I couldn't make this shit up if I tried.
He made it to Vegas, and was supposed to fly back to KC. (his words)
But no.
He rents a car, and drives to Phoenix???
He was already there almost 4 months ago.
(He says) upon arriving in Phx, he discovers he left his debit card at a gas station back in Vegas, so he drives back, and turns his car in, then tries renting a motel room.
Well, no one's renting him a motel room without a CC, even if he does have cash.
So what's he do?
He calls Mom, and invites her up to Vegas to share a motel room.
She hates Vegas, and tells him no way and to go get his own room.
That's when he tells her the story and that he lost his card, and can't get a room.
Little fucker.
He thinks in the morning he'll be able to go to a branch of his bank and just get a new card.
We all know it doesn't work that way.
She offered to buy him a room.
I lost it.
I did.
I came goddamn unglued.
Probably not some of the best things I ever said, but I told her if she wants to remain together, I'd better not see his face around here.
And if I did, the results weren't going to be pleasant for any of the three of us.
I told her that I wasn't going to support nor take care of this lazy fucking piece of shit for the rest of my life.
Well just a room for tonight.
Yeah, what about tomorrow night? and the night after?
How about the week or 10 days it's going to take to get a new card?
And just where the hell are they going to send it to?
Certainly not fucking here!
Just one bad stupid decision after another with this guy.
No planning, no forethought, no afterthought for that matter.
Blind as a bat and dumber than a bag of plungers.
It wouldn't surprise me for a minute to find out he didn't lose his card, didn't rent a car, and spent all his money in Vegas trying to make money in the laziest way possible.
So now, he's still got no job, no pot to pee in, no plans, and is worse off than when this whole thing started because now he's either broke again, or doesn't have a card.
She sent him some phone numbers for some hostels up there instead.
I told her she should tell the lazy bastard to go find a brick, and throw it through a jewelry store window.
At least that way he can have three meals a day, a roof over his head, and someone to take care of him, and she won't have to worry about his stupid soon to be sore ass so much.
I hate to make threats, but one way or another, I'm not going to put up this Mommying of a 40 year old whatever he is anymore.
She's got to cut him loose.
Whatever's wrong with this guy, it's not our job to fix him, or the next stupid situation he puts himself in.
He's just going to have to get smart, or die out there.
I'm still amazed that he can remember to breathe on his own.
I loaned him a computer for his job search, and I took it back right before he left.
She asked if I wouldn't just give it to him since it was an old windows computer anyways.
I agreed, but only after deleting any files that I may still have on it.
While doing so, I came across a folder he had made.
Pictures of batman.
40 years old, and he's obsessed with comic book characters.
Supposed to be using the damn thing to look for work, and he's downloading pictures of batman.
There's no hope.
And even worse, I let him steal my peace again.