Bronze Member
Very nice touch Brian and McCall Crew, Thank you.
Hi Brian,
I am the current owner of Niksons 1402 but unfortunately due to logistical, health and family obligation reasons we will not be able to make it to McCall. It sounds like it will be Disneyland for snowcatters. I will be watching the forums and wishing we were there.
I would love to hear whatever stories or history you have about Old 129 while you owned it. We are currently loving it and using it a lot to access our cabin in Washington. It is now 52 years old and healthy as ever. (Wish I could say the same!)
Brian just cut me a great deal on the 4 batteries in need. It's been cold here- don't want to get stuck out there at 11 below. Steve
going double down on my offer...
Bombardier B-12, yup...
world famous offer, now goes out to the first B-12 to sign up, 2 two nights at the Best Western and a $100.00 gas card...good till, jan.7, 2017
Jinn has challenged me to find this Princess Worthy Snow Cat for the Royals at McCallin' 2017. If you know where to find one let me know! 42MPH top speed
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So let's see if a person would bring a M7 snow tractor and a Bombardier B12
And a Model T with tracks you would get the grand prize? Like 6 nights free and
300 in gas cards? And the special drink of koolaid?
"I think there is a museum exclusion in addendum 6A, sub paran, ii, (3) of the snow cat owners fair play act of 2016..."