Well-known member
If you just got your 1500, you will find out there is even more track fun in store after you get all the bolts tightened. The long OEM grousers have a tendency to break at the wheel-guide bolt holes. In the 12 years I have had mine I have broken at least one a year, sometimes a couple. This is running only on snow, no dirt or pavement. The aftermarket ones that Peterson Equipment had had made, and now Snowcat Services (who bought out Peterson's stock of Thiokol/DMC/LMC parts) have don't break, they are heavier and are a one-piece grouser/wheel guide. They are pricey though, but then what ain't when it comes to snowcats.
First broken grouser of the season, straight through the outside bolt hole for the tire guide. Surprisingly it was a short grouser. Terrible design to put holes in the grousers right over the wheels where they have the most pressure! Weld it up and carry on.
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