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Israel is under attack, at WAR with Hamas after invasion


Well-known member
GOLD Site Supporter
This is going to happen here at some point, mostly for the same reasons. Wars are not fought to win and for keeps anymore. When they go down and you put the boots to them they don't get back up. Then plant your flag.


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
Keep in the back of your mind the Muslim saying, often found in graffiti form on walls in European slums.

Seen in multiple variants:
  • First the Saturday people, then the Sunday people.
  • First we kill the Saturday people, then the Sunday people.

The message is we unite to wipe out the Jews, then we kill all the Christians. But don't believe it is limited to Jews and Christians because it is a saying that implies, explicitly, that all infidels will eventually need to be exterminated.


Well-known member
Iran is threatening to attack US carrier(s) - which will without question will be in international waters.
multiple surrounding Arab countries are alleged to be tossing rockets/missiles into Israel

Russia has teamed with North Korea because Russia is out of ammo . . .
China is stirring the pot . . .

the setting is getting quite ripe for a WW3 scenario . . . scary as hell . . .


The Old Salt
SUPER Site Supporter
In an earlier post I guess I was a bit prophetic when I said Israel is going to turn loose some Old Testament shit on Gaza. Netanyahu today referenced the 10 plagues against Egypt that will be turned loose on Gaza.

I get the distinct feeling this time, international pressure against Israel will not work to slow them down. This has been one of those moments in life for them when the stark reality of what just happened hits you square in the face and you just do not give a damn about any of the long term ramifications of your actions. Israel is at that point right now and there is no turning back. Kill or be killed.

Tens of thousands of Palestinians most likely will die. My only advice to them right now would be if you survive, pick your next leaders more wisely than you did before. While not wanting to see civilians die, I also am not going to lose any sleep over it. Ask the average Palestinian on the street if they would like to see America dead and all of its people killed the vast majority of them would say yes. I do not lose sleep over people that harbor such a twisted and perverted mentality. The world is better off without them in actuality.
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The Old Salt
SUPER Site Supporter
Iran is threatening to attack US carrier(s) - which will without question will be in international waters.
multiple surrounding Arab countries are alleged to be tossing rockets/missiles into Israel

Russia has teamed with North Korea because Russia is out of ammo . . .
China is stirring the pot . . .

the setting is getting quite ripe for a WW3 scenario . . . scary as hell . . .

Go ahead Iran. They too will be sleeping with the fishes. Russia cannot defeat Ukraine, they will not pick a fight with NATO. China has too many Walmart, Target and Dollar Store shelves to fill to be stepping on their dick like that.

The consequences of the stolen election are getting more stark as each day passes.
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Active member
Of all the countries that have problems, Israel isn't bloated or complacent. It doesn't suffer from the unstable, crooked government that Spain does, the rising plutocratic society of Great Britain, the corrupt government of the US or the weak kneed leadership of Germany. It's a warrior culture that isn't held back by petty thieves or greed. Unlike America and the EU, they are answering back in kind to their aggressors with their own people. The animal spirit lives on in Israel, the ancient drive to fight for what they believe is still in their blood. I hope they win this conflict. One strip of land can't throw its weight around like this. It must be defeated.
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