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Morgan Freeman: WTF?


Jeanclaude Spam Banhammer
SUPER Site Supporter
On 60 Minutes, he says that the only way to get rid of racism is to, "stop talking about it." http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=1131418n

And last night he tells Piers Morgan that the Tea Party is racist because they don't want Obama to be a two term POTUS: http://tv.yahoo.com/news/morgan-freeman-tells-cnns-piers-morgan-tea-party-185002930.html

Nevermind that Obama's policies are antithetical to the Tea Party's views that favor personal freedoms over more gummint and taxation.

How disappointing that Mr. Freeman is so incapable of walking his talk.


New member
who cares what Morgan Freeman says ...

Another Hollywood actor (and it's just a job, just as a garbage collector or accountant) that think what he says somehow holds more water than everyone elses.


New member
GOLD Site Supporter
I wonder when people that are citizens of this country give up their rights to free speech. Is it due to the fact they are in the internment field or what? Perhaps 50% of our politicians should give up their right to free speech also since they have little to say.


Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
I wonder when people that are citizens of this country give up their rights to free speech. Is it due to the fact they are in the internment field or what? Perhaps 50% of our politicians should give up their right to free speech also since they have little to say.
Its not about free speech or what Morgan Freeman said this time IMO Joe , its what he has said before that makes me lose respect for him because he is doing a complete flip flop for some reason about the way he feels about the "race card " being used, and now he is doing the same thing by generalizing one group. But thats just my opinion. :wink:


New member
GOLD Site Supporter
I'm just saying what gives you, me or Shep more rights to voice and opinion. It was the comment by Shep "Another Hollywood actor" that got to me as a few are pretty smart regardless.


Master of Distraction
Staff member
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Morgan Freeman has played really important people in biographical movies so that's like pretty much the same as being a really important person - right? :rolleyes:


Well-known member
I'm just saying what gives you, me or Shep more rights to voice and opinion. It was the comment by Shep "Another Hollywood actor" that got to me as a few are pretty smart regardless.
Crap, actors are just con artists who can't make it on the street.


Jeanclaude Spam Banhammer
SUPER Site Supporter
I don't begrudge Mr. Freeman his right to say something. He was afterall, answering a question, not just spouting off.

And I was just exercising my right to speech by identifying the hypocritical nature of his two viewpoints.

I previously had a great deal of respect for the guy as a person until I heard his most recent comments.


legendary ⚓
GOLD Site Supporter
I love Morgan Freeman for his acting and I was touched at what he said back then on 60 Minutes.. this now is very disappointing.


New member
Morgan Freeman lost ALL respect years ago when caught banging his underage step-daughter.

When his wife found out about the 10 year tryst she cashed out leaving poor Morgan scraping around to find enough to pay for his new jet.


legendary ⚓
GOLD Site Supporter
Perhaps Mr. Freeman needs to sit down and speak with the likes of Angela McGlowan.
She's black and supports the tea party and said to her it's NOT a black or white issue.
I wonder just how many black tea party supporters there are?
Many, I am sure.


New member
actually, I'm pretty tired of actors ( remember they're people who pretend to be something else to entertain us) just as I am musicians thinking because they're in the limelight it's their "duty" to extol the virtues of their political leanings. Yes they have theight right to speach like everyone else- but their opinion means the same as Joe burger slingers' does. Perhaps these rich, liberal pretenders (actors) get proped up by the media yes men, and think they know what's best.
Heck, I like watching Samuel L Jackson in a movie but I could give a flaming ratturd about his political point of view.


legendary ⚓
GOLD Site Supporter
Speaking of actors doing stupid things, etc..
What about Jennifer Aniston buying that painting?
I know it's off topic here, but for God sakes.
$450,000 to help the people in Haiti?

Why do all these Hollywood goofballs go for the stuff that distracts attention OUT of this country?
Oh wait, because it's cool to do so?
Adopt kids from foreign countries, when there are many waiting for homes right here in our country.
Standing up for the rights of individuals/people (again) in other countries- I know, someone has to do it.. but really.. come on already!
Hollywood is a hot mess dump of Jane's and Joe's pulling a number in order to put another feather in their caps.
They've got a bazillion to spend at their leisure, so.. why not?

As for Mr. Freeman, I had to giggle at a post someone made on a blog site;
"Hoke, ya be playin' the race card"


Bronze Member
SUPER Site Supporter
Morgan about racism:unsure:,( i think his comments in the first video are valid points and i understand it) his perception of racism in the tea party may have merits in places i have not seen or visited, most likely he sees what the media has propagated:hammer:,and i wish he would visit a rally in person and visit with the people to understand what T.E.A. actually stands for, to see with his own eyes that a few bad apples shouldn't taint the whole rally, for what little racism that i have experienced in my life is very rare and unsettling,and that I'm no better than any other person or race is how i was raised, just like everyone i would care to associate with:mellow:


Like a bad penny...
GOLD Site Supporter
He and Danny Glover (of Lethal Weapon fame) are well known big time racists and bigots. The two of them would burn the ears of Obama's esteemed Rev. Wright!


Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
I think Cain perty well nails it IMO.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrK16rocwaY"]Herman Cain: Morgan Freeman Never Has Been To A Tea Party Event - YouTube[/ame]


Gone But Not Forgotten
SUPER Site Supporter
I always liked him as a actor but he is just another person with a opinion to me . Because he is on TV does not make him any wiser than us . He makes dumb mistakes just like everybody else . His last comment is proof of that .

We all know that we do need changes in the partys as they really mirror each other . A new party may be what we need . The old ones don't work for me anymore . Saying the TP is Racist seems like a cop out way to try to sway a person's opinion .

Give me some solid proof of what you say Mr Freeman .Maybe I will change my mind .


Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
Trouble is, the racism card has worked for decades. Problem is, not so much anymore.

Let them rant and rave. Any group that is as disliked by as diverse a group as the Tea Party haters must be doing something right.


Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
After thinking about this thread some more I think what bothers me even more then what M Freeman said, is WTF is Piers Morgan even doing with a tv show. :unsure:

Further more WTF would any body watch the damn thing , the man is a bigger joke then Jerry Springer IMO. :doh:


legendary ⚓
GOLD Site Supporter
"Consider us creeped out. Morgan Freeman is giving Woody Allen a run for his money"

^ yeah.. :smileywac


GOLD Site Supporter
And the original source is The National Enquirer.

So..... Just because a story is dated ,and from a source with no credibility ( excluding the John "silky pony " Edwards story ) , does that mean You think it may be a leap ? :whistling:

Snowtrac Nome

member formerly known as dds
GOLD Site Supporter
i had a liberal buddy call me a racist because, i was a republican, and in my opinion the message that affermitive action sends is that minoritys arn't as smart as us honkies are. i than asked him to do a google search to find out wich party had more members of the clan he was a bit shocked at the results republicans arn't racists they just don't have anything to feel guilty about.