because they clearly believe their version of "God" is telling them to kill. That makes them a cancer, and you don't wait until you are Overwhelmed with cancer before you react... This time coming apon us isn't going to be good times!


Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
THe global warming schtick doesnt really pertian to this thread,

Neither does most of your other rantings. :ermm:

Thread topic WAS. Obama Negotiates With Taliban Over Gitmo Prisoners .


Active member
Joe, he said terrorists, not terrorism. Terrorists are people, terrorism is a method used to scare the hell out of a group of people.

I'm not sure what you mean by tactic used by the patriots during the Revolutionary War, but the war was fought on our turf and had nothing to do with terrorism. If we had blown up Windsor Castle, that might have been termed terrorism.

Those who think that we can negotiate with people who have as their stated goal the annihilation of infidels, being defined as those who do not believe as they do, are in fact living in a dream world.

I would have to agree, however, about the living in a phukin dreamworld, although I would term it somewhat stronger.

The real world you want to espouse is simply this. These bastards want to kill us. It says so in their bible (over 60 times). And I, for one, do not want to be killed.

I think this was the first anti Islamic post and I responded to it, why bitch at me?


Active member
And by the way, some of the best threads on our fourm have completely drifted off topic. That is usually considered a good thing for copy and paste OPs. Why insist on sticking to the topic if the thread has taken a different tangent?


Now a Published Author
Site Supporter
Fine fogtender, all the rest of that are arguable points on other threads. My point is Islam is a religion. That religion deserves the same rights as any other under our constitution. That is my whole point plain and simple. We as a nation cant just pretend it is not a religion so we can make seperate rules for it. As soon as a person who practices Islam breaks a law anyone else in America is subject to they should be held to the exact same standards as everone else. If an American Islam kills someone he should be prosectued exactly the same as everyone else. I have seen killing American Islams for no other reason touted on this board and not one of you voiced any dissent. THe global warming schtick doesnt really pertian to this thread, that is the other one I ahve to odascity to disagree with someone on.

It was what.... Some 19 Islamic innocents that boarded planes on 9/11, and by the end of the day we had a bunch of new craters around the Northeast! At some point one has to realize this was done in the name of a perverse God.

You want to call it a religion, that is fine... But it is very blood soaked and all though history has ruled by terror. They have by far killed more people world wide than any other religion, although Christanity has done it's fair share as well during the dark ages, but tended to get over it.


New member
GOLD Site Supporter
It was what.... Some 19 Islamic innocents that boarded planes on 9/11, and by the end of the day we had a bunch of new craters around the Northeast! At some point one has to realize this was done in the name of a perverse God.

You want to call it a religion, that is fine... But it is very blood soaked and all though history has ruled by terror. They have by far killed more people world wide than any other religion, although Christanity has done it's fair share as well during the dark ages, but tended to get over it.

Christanity has gotten over it, really? Doctors killed for performing abortions, a war in Ireland that lasted till the mid 90's. Not so sure that Christanity or Jedusim has gotten over anything yet. I see both as simply taking a break till the next time they think they can get away with taking control.
Last edited:


Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
Islam for dummys, simply explained.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dRr854zxbA&feature=player_embedded"]The Grand Jihad - YouTube[/ame]#!


Like a bad penny...
GOLD Site Supporter
Islam for dummys, simply explained.

The Grand Jihad - YouTube#!

Pretty good artist; fast too! Actually, I have an internal turmoil about Islam. Obviously, I do NOT want to consider Muslims as 'a group of terrorists'. However, it seems every time I remind myself to not think that way, I see fact after fact that seems to now be indisputable that most (but, as far as we know) not all mosques promote the credo "Convert to Islam or my religion dictates I kill you".

Our laws here keep that from overtly happening. Clearly, that is a good thing. Unfortunately, there is this particular word that keeps popping up called 'covert'. I'll admit that it really bothers me that we know for a fact we have both overt and covert factions of Islam within our own borders who want to kill all 'infidels'. Even worse, I've been told that there is even part of the Quran that allows their followers to veer from outwardly appearing to be a Muslim in order to fulfill this apparent basis or charter for their religion. Even "our friend", Saudi Arabia, has an extremely barbaric side if you're born there, live there, but want to have any freedom of thought or speech. I'm pretty sure doing so will begin a sequence that allows you to assume room temperature prematurely.

So, back to the topic; how in the hell can our current (mistake) president even consider releasing these people who basically admit that their detention has only strengthened their resolve to destroy the west? I simply do not understand. Take all of Obama's other thousands of blunders in office that has NOT been good for our country aside. Just this single act alone, IMHO, is enough to make me want him removed, by force if need be, from office. How can anyone not see that Obama is derelict in his sworn duty he spoke upon assuming his position? I honestly do NOT believe that Obama is like every single president before him. This has nothing to do with his heritage or that he had an African sperm donor for a father, it has to do with my belief that he does NOT love this country and would never honestly consider putting his life, or even perceived reputation, on the line to make our country better and stronger.