Hangin in Tornado Alley
Somewhere????? You forgot where you put my boob pictures?
They could turn up anywhere!
Hopefully HERE.....
Somewhere????? You forgot where you put my boob pictures?
They could turn up anywhere!
Now now... I never said I did not want u in there (the MLR I assume) And redneck's vote can't count due to a conflict of interest. (he is interested in seeing them again)
So.. it must be said...
( i will confess to being surprised by the request to access the MLR. I was less worried about you being cold water than I was of offending you. I decided if I offended you in there then A) I may have violated a rule or B) it's the MLR you should expect those things...)
If I dish it out then I better be able to take it...right?
I'm not askeert of you guys and your MLR.....seen it, been there, and done that! And besides Redneck LOST my boob pictures
How does he LOOSE them???!!! I EXACTLY where the old floppy is that has the only interesting pics of my wife on it. Soooo since u have opened this can of worms... and he LOST the other pics......
whispering....(I know where they are, but if she knew, I might loose them!)
so here's what we do.... send them to me... I'll post them and say they are MY wife's or something....
Your right, I'm sorry, but they started it!Hey Everyone!
Excuse me as I put on my boring crusty old moderators hat . . .
This is the "Seriously Speaking" forum. Let's keep it nice and boring here.
No more pictures or talk of Boobs!
Thank you, PB
Hey Everyone!
Excuse me as I put on my boring crusty old moderators hat . . .
This is the "Seriously Speaking" forum. Let's keep it nice and boring here.
No more pictures or talk of Boobs!
Thank you,
I know it wasn't you Cory.
It's just one of those things that can happen on a forum.
As I told some, I probably brought it all on myself anyway.
Should I tone it down a bit, or what??
Hey Everyone!
Excuse me as I put on my boring crusty old moderators hat . . .
This is the "Seriously Speaking" forum. Let's keep it nice and boring here.
No more pictures or talk of Boobs!
Thank you,
What you talkin about Willis. Boobs have the right to be discussed any place and I don't think any guy would object
I dunno 'bout the rest of these guys, but I am serious about boobs! My job as top boob inspector is taken very seriously by me!
Sorry to hear about your PM'S PG. Don't let them get to you, as you can tell from all the posting in this thread, you are loved. I personally find you funny and you keep this forum interesting.
Maybe someone should open a B*** only thread.
By the way, I sent you rep points for the picnic table part!Please ignore keyboard commandos, anonymity brings out the chickenshit in some folks I guess. Maybe the guy couldn't get his picnic table to put out and took it out on you.
Ladies and gents.
2 mods have already chimed in stating this thread is getting off topic and getting a little out of hand.
Another b*** remark and this thread is getting moved or shut down. I (and I think I can say "we" referring to the other mods) don't have any problems with the conversation continuing, but not here.
This area is properly titled "Seriously Speaking Heartbreaking Stories, Love Life or Family issues, Prayer requests, Serious Discussion only. No joking or smart-alecky remarks."
This thread started in the appropriate area but thread-drift makes it no longer applicable to be here.
PG - I'll ask you first. Shut it down or move it to somewhere more appropriate based on the last 30+ posts?
By the way, I sent you rep points for the picnic table part!
Maybe you need to change your avatar BigDog.....That follows you in every forum and every thread. They have been changing them off and on and they get raunchier. It is very out of place in a serious topic, as when you are "sending prayers" I find it distracting in in post you have....especially those. I also find it ironic that a couple of threads I started are offensive. One was brought up about a man in a peculiar position. Hello! there are girls ALL OVER these forums (including the open forum) with boobs hanging out or in a sexually suggestive position. But a man is offensive and going too far. Doc's prostitute poll was in the open forum. Nothing was said about any of them. There is also a thread about motivating pictures and O MY GOSH that has gotten way out of hand with some of the pictures or captions. When I first started looking at this forum there were nude pictures of one your members and I saw lots of posts asking for more and some not so nice sexual suggestions for her. It got to the point I felt sorry for her. That was in the open not priviate or your MLR where I was just a "lurker" checking the place out.They are not the object of the thread or topic in the sense it is being used. Please remember what forum you are replying to folks!
BTW ........... This thread is in the "Serious Speaking" forum.
Thank You
I have never said anything until I felt attacted for what I thought was interesting. It doesn't matter what you think now because I'm outta here.
It's not fun anymore.