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Looking for a Bombi??

Hey All - I'm brand new to the Forum and to tracked vehicles. I have a need for a smaller vehicle like the Bombardier Bombi BR-100 or the like. Just bought a property in MT with a 1/4 mile driveway. I'd like to find a small tracked vehicle with a blade as I would need to plow the driveway but I'd also like to cruise the backcountry with my grandson and whoever else wants to go. Budget: under $25K, yes, I know almost impossible . . . but I've seen a few out there . . . but either sold are extremely far away. Any help would be appreciated.

I've been to FB Snow Cat sales, FB Bombardier Bombi and BR-100 and a host of other sites I found on Google search. Nothing seems to be for sale in my price range and type of vehicle I'm looking for. Yeah, probably need to up the budget a bit but thought I'd ask to see what might be out there I haven't found yet.

Thanks for your responses in advance.
