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Just when you think it's getting better

Man your sure going through a string of bad luck. Nothing open today to get another generator either. Did they say when you will get electricity back in your house?
Say a prayer for the fellas out there working all day and night away from their families @ Christmas to restore service . I know its not always the greatest job doing storm restoration .
Been there & done that. It forms a bond between men that is really hard to explain.:pray:
Sorta like the bond between soldiers who've seen battle together, I am thinking.
God bless those guys in their work and keep them safe.
I have cleared snow and pulled wire for the local co-op guys with a 953 Cat during bad storms in 93. I would much sooner be running equipment for 30+ hours than out there climbing poles in the middle of the night with the wind howling. Anybody who fusses too much about an outage should try doing their job once.
I have cleared snow and pulled wire for the local co-op guys with a 953 Cat during bad storms in 93. I would much sooner be running equipment for 30+ hours than out there climbing poles in the middle of the night with the wind howling. Anybody who fusses too much about an outage should try doing their job once.

Thank you. I needed to be reminded of that. We haven't had a major outage for about 3 years but, when we did, I spent 3 days wondering what the hell they were doing and why it was taking so long. Sometimes we get so involved in our own little world that we forget to look, see and appreciate what others are going through at the same time. Once again, thanks. :clap:
Power was restored at about 12:30pm today. Total time without power was about 60 hours. Not bad considering that at one point in the storm there was more than an inch of ice on the power lines. :sad:
Power was restored at about 12:30pm today. Total time without power was about 60 hours. Not bad considering that at one point in the storm there was more than an inch of ice on the power lines. :sad:

Sounds like the worst is over! :thumb:

We had the power out this morning. I realized that if I hook up the generator and get everything plugged in and set up that they will get the power restored sooner. If I wait for the power to get restored it always takes forever. Sure enough, 15 minutes after the generator is going the power is back up. :rolleyes:
Glad to hear you have power Dave.

Good for your generator PB ....they need started ever so often. ;D

Dave.........How about a PTO model gen for on your tractor ? That's what I went to & even my wife can get it up & running. Don't have to worry about the gas being old anymore !

Only one problem with the PTO generator.....the tractor is needed for plowing the drive!
Just a quick note on safety for the boys up the pole. Please insure that you are not back feeding power from your generators into the grid and killing some poor tired lineman as he tries to repair the fallen power lines.
This may be an unnessary post and upset some people but if it saves one of the fellas out there from getting electrocuted than I can handle the shame of another useless post:neutral:
Just a quick note on safety for the boys up the pole. Please insure that you are not back feeding power from your generators into the grid and killing some poor tired lineman as he tries to repair the fallen power lines.
This may be an unnessary post and upset some people but if it saves one of the fellas out there from getting electrocuted than I can handle the shame of another useless post:neutral:

Good point. My transfer switch was installed long before the generator was put in place.
Wow , that seems cheap for a generator of that size . Do you have any idea how well they hold up?
That generator looks like a fair deal. What engine is in it? If you do like my place and turn off water heater and other big users it should run the whole place. My wife's first priority is coffee pot and then internet. My priority is keeping power to the boilers and freezers and then water pump.
That generator looks like a fair deal. What engine is in it? If you do like my place and turn off water heater and other big users it should run the whole place. My wife's first priority is coffee pot and then internet. My priority is keeping power to the boilers and freezers and then water pump.

The priorities are water for the horses then heat for the house then the freezer and refrigerator. Hot water is not an option since it is an electric water heater. When I replace it I will go with propane.
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I needed a new one with electric start anyway so that the wife can do it if I'm not home.

Good idea. I bought a DeWalt with electric start so the wife could start it. Trouble is, I don't remember to run it often enough to keep the battery charged. It has a Honda engine that usually starts on the first pull, though.
Dave sent that weather east to me and it waited till the ice melted yesterday and today before we lost power for 3 hours today.Went and fired up the generator to watch the Giants get their ass kicked bad!:hammer:
Good idea. I bought a DeWalt with electric start so the wife could start it. Trouble is, I don't remember to run it often enough to keep the battery charged. It has a Honda engine that usually starts on the first pull, though.

I keep a "battery tender" hooked up to my generator 24/7/365. The batteries seem to last me about 3 to 4 years and the generator always fires up when I need it. I also printed out instructions (2 copies) and have one set on the transfer switch next to the electrical panel and the other set on the air filter of the generator. That way if the wife is home she can follow the instructions and start it up by herself.
The priorities are water for the horses then heat for the house then the freezer and refrigerator. Hot water is not an option since it is an electric water heater. When I replace it I will go with propane.
A generator that size will run most any hot water tank. How big is your HW tank? When they list total watts on it, they're talking about the sum of both elements. Only 1 element runs at a time.
Bob, the battery tender makes sense. The problem for me is that my generator is set up in a separate structure, isolated from my garage, where I connect it when it is needed. There is no convenient way to provide power to a tender.

If I could start over I would install something like Generac's automatic backup system.
Bob, the battery tender makes sense. The problem for me is that my generator is set up in a separate structure, isolated from my garage, where I connect it when it is needed. There is no convenient way to provide power to a tender.

If I could start over I would install something like Generac's automatic backup system.

A solar powered battery tender would be perfect for you.
They make solar chargers. Fella I know has one on his skid loader roof as it sets outside for long periods without being run. He got it at northern tool.
Well I'm STILL dealing with this damn storm!

Today we have 30 MPH wind gusts that are causin 3 ft drifts in my road. I've plowed three times so far today! :mad: