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My new toy!!!

did you ever find a manual on the 200? I got one in my files that isn't doing me much good. It yours If you haven't picked up one. Postage may be $3.
Thanks for the offer Jim. Actually, that link Galvi provided is pretty good for a manual. Been spending some time looking it over getting to know the ins and outs of the trike.
No worries about the helmet. I just picked up a couple new ones the other day.

I've been looking around at some sort of strap that could attach him to me when we're riding. Haven't settled on anything practical yet.
Glad to hear you have some new helmets :)

What I've used, and works well is a quick-disconnect nylon strap. I started with those straps you use to wrap luggage but then moved on to nylon belts.

Here's an example (but I don't believe I paid more than $10 for it). I wrap it around my lower back and it ends up under their arm-pits/chest. I put the QD fastener on the left side, in the gap between us so it doesn't dig into either of us and I have quick access to it for disconnect.

Hmmm....I've got one of those!!! It doubles as a shotgun shell holster. When I'm out hunting, I kinda resemble rambo with that belt loaded full of shells and the shotgun in hand.

Give it a try. My kids when they were small would always fall asleep when I was the farthest I could be. I came up with this after trying to hold them upright with one arm while driving through the woods, down the hills, in the S-curves... It wrapped under their armpits and my back. I could actually get off the quad with them hanging off my big, strapping chest (OK, maybe it was my belly) and they never woke up.
Ok...it's been a bit so time for an update. It's been a great hunting season so far this year. There's no speedometer on the trike but I estimate I've put on 3-400 miles on it since Sept 15th. I've gone allot of places I could only dream of going before and hunted for miles and miles down little side trails only wide enough for an atv. It does suck having no reverse but this thing is light so I just get off, through it around, and get going again. I've gone through water crossings about a foot and half deep and 50-75 ft across. I was just down in the Toronto area for a week and got back on tuesday to find a busted valve stem on one of the rear tires. Not a big deal, just took the tire off and brought it down to a local tire repair shop and I was back in business.
Glad it is working out for you. Makes it nice to get back in farther than the legs will take you.
Yes...it is nice to get way back out in the boonies. It decided yesterday to head out to a bush road about 20 miles away that goes way back. I trailered out to the road then offloaded near the beginning. It was a 7 mile ride down a rough main road to get to the spot where I wanted to go. It's actually part of our snowmobile trail in the wintertime. I had only travelled a portion of it years ago during hunting season till I got to a beaver dam. With the trike, I was able to get past the dam and head way back. This trail is bush road that was originally logged back in the late 40's then abandoned so the area could regrow.
Just a quick question.

Did the gun rack survive the beaver attacks?:yum:
Great to see you enjoying the back roads. Lots of birds in this area and the deer are so thick I have to turn the wipers on to just get to work in the morning.:whistling:

Stay safe Dude and enjoy the new toy.:wink:
:yum: Yup! I know just how to handle them beavers around here.

There are so many birds around here right now. I have to beat them off the end of my 12 guage with a stick. Since I missed hunting last weekend due to being in the suthern part of the province, they even decided to come to me since I couldn't get to them...:yum: Had one in my front yard the other morning.
Nice find!

Wouldn't necessarily have the kids drive it much though, they are a tad unstable and have hurt/killed a lot of kids (and adults) here in Alaska before they quit making them. Even in first gear and a tight turn they will turn over for the inexperienced.

I would keep it as "Dads" toy, and just give them supervised slow rides.
look what my kids have to play on we still have some things to add like extra seating ROPS and seatbelts i let them drive it home today almost a krusty


  • raid trac 001.jpg
    raid trac 001.jpg
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it's also the wrong color it does have a neet steering system like a cat where it de clutch's and than brakes the track which makes for a nice positive turn with very little strength required it also has leaf springs between the road wheels like an imp but you don't feel any spring action rides like a buck board.kids love it.