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Need Free App


Well-known member
Platinum Patron
I almost missed my oldest grandchild's 21st birthday today. Everything is cool but it was close to being a disaster.

Years ago, when I was a Mac person, I used to have a calendar application that would flash reminders of birthdays and such up on the monitor starting at 2 weeks before the event. Back then (with help) I never forgot a birthday or anniversary.

I'm wondering if there is a free app out there somewhere that would do the same thing, namely remind me of upcoming birthdays. These days I can't keep track of s**t and need help. I would prefer something that I didn't have to log in to every day in order to check but rather, once the data was entered, would automatically remind me.

Thanks for your help. An old and memory challenged man appreciates it.
Do you have one of those smart cellphones Frank? If so they can take care of that for you, so even if you are not on the computer that day you still get reminded when you pick up your phone.

or here is a link to a few free options. They came up first in a google search, I have no experience with any of these:

I use Lotus Notes email client which has a built in calendar function. I also use my iPhone some, but most of the time it's just lotus notes. Notes even has the option to email me the reminder which is handy if I'm not at the computer with the Notes software, I'll still be reminded via email on my iPhone or laptop computer.
I use the calendar on outlook for this - I especially like the "recurrence" feature for b-days.
I almost missed my oldest grandchild's 21st birthday today. Everything is cool but it was close to being a disaster.

Years ago, when I was a Mac person, I used to have a calendar application that would flash reminders of birthdays and such up on the monitor starting at 2 weeks before the event. Back then (with help) I never forgot a birthday or anniversary.

I'm wondering if there is a free app out there somewhere that would do the same thing, namely remind me of upcoming birthdays. These days I can't keep track of s**t and need help. I would prefer something that I didn't have to log in to every day in order to check but rather, once the data was entered, would automatically remind me.

Thanks for your help. An old and memory challenged man appreciates it.

Ever heard of a calander Frank ? :biggrin:

There made out of paper , hangs on the wall with squares for each day of the year to write in special occasions , has the days in large print so their easy to read about , 1 page for every month with a different perty pic fer each month . Can be purchased at your local wally world for $1.99

Having a wife that buys one each year & fills in the dates PRICELESS . :yum::hide::tiphat:
Ever heard of a calander Frank ? :biggrin:

There made out of paper , hangs on the wall with squares for each day of the year to write in special occasions , has the days in large print so their easy to read about , 1 page for every month with a different perty pic fer each month . Can be purchased at your local wally world for $1.99

Having a wife that buys one each year & fills in the dates PRICELESS . :yum::hide::tiphat:
Too funny Cowboy! Good one! :yum: :yum:
Cowboy, thanks for the helpful advice. I'll have to get one of those new fangled things. Sounds as if it might be useful. :biggrin:

The fact is that there is one hanging on the wall not 5 feet from me and as I look at it, it's showing February, 2010. At least it's this years calender. Problem is, I never look at the darned things, never have and probably never will. Now that I'm well versed in the art of retirement, time and scheduling doesn't mean that much to me. I stopped wearing a watch years ago. I just get done what I need to do. Any form of time management is completely lost on me.

I don't have one of those fancy cell phones either. Mine cost $15 from Walmart with $100 for a years minutes.

I never thought of using Outlook for this. I always thought of it as just a calender. I'll have to check it out today when I get time.

I did find a Yahoo widget that says it does what I'm looking for but the reminders only start one week in advance and I really need 10 days. We'll have to wait and see.

Thanks for the link Doc. That didn't come up when I searched. I'll check them out.

Thanks for the help all.
I did find a Yahoo widget that says it does what I'm looking for but the reminders only start one week in advance and I really need 10 days. We'll have to wait and see.

Thanks for the help all.

Tex, couldn't you enter 2 entries in for each birthday: one for the actual day and one a week ahead of the actual birthday? This way you would get plenty of reminders ahead of time.


Event Manager


Event Manager is a program to help you remember your appointments, birthdays, special events and aniversaries.
It is a light weight reminder program that supports powerfull options to create repeatable events. It can also be used to run applications or scripts at a scheduled time. This can be usefull to run backups or to defragment your hard drives on a regular basis.
Event Notification Options:

  • Audio notification (also allows the user to add their own custom .wav files if they choose)
  • Visual tray popup notification
  • Execute an application or script
Event Manager is very simple to use unlike other bloat-ware reminder applications… just unzip it and its ready to go! This also makes it perfect to copy it to a USB pen drive for a truly portable application.

This is the main view:

Editing of an event:

Repeatable options:

Event Notification scrolls up from the task bar:


Latest Version (2.1.0, Build 247)

  • Keep your events safe with auto backups
  • Improved GUI (minor changes to the look)
  • Changed the look of the notify window and how it works (e.g. snoozing events will be much easier)
  • Updated that experimental time picker ctrl on the edit event form (it will be more usable)
  • Fixed a bug where if you were using 24hr clock you couldn’t set an event time for 12am
  • Added a system wide hot key (Ctrl + Shift + E) which allows you to create an event using selected text in any other application (useful to create new events from emails or web pages etc)
  • Configurable notify window transparency
  • If EM is run for the first time some default categories are created and a new welcome event is created
  • You can now execute an application with an event without showing a pop-up (optional)
  • Added functionallity to create scripts to execute directly within Event Manager (no more hunting for lost batch files)
  • Added functionallity to create any type of script to execute (e.g. .bat, .cmd, .vbs, .py, ps1 anything you like)
  • Added incremental search on the event and category columns
Some Awards


Thanks to some nice volunteers Event Manager currently supports a few languages (English, Bulgarian, German and others) but has the ability to support many other languages.
If you would like to use Event Manager in your language or if you find something that is not fully translated and you would like to help in the translation process visit the forum for
Tex, couldn't you enter 2 entries in for each birthday: one for the actual day and one a week ahead of the actual birthday? This way you would get plenty of reminders ahead of time.


Outlook allows you to put the birthday in and you can set a notice of just any amount of time you wish. You can store birthday's and anniversary's. Your anniversary is a good one to stay out of trouble. Outlook also sync's with a lot of phones.
I use an old Microsoft Works Calendar from a 97 version of Microsoft Works that I used on my old windows 98 operating system. It still works on my XP system and pops up reminders of birthdays, bill due dates, doctor appointments and other things that I need reminded of these days. I have been thinking about another more modern calendar program, but being the old fuddy-duddy that I am, I just hate to change.
Tex, couldn't you enter 2 entries in for each birthday: one for the actual day and one a week ahead of the actual birthday? This way you would get plenty of reminders ahead of time.


Smart ass. Of course you're right. :clap::clap::clap::clap: I just wasn't clever enough to think of it. Darn it. :yum:

TSAW, I'll check it out. Thanks.