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Lost my Volvo


Spock and Galvatron < one and the same
I made a promise to my wife that i would get the old Volvo 850 back on the road this year and i did,she passed her road worthy test Monday and for a 1996 model she was in great condition and we owned her for many years,great for camping and long distance driving.

So i went off to work this morning and Volvo was sat on the drive,i took little Rover and the Renault is in the garage,got home and no Volvo on the drive...odd as my wife walks to work but just thought she may have taken it if she needed to run some place first as she does love the old car, unloaded my tools and found a business card and receipt in with the mail, now i am confused as it read "collected Volvo as requested please be sure to inform DVLA that this vehicle has been scrapped".

Phoned my wife she thought i was taking the piss as per....so i phoned the number on the business card to ask what the fuck is going on??

Asked for the manager to which i got...told him my address and he was confused also so asked to phone me back so i gave him my number...20 min later i get a call back,i cant believe what i am hearing...

"hello sir i am so sorry i have bad news so bad i am embarrassed to even want to tell you what has happened....our driver has made the most terrible mistake and mixed up your address which is Fellowes way with Fallows field the address where he should have collected a Volvo 240..the 2 roads are very close on the sat nav and he fucked up big time,he was instructed the owner was out and to just take it....in taking your car he had to break in to it through a window and it was lifted by chains through the windows and i wont lie it is 100% write off...but i promise to make this right"

FFS.....i am gutted ..... we had this car for some years and now the old girl is gone,only had 157k miles on the clock and was well loved,yup i lost my temper as one would and by fuck i think i even invented some new swear words,sadly that wont change things...he arranged to came see me at 4pm today to work something out to keep me happy and whilst he did i popped to the address where he should have picked up the car and yup i confirmed it is a legit mistake,they have a old clapped out Volvo 240 sitting on the drive way.

So he turned up at 4pm and had his driver with him,young lad and his job was on the line,i was assured he had never made a mistake before he just had no excuse he just had a day where he did not think,we all have them so no point in holding grudges,he seemed a nice lad only 24 years old so why kick his arse anymore,im told he still has his job but will have to work his arse off to pay off his mistake and i do not doubt he will.

As for the car it is gone...no coming back from being lifted by chains through the windows,so sad as she had so much life left in her,he invited me down to see for myself but whats the point,so we got down to money,i know like he did what she was worth which in good condition is only £1000 that is fact i can't change the value no matter how good a friend she was to us but he slapped me with £2000 cash so we could just make the problem go away,and a promise that if i ever needed any car parts i could call him and have them for free anytime,took the deal as it was fair and he seemed truly sorry for what had happened.

So it is goodbye old friend and thanks for the safe journeys....you will be missed :sad:


  • 123.jpg
    77.3 KB · Views: 213
My God. That kid must not have had his thinking cap on. That car looks way to nice to be junked. Oh, I would be very upset also.
Tell the owner he should start requiring the owner be present and sign off before the demolish a car.
My God. That kid must not have had his thinking cap on. That car looks way to nice to be junked. Oh, I would be very upset also.
Tell the owner he should start requiring the owner be present and sign off before the demolish a car.

The lad was instructed that the paperwork would be on the seat,i had the service history out on the seat from Monday when i had her tested,he made a mistake for sure but eh shit happens, my wife was real upset until i showed her we were going to look at this later this week...she is smiling again but i know deep down like me she has fond memories and they are priceless.

Off to see this hopefully on Friday....

Wow, that's nice. That could sure help with the pain.
32mpg!!??? Seriously? Is that diesel?
Wow, that's nice. That could sure help with the pain.
32mpg!!??? Seriously? Is that diesel?

No it is Petrol or Gas as you call it....pretty good for a 2.4 liter engine, if you think that is good my little Rover pulls around 40mpg around town and could hit 50 on a run.:wink:
I made a promise to my wife that i would get the old Volvo 850 back on the road this year and i did,she passed her road worthy test Monday and for a 1996 model she was in great condition and we owned her for many years,great for camping and long distance driving.

So i went off to work this morning and Volvo was sat on the drive,i took little Rover and the Renault is in the garage,got home and no Volvo on the drive...odd as my wife walks to work but just thought she may have taken it if she needed to run some place first as she does love the old car, unloaded my tools and found a business card and receipt in with the mail, now i am confused as it read "collected Volvo as requested please be sure to inform DVLA that this vehicle has been scrapped".

Phoned my wife she thought i was taking the piss as per....so i phoned the number on the business card to ask what the fuck is going on??

Asked for the manager to which i got...told him my address and he was confused also so asked to phone me back so i gave him my number...20 min later i get a call back,i cant believe what i am hearing...

"hello sir i am so sorry i have bad news so bad i am embarrassed to even want to tell you what has happened....our driver has made the most terrible mistake and mixed up your address which is Fellowes way with Fallows field the address where he should have collected a Volvo 240..the 2 roads are very close on the sat nav and he fucked up big time,he was instructed the owner was out and to just take it....in taking your car he had to break in to it through a window and it was lifted by chains through the windows and i wont lie it is 100% write off...but i promise to make this right"

FFS.....i am gutted ..... we had this car for some years and now the old girl is gone,only had 157k miles on the clock and was well loved,yup i lost my temper as one would and by fuck i think i even invented some new swear words,sadly that wont change things...he arranged to came see me at 4pm today to work something out to keep me happy and whilst he did i popped to the address where he should have picked up the car and yup i confirmed it is a legit mistake,they have a old clapped out Volvo 240 sitting on the drive way.

So he turned up at 4pm and had his driver with him,young lad and his job was on the line,i was assured he had never made a mistake before he just had no excuse he just had a day where he did not think,we all have them so no point in holding grudges,he seemed a nice lad only 24 years old so why kick his arse anymore,im told he still has his job but will have to work his arse off to pay off his mistake and i do not doubt he will.

As for the car it is gone...no coming back from being lifted by chains through the windows,so sad as she had so much life left in her,he invited me down to see for myself but whats the point,so we got down to money,i know like he did what she was worth which in good condition is only £1000 that is fact i can't change the value no matter how good a friend she was to us but he slapped me with £2000 cash so we could just make the problem go away,and a promise that if i ever needed any car parts i could call him and have them for free anytime,took the deal as it was fair and he seemed truly sorry for what had happened.

So it is goodbye old friend and thanks for the safe journeys....you will be missed :sad:

When I first read the title, LOST MY VOLVO, my gut reaction was, " uh, how could anyone misplace a Volvo?" But man that really sucks.

Amazing that the scrapper didn't check the vin# and worse didn't notice the condition of the car before he assaulted and tortured it.

Having owned some of my cars, you know the favorites, for many years I can relate. My 75 Olds Starfire was at 200K on the clock but it ran like a Swiss watch. So I took it to a buddy for a complete body restore and paint. He subsequently disappeared unexpectedly. Many months later I recovered what was left of the car from his chicken coup after a long possession battle with his ex-wife. Totally trashed.

I cried.

I know it is just a car but sometimes, the loss is just unexplainably heartbreaking. So without sounding sarcastic I truely mean it when I say, "So sorry for your loss."
I'll bet hereafter the scrap yard owner and all employees will be checking vin #s on pick ups where the owner isn't present!!
my wife was real upset until i showed her we were going to look at this later this week...she is smiling again but i know deep down like me she has fond memories and they are priceless.

Fond memories? I can only imagine the rockin' and rollin' when the two of you took advantage of the entire cargo bay.

Well, on second thought, maybe that's a visual I can do without.

But sorry about the old girl ... the Volvo that is.
Jeez Galvi, that sucks! Sounds like he made every effort to ease your pain financially, but still a kick in the arse. Major League Bummer. I do think you handled it better then I would have. I would have been totally ape shit.
Uh, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the steering wheel is on the wrong side of that replacement..:whistling::yum:

PS: sorry for losing the old friend.
Holy crap; I would not have the ability to contain myself - two things you don't mess with - my food and my vehicles.
Thanks for all the replies....

Now today i thought i had lost my little over to, it's my little daily runner and this morning she had no power,foot to the floor and she would not go over 3000 revs, she is so reliable i could not understand the power loss in the slightest.

Got home this afternoon and done some interweb research and everything pointed to a problem with the air flow, popped up the hood and checked all the air flow pipes and nothing....so took of the air filter cover and took out the air filter and i could not believe what i was seeing,had to bring out my wife to see as she would never believe me...can anyone guess what was in there??

Fucking dried dog food....full to the brim with the shit....a good half carrier bag full....car has a stupid design and i guess a squirrel went up the underneath and just thought it was a great place to stash his goodies,traced the source and it is from a neighbors garden as he stored dog food in a shed with no door,he was polite and moved it.

I really did think i had lost little Rover to scrap heap heaven....she now purrs like a kitten again.

I love my little Rover...not like the Volvo but again it is a dear friend due to its fun to drive aspect.

The squirrel is on my hit list:shifty:


  • DSC_0057.jpg
    93 KB · Views: 157
Damn, that is so sad. :sad: I'm glad you have found a possible - well, not replacement, certainly, considering the memories you
made in her - but at least a surrogate that can help ease the pain somewhat.
shit happens, when I was a kid a customer brought in his key and wanted his 78 red and white t- bird towed. the mechanic towed it , a couple hours later johny law showed up said we had a stolen car. so the driver hooked it up and took it back. and went across the street and tried the keys in the one across the street they worked, as he was hooking up to it, out comes a furious owner what the f are you doing with my car. turns out that block had 3 red and white 78 t- birds on it all with the same key combinations.