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New laptop

I bit the bullet and ordered a Dell.
I was able to get a sizeable discount that made their price hundreds less than anywhere else.
I went with a max'd out Inspiron 1705. 2 physical duo processors (so it's like a 4 processor machine!!). 2 gigs of memory, 160 gig drive and a few other goodies. Priced at 1615 after discount, 1720 with tax. Regular price was over 2100 before tax.
More than I had planned, but I don't buy laptops very often.
Shipping date isn't until Jan 5th, so now I'm in wait mode.
Doc said:
I bit the bullet and ordered a Dell.
I was able to get a sizeable discount that made their price hundreds less than anywhere else.
I went with a max'd out Inspiron 1705. 2 physical duo processors (so it's like a 4 processor machine!!). 2 gigs of memory, 160 gig drive and a few other goodies. Priced at 1615 after discount, 1720 with tax. Regular price was over 2100 before tax.
More than I had planned, but I don't buy laptops very often.
Shipping date isn't until Jan 5th, so now I'm in wait mode.

Thats a heck of a jump from that Acer:yum: ..

I have had good luck with my Dell for work, I dont believe you'll regret it a bit:thumb: ..
Doc said:
I bit the bullet and ordered a Dell.
I was able to get a sizeable discount that made their price hundreds less than anywhere else.
I went with a max'd out Inspiron 1705. 2 physical duo processors (so it's like a 4 processor machine!!). 2 gigs of memory, 160 gig drive and a few other goodies. Priced at 1615 after discount, 1720 with tax. Regular price was over 2100 before tax.
More than I had planned, but I don't buy laptops very often.
Shipping date isn't until Jan 5th, so now I'm in wait mode.

My experience with shipping dates is you can throw it out the window! I bet you'll have it well before 1/5 .................. :D

Congratz and you went overboard, I should a never turned you on to it!!!
Yep, your right BD. Overboard for sure. :D (grining ear to ear!)
Thanks Bud!!!!!! :thumb:
I upgraded to XP professional so that I would get the Vista Business upgrade for no additional charge. That was a $135 dollar upgrade by itself. :eek:
Well, I finally convinced the CEO & CFO that it was time for a laptop. Since I didn't get that one for $199 from MicroCenter, I've been watching for other low priced units. Found one for $350 at Radio Shack that pretty much had everything - except for in stock. Pretty much none any where. So I kept watching. I'm partial to Toshibas, (I've had 4 of them and I know at one point they had something like 80% of the market, but I know that isn't true anymore) so I've been watching for one of those. I wanted something with XP for now with an upgrade to Vista. So I've been watching the typical places. Unfortunately with Vista being so close, inventories aren't being replenished. I finally found this one ToshibaT550Core2Duo. It had been $1099. They then marked it down to $899 + another $100 mail-in rebate. They are now including a Canon printer/scanner all-in-one for free after rebate and CA Internet Security (I've been using this for the last 2 or 3 years and like it) for free with it - and it can be loaded on 3 PCs (guess how many computers we have - 3:applause: ) I didn't feel like driving to Columbus today, so I'm going to pick it up on my lunch tomorrow. I'll be having fun tomorrow night.:D :a1: Circuit City is even picking up the cost of postage for the Vista upgrade.:cool2:
Congrats! Sounds like a good deal. I'm pretty happy with my new Dell. ...but I do have a question for other Dell owners. My older dell laptop would come back alive if I closed the lid (it went to standby I suppose) when I opened it and hit the power button it would wake up. My new one will not do this. the little lights are on, indicating power, but no matter what I cannot wake it up. So I hit the power button and shut it all the way off. Then I have to power back on. :eek: I've tried all kinds of key combinations to awake the machine but I evidently have not found the right combination.

Does anyone know the magic foruma for waking these things back up?
Doc said:
My older dell laptop would come back alive if I closed the lid (it went to standby I suppose) when I opened it and hit the power button it would wake up. My new one will not do this. the little lights are on, indicating power, but no matter what I cannot wake it up. So I hit the power button and shut it all the way off. Then I have to power back on. :eek:

Does anyone know the magic foruma for waking these things back up?


I have a Dell Enspiron 5100 about 4 years old. It is the same way. If I set it to standby I have to shut it down and then turn it back on. I have just learned to not use the standby cause sometimes it is a pain in the arse to get back running.

Good point Murph. I called it standby, but I have mine set for power to always be on. After opening the lid there is just no way I've found to awake the system.

If I leave the lid open, it recovers as expected when I move the mouse or hit a key.

My Dell Laltituce goes into stanby mode when I close it. I open it an briefly push the power button. I then have to logon again.

I tried the space bar and all the F keys as well as ctl alt enter, and other random combinations no luck yet. Thinking more about it, the key combo might be set in bios. The next time I reboot I'll go into bios and see if the secret code is revealed there.
Kwiens, that is exactly how my old one was set up. However if I try that on this new one it shuts it down! :eek:
Thanks MB & Kwiens.
Mine is in a docking station right now so I can't look but believe there's settings when you use the blue function's on the keyboard.