. They were told their loan was not approved because our daughter had not yet returned to full time work. She planned to return Nov. 1st. To appease the leander she had to go back to work early. Her office is letter her do it from home at least, but what a pain. How petty of the bank. No responsible adult would apply for a loan and be building a residence and then not return to work after maternity time off.
So, instead of the construction starting this past August, it is just now getting underway.
this happen to one of my sisiters co-workers as well.
I know as soon as my loan closes I am out the door of where I work. I found out the bank ckecks to see if your employed up the day before loan closing.So I am really chomping at the bits to get going on my own. This will be the first time in my life I have ever walked out of a place, and burned the bridge behind me.