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Is windows too prone to attacks?


Gone But Not Forgotten
I just updated my windows again. 22 security fixes in 8 days! Seems they are falling behind at Microsoft or we have a whole new crop of hackers with time on their hands. Can't believe they found that many ways around in a little over one week.


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Yes Apple and Windows are their targets.
They are after the rich Americans banking records.
The punks just like to crash your computer.
Their parents did not believe in spanking.
Well if you didn't visit all them "questionable" sites.. you woudn't need all them security updates.:whistling:

I've had Windows Update turned off and no antivirus for at least 6 months now. However I only visit a few sites - and never ever open an e-mail attachment.
Same here. I just can't believe all the security updates in such a short time. It took as long to upgrade windows when i reloaded as it did to install the manufacturer's disk.
All kidding aside.. Windows is a big target for the hackers. I hate all them updates that take forever.
In the past... when I did the updates.. sometimes my computer did not work as well as before.
All kidding aside.. Windows is a big target for the hackers. I hate all them updates that take forever.
In the past... when I did the updates.. sometimes my computer did not work as well as before.
Last time my update alert came, I went through the process and there was one that kept coming up as an error or incomplete or something.
Yes, I know about hackers. My email and it's password were hacked last month or so, and some of the mails I hadn't read yet were opened, etc.
I do think they are trying to be proactive and fix it before the hackers figure out the loophole.
Windows is the number one OS folks use, so it is the prime target for hackers. Not that it will ever happen but IF Linux took over the number one OS spot the hackers would then be targeting that. They want the most bang for their hack.
I used to do like tsaw and only update when i saw the need, mainly because some of the updates screwed things up. I bought a new laptop with Windows 7 and left the updates on. So far so good. I have been using Windows 7 for a few months now and I have nothing negative to say about it. I kinda like it. :D