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Just went to take a look at the goldwing. I'll have it ready to ride again at some point but I have no desire to ride this bike again. I'll just fix it enough to sell.
Looks like I have 5 cracked vetebrae in my mid back accompanied by a broken rib on the right side. Add to that the ruptured spleen and liver that were repaired and shoved back into place, I have lots of swelling in my stomach and legs/feet. I can only walk short distances right now because of the inflamed liver and spleen not allowing me enough air to walk longer distances. I will be out of commission for some time I can tell.
Damn. Sounds horrible. Best wishes for daily progress in your recovery.
Brian stay away from anything funny as you know what laughing does to hurting ribs....you should be ok on FF as we are only funny in the head.
Omfg. Just had a big coughing fit. Felt like my rib was coming through my side.

Glad you're home but sad to hear you're still having issues.

By all means, get some sinus medicines handy. If you think coughing is bad, wait until you sneeze once. You seriously don't want that. At first sign of itching or congestion in your nose, consider some meds to make it stop.
I'll be taking extra precautions to avoid sneezing and coughing. Often I break out into a coughing fit but its related to shortness of breath. So I know to avoid that. Meanwhile, I had my wife take another picture of my back. It's getting better but still swollen and bruised.
Brian do you have any memory of the accident from your point of view....road condition,speed,any thing that caused you to have impact that was sudden??, i am sure it was a list of events that led to it just curious what you remember.

Police report does not give to much insight sadly.
Brian do you have any memory of the accident from your point of view....road condition,speed,any thing that caused you to have impact that was sudden??, i am sure it was a list of events that led to it just curious what you remember.

Police report does not give to much insight sadly.

Nope. Thankfully I don't remember a thing about it. I know I was going home for lunch so I could attend an appointment for my daughter. I vaguely recall waking up in the hospital two days later. They kept me in a medically induced comma for a couple days to allow healing to take place and some swelling to go down. We're still waiting to see if the woman who slammed on her brakes will be charged.

Here's another article I just found.
Sadly Brian you got bit by a typical everyday idiot,i am sure the driver in no way intended to hurt you,a bit like a accident that happened in the UK recently,a driver took a knee jerk reaction to a dog that run in to the road,they clipped the kerb whilst swerving and mounted the walkway,a child died.

They say guns kill i say idiots kill,your still here to tell the tale and for that i thank God,the driver has learnt a awful lesson at your expense,God was kind to you and i know your a good man and will show compassion to the driver in time as that is the Brian i know and respect.

Duck hunting sounds good to me:flowers:
Im looking at it with an open mind. Of course people will be armchair quarterbacks saying this or that should have happened. The way I see it is this woman screwed up. Plain and simple. I'm not placing blame on the motorcycle for my injuries. I just see it as a bad situation all around. If I were in the truck maybe the injuries wouldn't be as severe. The accident still would have happened though
what if's never fix anything so full respect Brian your on the right path,can i ask how your wife and children are coping as i know this must have a huge impact on them.
We're all coping as best as can be expected. Its been hard on my wife since she now has to do everything at home. As time progresses though my back is improving and im able to do more. Definitely not overdoing it though
Your wife is a good woman Brian and again i would like to thank her for bringing your situation to the FF communities attention as you are a big part of our family.

I think of FF as a village,we have Doc who is our mayor,we have our residents policed by good cops,we have many blacksmiths,farmers and other trades in our village and even a nurse to help heal us up,i see you as our resident minstrel and even myself has his place so be it the village idiot,but all said and done we give a shit about our residents and that speaks volumes.

You sir pick up that guitar and play us a tune....music is a great healer.
I did pick up the guitar for the first time yesterday. I'm struggling with singing right now since im short of breath.

I'm hoping that will improve over time. What is happening is that my spleen and liver are still swollen inside. Because they are swollen my lungs don't have the room they need to take full breaths.

Sleeping in my own bed has been nice but also a struggle to breathe. Last night I decided to move to the living room chair with my feet up so I could breath easier.

I'm glad my wife was able to pass the message on to the forum community.

I've had to make a few accommodations at home to make it easier for me. I've now got a cane to help with walking. A shower chair to help with bathing. A grab handle to get in and out of the tub. Hopefully as I heal I won't need those anymore.
Singing will help rebuild them lungs,playing guitar will help ease the boredom whilst recovering and as time goes by the aids you have gotten will be tossed away,early days Brian and to be honest i am amazed you have recovered to this level you are a quick healer.

This is my sons daily player,Ibanez,that make is is chosen on acoustic and electric,he said he will sort some more pictures of the whole collections to share when he gets 5 of work.


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Nice. I had one similar before. I've currently got six guitars to choose from. I will be playing to pass the time.

As far as the recovery everyone is amazed how fast im healing. A couple weeks ago I was still in intensive care walking with a walker. I could barely make it 50 feet without almost passing out. That was a Friday. By Monday I was in a regular ward and walking without a walker.
Had an idea of something that might be interesting to tinker with during recovery. My sons birthday was last month; I got him a Cigar Box guitar "kit". It was fun to build, and he likes playing it(he plays electric guitar mostly, although at Scout camp he plays acoustic all summer).

He really liked it, it wasn't expensive, is easy to electrify(i ordered his with a piezo pickup option).

Might be fun to tinker with as you recover.


Hoping for a fast recovery!

I did pick up the guitar for the first time yesterday. I'm struggling with singing right now since im short of breath.
That'd be interesting to try. Thanks for the suggestion.

Im starting to hate my guts. Im at the stage where I can barely eat and if I do it sits like a lump in my guts. Supper just came back up. I'm stuck sleeping on a chair in the living room so I can keep my head up and breathe as good as I can.
I'm stuck sleeping on a chair in the living room so I can keep my head up and breathe as good as I can.
Don't pick a chair you really like. I had an accident where I broke 5 ribs along with a bunch of other things. Had to sleep in a chair for about a month. Afterwards, I didn't even want to see that chair so I got rid of it.
Rough night last night. I found myself not being able to hold anything down last night. My gutts are turning like crazy in shear pain. I head back to the hospital today for an appt with the doc. We'll see what she has to say but I may end up back in the hospital depending on what she finds.
Rough night last night. I found myself not being able to hold anything down last night. My gutts are turning like crazy in shear pain. I head back to the hospital today for an appt with the doc. We'll see what she has to say but I may end up back in the hospital depending on what she finds.

Maybe you should be eating a soft bland diet for a while, yogurt, ice cream, and such.

I know the pain of broken ribs, but not the gut wrenching type you must be going through.

Keeping you in my prayers for a speedy recovery. Good luck with the doc today.
My biggest problem with eating right now is that my spleen and liver are still very swollen. That makes it hard to eat or digest anything. It's also the cause of my breathing issue since my lungs can't expand fully.
Here is a picture. It was $100 for the whole thing. it did take some cutting and drilling. It is fun to play. My son really liked building it.

Hope you get good news from the Doc today!

That'd be interesting to try. Thanks for the suggestion.


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