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Obama Negotiates With Taliban Over Gitmo Prisoners


Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
Something about this really bothers me. :glare:

In a deplorable move that could seriously compromise national security, the Obama Administration is in the process of negotiating a deal to release up to five Taliban prisoners from the U.S. military detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
As part of “Taliban reconciliation efforts,” the terrorists would be transferred to Qatar, a Middle Eastern Arab state where the militant Islamic group will soon open an office. The Obama Administration is selling the preposterous deal to Congress by saying that the prisoners won’t actually be released but rather transferred to the custody of the Qatari government and they will remain in jail.
While much of the mainstream media has ignored this unbelievable story, a bimonthly global magazine dedicated to covering politics and economics, published a piece this week on how the backdoor deal is going down. It includes details of how top Obama Administration officials briefed eight senior Senate leaders this week about the pending Taliban “transfer” from Gitmo to Qatar.

The classified briefing took place in the basement of the capitol building and none of the eight senators would discuss details, according to the magazine, but a few spoke before entering the secure briefing room. Michigan Senator Carl Levin revealed that the briefing was “about the ongoing Taliban reconciliation efforts.” The Democrat lawmaker questioned whether the Qataris can be trusted to keep the Taliban prisoners behind bars.
Calling the deal “highly questionable,” Arizona Senator John McCain said he’s not confident that the Qataris will keep the Taliban prisoners locked up. The Republican lawmaker also noted that at least one of the prisoners was responsible for the deaths of several Americans. Reports have identified three of them as Mullah Khair Khowa, a former interior minister, Noorullah Noori, a former governor in northern Afghanistan and former army commander Mullah Fazl Akhund.
It’s not clear who the two others will be, though one thing is certain; the Obama Administration’s own Guantanamo review task force has determined that they are too dangerous to transfer. Additionally, U.S. intelligence assessments have concluded that the Taliban prisoners scheduled for transfer are too dangerous to be released.
The Taliban is a radical terrorist group that rules large parts of Afghanistan and enforces Sharia law, the authoritarian doctrine that inspires Islamists and their jihadism. Just last month the Taliban released a horrific video of the executions of 15 Pakistani soldiers that had been abducted weeks earlier. Incredibly, the Obama Administration believes the terrorist group is reformed and last month began engaging in “peace talks” with Taliban leaders.




Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
Everything about this bothers me. Gitmo is a thorn in the ass of Obama and one way to get rid of it, or at least say progress is being made prior to November is to reduce the population.

Remember the Lockerbee bomber? You know, the guy who was released by our friends the Scots as he had only a few months to live. Still alive as far as I know,


Gone But Not Forgotten
The Obama Administration is selling the preposterous deal to Congress by saying that the prisoners won’t actually be released but rather transferred to the custody of the Qatari government and they will remain in jail.
While much of the mainstream media has ignored this unbelievable story, a bimonthly global magazine dedicated to covering politics and economics, published a piece this week on how the backdoor deal is going down. It includes details of how top Obama Administration officials briefed eight senior Senate leaders this week about the pending Taliban “transfer” from Gitmo to Qatar.

This is really quite the comment. How stupid is this and does anyone really believe the Taliban is going to keep these guys in a jail. Well I guess an extremely nice mansion could be considered a jail.

Someone posted Rosanne Barr running for President. Unfortunately as bad as she would be she probably has more smarts than the current.

Danang Sailor

nullius in verba
GOLD Site Supporter
Everything about this bothers me. Gitmo is a thorn in the ass of Obama and one way to get rid of it, or at least say progress is being made prior to November is to reduce the population.

Remember the Lockerbee bomber? You know, the guy who was released by our friends the Scots as he had only a few months to live. Still alive as far as I know,

Yep, still alive as of today, even though his "compassionate release" was due to his death being only "months" away ...
in 2009, nearly three years ago!



Now a Published Author
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Maybe he was going to send them to Allah.... That would be a good tool to deal in good fath with the Taliban!

It could happen!.... Look, Osama got a head start from Obama!


The Old Salt
SUPER Site Supporter
Well, he gives it a fancy name. The Taliban Reconciliation Effort. Wow, sounds important. I hope he bows down to them as well when they're released. Maybe sing a little Al Green to them to send them on their way. :whistling:


New member
GOLD Site Supporter
Well let me see if I understand this. Taliban prisoners captured in Afganistan during a war on the field of battle. Now we will return them in exchange for a peace agreement to end a war that has lasted for over a decade. You mean something like the thousands of Nazi and Italian soldiers we captured and had many in prision camps in the US at the end of WWII. If I'm not mistaken we sent them home as well after the war ended but could be wrong. Perhaps it would be better to just keep them for ever I guess and continue to pay their medical, food and board. :whistling:


Active member
I can see keeping them if they were convicted of war crimes or killing civilians. Have any of them been convicted of anything? If not, prisioners of war and should be treated as such.


New member
GOLD Site Supporter
I can see keeping them if they were convicted of war crimes or killing civilians. Have any of them been convicted of anything? If not, prisioners of war and should be treated as such.

I don't believe a single Teliban prisoner was captured in the US but could be wrong on that. It seems a number of prisoners where released previously before also.


Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
Joe, Mak, just to clarify, these prisoners are not being released. They are being transferred to a different jail in a different country. POW's in a war are generally given a ride home and released.


The Old Salt
SUPER Site Supporter
Well let me see if I understand this. Taliban prisoners captured in Afganistan during a war on the field of battle. Now we will return them in exchange for a peace agreement to end a war that has lasted for over a decade. You mean something like the thousands of Nazi and Italian soldiers we captured and had many in prision camps in the US at the end of WWII. If I'm not mistaken we sent them home as well after the war ended but could be wrong. Perhaps it would be better to just keep them for ever I guess and continue to pay their medical, food and board. :whistling:

I am sure we returned Jap, German and Italian POW's AFTER we won the war. Not as part of a peace deal like now. We are negotiating with the devil. It will not work. Wait and see. You know those people as well as I or maybe better.


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GOLD Site Supporter
I am sure we returned Jap, German and Italian POW's AFTER we won the war. Not as part of a peace deal like now. We are negotiating with the devil. It will not work. Wait and see. You know those people as well as I or maybe better.

Granted I do probably know them better. With that said we are talking about those taken from a battlefield over there not here. Cutting them lose to show good will in a negotiating isn't that uncommon. Even Israel has done it and set hundreds loose even after they did kill civilians. Our war with Afghanistan is winding down and and that won't change regardless if Obama wins or loses in November.

I often wonder how many Americans actually understand why this country is so disliked around the world. I won't go there at this time but it isn't always without cause even when our intentions are good.


Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
IMHO , There is no such thing as negotiating with terrorists period. Those that think you can are living in a phukin dreamworld. :doh:


The Old Salt
SUPER Site Supporter
Granted I do probably know them better. With that said we are talking about those taken from a battlefield over there not here. Cutting them lose to show good will in a negotiating isn't that uncommon. Even Israel has done it and set hundreds loose even after they did kill civilians. Our war with Afghanistan is winding down and and that won't change regardless if Obama wins or loses in November.

I often wonder how many Americans actually understand why this country is so disliked around the world. I won't go there at this time but it isn't always without cause even when our intentions are good.

I did not spend that long in Turkey but it was too long. I do not like those people. The reason I do not like them is I do not trust them. I do not like anybody I cannot trust. I guess that means I do not like many people. That would be a true story. We should not negotiate with terrorists and scum. We took that stand in WW2. It is the only way. You will see.


New member
GOLD Site Supporter
IMHO , There is no such thing as negotiating with terrorists period. Those that think you can are living in a phukin dreamworld. :doh:

First off Cowboy terrorism is a technique not a group of people. Secondly if the US was invaded how would you fight an army if you didn't have their might? Think back to the tactics used by our "Patriots" during the Revolutionary war. I'm sure the British considered them terrorist also. Perhaps if people learned a little about the real world they might not live in their "dreamworlds".


Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
First off Cowboy terrorism is a technique not a group of people. Secondly if the US was invaded how would you fight an army if you didn't have their might? Think back to the tactics used by our "Patriots" during the Revolutionary war. I'm sure the British considered them terrorist also. Perhaps if people learned a little about the real world they might not live in their "dreamworlds".
Joe, he said terrorists, not terrorism. Terrorists are people, terrorism is a method used to scare the hell out of a group of people.

I'm not sure what you mean by tactic used by the patriots during the Revolutionary War, but the war was fought on our turf and had nothing to do with terrorism. If we had blown up Windsor Castle, that might have been termed terrorism.

Those who think that we can negotiate with people who have as their stated goal the annihilation of infidels, being defined as those who do not believe as they do, are in fact living in a dream world.

I would have to agree, however, about the living in a phukin dreamworld, although I would term it somewhat stronger.

The real world you want to espouse is simply this. These bastards want to kill us. It says so in their bible (over 60 times). And I, for one, do not want to be killed.


Active member
Joe, he said terrorists, not terrorism. Terrorists are people, terrorism is a method used to scare the hell out of a group of people.

I'm not sure what you mean by tactic used by the patriots during the Revolutionary War, but the war was fought on our turf and had nothing to do with terrorism. If we had blown up Windsor Castle, that might have been termed terrorism.

Those who think that we can negotiate with people who have as their stated goal the annihilation of infidels, being defined as those who do not believe as they do, are in fact living in a dream world.

I would have to agree, however, about the living in a phukin dreamworld, although I would term it somewhat stronger.

The real world you want to espouse is simply this. These bastards want to kill us. It says so in their bible (over 60 times). And I, for one, do not want to be killed.

I don't, Mak, just those who want to kill me. If that is all of them, then you have answered your own question.

What do you mean you dont, Say it, you wanna kill all devout Moslems, right?


New member
GOLD Site Supporter
Joe, he said terrorists, not terrorism. Terrorists are people, terrorism is a method used to scare the hell out of a group of people.

I'm not sure what you mean by tactic used by the patriots during the Revolutionary War, but the war was fought on our turf and had nothing to do with terrorism. If we had blown up Windsor Castle, that might have been termed terrorism.

Those who think that we can negotiate with people who have as their stated goal the annihilation of infidels, being defined as those who do not believe as they do, are in fact living in a dream world.

I would have to agree, however, about the living in a phukin dreamworld, although I would term it somewhat stronger.

The real world you want to espouse is simply this. These bastards want to kill us. It says so in their bible (over 60 times). And I, for one, do not want to be killed.

Perhaps you aren't following what I said. Many of these Taliban aren't in the US at all but prisons around the world including Gitmo. Now as far as I know no Taliban where captured on US soil at all but in Afghanistan.

No terrorist and terrorism is different. Terrorist is a label applied to someone using terrorism as a tactic, so one is the person using them the other is the act. As for the Revolution at the time we was considered the property of Great Britain and not a sovereign nation and their tactics was considered terrorism of the day. The "Patriots" targeted officers and didn't stand swapping volleys with a better armed force.

Now as for them wanting to kill us, that is true. However, it is time you get over it as they aren't alone in this world. The list is pretty long on those that would love to kill us, many are among our allies also. If you traveled the world a little you might just find this as fact and learn to deal with it. Perhaps someday you might realize why they don't like us too when you see how we come across to them.

So basically your only option is to fight them until we win or go bankrupt like the USSR did. I guess you haven't figured out yet, the US won't do what it takes to win this kind of war, as there is only one way. No one seemed to pick up on the lessons from the experience in Nam at all. We won't annihilate the whole race and short of that you will loose or go bankrupt your choice. There is another choice, get out of their lands and stay out other wise take them out. Taking them out will never happen so learn to live with them or stay away from them.


Now a Published Author
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You know, if these guys captured our troops, they would have lopped off their heads. My issue is they are being treated like "Guests", three squares a day and so forth. We should be keeping them in pig pens with swine like they are... That would be a message to send, we simply aren't going to put up with their Sixth Century Crap.

Instead we send a signal that we will treat them humanly when they treat their own women and children like animals, that isnt a sign of strength, it is weakness on our part. When is the last time you saw Americans strap bombs on kids and sent them into a Pizza Parlor? Until we play on the field with at least the same rules and treat them like the cancer they are, it will only be a matter of time the next 9/11 will be a mushroom cloud over NY City.

Then the liberals can wonder what happened when NY is a crater filled with water! If you don't treat a war like a war, you are going to lose! When you make it so terrifying to wage war, it will end! The enemy truely thinks they are winning because we are backing off!

I think it was said "If you find yourself in a fair fight, your Tactics suck"!

I'm so tired of the bleeding hearts that are killing our own soldiers with all the rules of engagement. On the battlefield, if someone looks threatening, eliminate the threat! When you have to be a target first to establish a threat, it's too late.

Can you tell I'm pissed at bleeding hearts? We should have never gone into Iraq, but we should have bombed it into the sixth century and left, that message would have been heard by those that do us harm, and we won't stand by and except casualties and look the other way.

The Israelis take a thousand rockets over the boarder and the liberals want them to show restraint? That is just insane, they should level a dozen blocks for every rocket fired, you don't think that will get the "innocent" Palestinians off their butts and start cracking down on the A$$holes launching rockets!

Now because of all this touchy feely crap, Iran may be struck by Israel to protect itself, to knock out their Nuke Program that we could have stopped it fifteen years ago? Gues what happens after that?

Now I feel better! Any comments?


Active member
Perhaps you aren't following what I said. Many of these Taliban aren't in the US at all but prisons around the world including Gitmo. Now as far as I know no Taliban where captured on US soil at all but in Afghanistan.

No terrorist and terrorism is different. Terrorist is a label applied to someone using terrorist tactics so one is the person using them the other is the act. As for the Revolution at the time we was considered the property of Great Britain and not a sovereign nation and their tactics was considered terrorism of the day. The "Patriots" targeted officers and didn't stand swapping volleys with a better armed force.

Now as for them wanting to kill us, that is true. However, it is time you get over it as they aren't alone in this world. The list is pretty long on those that would love to kill us, many are among our allies also. If you traveled the world a little you might just find this as fact and learn to deal with it. Perhaps someday you might realize why they don't like us too when you see how we come across to them.

So basically your only option is to fight them until we win or go bankrupt like the USSR did. I guess you haven't figured out yet, the US won't do what it takes to win this kind of war, as there is only one way. No one seemed to pick up on the lessons from the experience in Nam at all. We won't annihilate the whole race and short of that you will loose or go bankrupt your choice. There is another choice, get out of their lands and stay out other wise take them out. Taking them out will never happen so learn to live with them or stay away from them.

But, but the military complex must eat...so lets send them oil money, let them buy arms then war with them. My goodness we are a smart bunch.


New member
GOLD Site Supporter
But, but the military complex must eat...so lets send them oil money, let them buy arms then war with them. My goodness we are a smart bunch.

Or prop up their corrupt governments for decades while they abuse their citizens. This was the reason we have a bad relationship with Iran among others today.


Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
What do you mean you dont, Say it, you wanna kill all devout Moslems, right?
Once again, Mak, you move the line. You start out by stating Muslims, now it is devout Muslims. My position doesn't change. If you are out to kill me, then you are fair game to me.


Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
Re: Obama Negotiates With Taliban Over Gitmo Prisoners

Mak, Joe, do you realize how far you have to stray to make a somewhat dubious point?

"But, but the military complex must eat...so lets send them oil money, let them buy arms then war with them. My goodness we are a smart bunch. "

"Or prop up their corrupt governments for decades while they abuse their citizens. This was the reason we have a bad relationship with Iran among others today."


Active member
There is no difference in a Christian and a devout Christian or a Moslem and a devout one, I was attempting to imply they believed in the Koran, or their bible as you put it. The line did not move I did intend to confuse you.

Just say what you mean, you want to kill all Moslems, because you believe they all want to kill you cause their bible tells them to. Right? Even the ones I know at work?


Active member
You know, if these guys captured our troops, they would have lopped off their heads. My issue is they are being treated like "Guests", three squares a day and so forth. We should be keeping them in pig pens with swine like they are... That would be a message to send, we simply aren't going to put up with their Sixth Century Crap.

Instead we send a signal that we will treat them humanly when they treat their own women and children like animals, that isnt a sign of strength, it is weakness on our part. When is the last time you saw Americans strap bombs on kids and sent them into a Pizza Parlor? Until we play on the field with at least the same rules and treat them like the cancer they are, it will only be a matter of time the next 9/11 will be a mushroom cloud over NY City.

Then the liberals can wonder what happened when NY is a crater filled with water! If you don't treat a war like a war, you are going to lose! When you make it so terrifying to wage war, it will end! The enemy truely thinks they are winning because we are backing off!

I think it was said "If you find yourself in a fair fight, your Tactics suck"!

I'm so tired of the bleeding hearts that are killing our own soldiers with all the rules of engagement. On the battlefield, if someone looks threatening, eliminate the threat! When you have to be a target first to establish a threat, it's too late.

Can you tell I'm pissed at bleeding hearts? We should have never gone into Iraq, but we should have bombed it into the sixth century and left, that message would have been heard by those that do us harm, and we won't stand by and except casualties and look the other way.

The Israelis take a thousand rockets over the boarder and the liberals want them to show restraint? That is just insane, they should level a dozen blocks for every rocket fired, you don't think that will get the "innocent" Palestinians off their butts and start cracking down on the A$ launching rockets!

Now because of all this touchy feely crap, Iran may be struck by Israel to protect itself, to knock out their Nuke Program that we could have stopped it fifteen years ago? Gues what happens after that?

Now I feel better! Any comments?

I agree with if we go to war we kick ass take names and come home, wish Bush thought like that. Thankfully Obama is getting us out of both Iraq and Afganistan.

Ross 650

Well-known member
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You can catch and pen up a mad dog. You can send it home. However it is still a mad dog which should be eliminated. Alas, we have no leadership with enough gonads to stand up instead of bowing to the barking dogs!!!! Have a goodun!!!!!


Gone But Not Forgotten
I agree with if we go to war we kick ass take names and come home, wish Bush thought like that. Thankfully Obama is getting us out of both Iraq and Afganistan.

Wasn't the plan to get out of Iraq done under the Bush Administration? And didn't Obama put us in a war we had no business being in with no approval.

US - Iraq Agreement

U.S. President George W. Bush hailed the passing of the agreement between the two countries. "The Security Agreement addresses our presence, activities, and withdrawal from Iraq", Bush said. He continued that "two years ago, this day seemed unlikely - but the success of the surge and the courage of the Iraqi people set the conditions for these two agreements to be negotiated and approved by the Iraqi parliament.


New member
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Wasn't the plan to get out of Iraq done under the Bush Administration? And didn't Obama put us in a war we had no business being in with no approval.

US - Iraq Agreement

Yes the agreement was made under Bush however with all the bitching about Obama doing it and early one would think it was him backing out.

Now as for Libya again it is Obama fault when NATO forces fought it and the US gave them support with logistics. You know the thing about leading from behind.

You know you really can't have it both ways and Libya didn't cost 1 trillion dollars or 10 to 13 years either. I guess no American GI died so it had to be another illegal war, oh wait there is the war powers act and NATO fought the actual war. But then Obama is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't perhaps it is time to back off as even the economy is improving. And guess what no one's taxes have gone up, however they have gone down.