Regarding the interest in early snowcat production, I have found in my library and would be willing to share this 155 page historical comparison of over the snow vehicles, called Over The Snow Vehicles. It is a copy of a 1955 Master of Science Thesis in Industrial Education from a western university. A great amount of historical research and pertinent technical data has been documented from 1939 to 1954 within this publication. Their intent was to make a comparative analysis of the vehicles produced by these research projects and to relate what was being done in the field of over the snow transport. This historical information was compiled from field diaries, periodical reports, personal interviews from engineers, techs and agencies, such as US Geological Surveys, Soil Conservation Snow Surveys, Utah Scientific Research Foundation, Bell Telephone and others. This comparative data shows important performance and design features of many vehicles, such as Hansen, Barrett, Frandee, Eskelson, St. Bernard, Frandee Sea Wolf ( this is the plate of the machine of which Lyndon speaks and has given to me, model 4GX, Serial # 1 and is pictured above in this same forum topic), military T27, M27, Tucker Snocat, propellar driven snow planes, converted tractor snowmobiles and early Bombardiers. This publication contains many photo's and lots of factual information about the many early manufactures within the snowcat industry. Copies are available for $120.00 (includes postage). Contact Mary,