Well , my back is a bit better . It has been a busy week .
In the past week , I rented out all the vacant apartments I had left

. This includes the two units I have not finished yet . My 3 bedroom apartment at the ranch also rented out long term .
Now I am really busy !!! I have hired additional help to get the remaining two apartment units completed ASAP.
I still have the game locker and the mini storage to construct by late June but as of now the "My latest Challenge" appears to be a financial winner and close to comming to a close soon .
I always hate the first few months of a new business challenge .I always wonder/worry if i have covered all the bases .
This really was a "no brainer" in the fact that the nearest laundromat was 65 miles away and that the area had no apartments available .The oversized building lot left lots of space for a Mini storage and 2 RV sites on the river it borders . The remodeled building was just reappraised at 7 times the original cost to purchase.
When this is completely built out in the summer of this year , I am done with working and will again go back to retirement full time .
I guess I just wanted something to do and to prove a point to myself that I could still take a new business in a lousy economy and make it profitable .I just never expected it to be in the first year .
I'll post some finished pictures of the place at a later date .
This was a fun experiment but boy am I tired
Later folks !