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Mandatory Firearms Training for Elementary School Students

Back in the day, there used to be rifle clubs in schools here in the USA and training often occurred as part of the gym class.

In some rural areas we are now seeing "scholastic clays" programs popping up, which is a high school program for trap shooting. But it is a club after school, with meetings held at the schools.

We need more of this, for a lot of reasons.
THE wooden spoon.
Dad died early on. Mom had to work. Granny attempted to keep us inline with that wooden spoon.
My wife is Polish. If SHTF, it's not the guys with guns the opponent has to worry about, it's the women armed with vocal chords and something made out of wood from the kitchen they need to be scared of.
A great story from 10-15 yrs ago - a junkie strolled into a woman's kitchen demanding money, so she beaned him with her prized Emeril Lagasse skillet. Dropped him like a rock. The only thing that really upset her is the cops took her skillet as evidence. Emeril heard about it, and sent her a complete set of his signature cookware.
My brother and I solved the wooden spoon issue at an early age. We put small hard covered books down the back of our pants, when mom came at us, we were ready! By the second smack dad figured out what we had done and burst out laughing! Mom wasn’t impressed but she was pretty good humoured about it.

In high school in the mid 90’s many of us had guns in our vehicles at school, and we never shot anybody.
My brother and I solved the wooden spoon issue at an early age. We put small hard covered books down the back of our pants, when mom came at us, we were ready! By the second smack dad figured out what we had done and burst out laughing! Mom wasn’t impressed but she was pretty good humoured about it.

In high school in the mid 90’s many of us had guns in our vehicles at school, and we never shot anybody.
We also did not have school mass murder incidents.
Yup we had a rife team in our school and the rifle range was actually in a sub basement of the school. All my siblings were on the team but I was too young to join before we moved to a different town that did not. We were there last year snooping around the school and the range is still there, all be it, kinda closed off. We even found some old records of some of my sibs. My kids school now has a trap team, trap range is about a mile from the school. Trap is pretty big here in mn , and Wi.
Back in the day, there used to be rifle clubs in schools here in the USA and training often occurred as part of the gym class...
We had a rifle club at my high school during the 80s. It was an elective you had to qualify for: good grades, and never in any trouble. I was able to clear the second hurdle, but not the first lol.
I was in the rifle club in 1962-63-64. Carried a gun around school on club days. Had it in my locker. A bolt action 22 rifle I bought new for $6. Took it to shop class where the teacher taught me how to break it down, clean and lubricate it. He helped me work on it to make the action smoother. Despite this assistance, I was still a lousy shot.

Those were the days.
I still have the rifle.
Still a lousy shot