The Old Salt
I have a small area on the end of our cape that we have used for storage. Not served by dormers and I am not willing to invest in that right now. So, I decided to build a small 16' x 10' bedroom for the occasional guest and for me when I am in the doghouse. Here is a pic of the project.
The roof rafters are 2x6 with a 12/10 pitch so the depth is not enough for poper insulation without furring out considerably. Spray in foam quotes were crazy high for the amount of work citing set up time and cleanup. So I opted for 6" of PolyISO board. This will give me a R48 on the sloped roof portion. Two iso boards between the rafters with a 1 1/2 air space under the roof boards for an air space from the soffett venting to the ridge venting.
The 2x4 wall gets R11 and then 1" of R8 PolyISO to achieve R19 rating.
Knee walls will have R21 Pink and 1" Poly iso facing for a R29 rating. Ceiling / Collar Ties will be insulated to R40. Floor behind Knee wall will have R40+ with wind breaks at the soffit end and foam air barrier under the knee walls between the floor joists. Floor decking is 3/4" Plywood tongue & groove. All seams and cracks caulked under 1/4" and foam sealed above 1/4".

Detail of insulation on knee wall behind outlet and CATV to maintain R29 or greater insulation rating at outlet location

The roof rafters are 2x6 with a 12/10 pitch so the depth is not enough for poper insulation without furring out considerably. Spray in foam quotes were crazy high for the amount of work citing set up time and cleanup. So I opted for 6" of PolyISO board. This will give me a R48 on the sloped roof portion. Two iso boards between the rafters with a 1 1/2 air space under the roof boards for an air space from the soffett venting to the ridge venting.
The 2x4 wall gets R11 and then 1" of R8 PolyISO to achieve R19 rating.
Knee walls will have R21 Pink and 1" Poly iso facing for a R29 rating. Ceiling / Collar Ties will be insulated to R40. Floor behind Knee wall will have R40+ with wind breaks at the soffit end and foam air barrier under the knee walls between the floor joists. Floor decking is 3/4" Plywood tongue & groove. All seams and cracks caulked under 1/4" and foam sealed above 1/4".

Detail of insulation on knee wall behind outlet and CATV to maintain R29 or greater insulation rating at outlet location