Proudly Deplorable
A friend stopped by this last saturday while I was puting away 5 cases of emergency water, he said "I did'nt know you were one of those types"
"one of what types" I retorted
Those survivalist
I explained that I was more like a boy scout, not a survivalist, but that did not change the distaste he had for me at that moment.
He went on to say how we were first hand evidence of how society was breaking down and that our efforts only feed mass hystaria and even that our stock piling should be outlawed.
He went on and on about how we profit from the suffering of others
At that point I interupted him and voice a strong objection.
He says, you got weapons do'nt you?
I said yes but that did not mean that I was going to use them on poor suffering citizens.
He said defending my stock pile of goodies while others went without was just as bad as using the weapons to take what others had.
At that point I told him he had best change the subject.
It makes me wonder if others view our activities in the same light.
I want to clarify, for those whom may think that way and are willing to read this long post
I would give, donate and share my last bit of food and last drop of water with Anyone who needed or wanted it period
The weapons are for use in the event that thee is anyone who thinks that an emergency situation is license to loot rape plunde pillage and intimidate
As a last note. my friend is no longer that.
But I will still give him food or water or shelter if need be.
This is the classic grasshopper and ant story.
Like many here who have prepared, I have met a few like your friend. The left has Hollywood doing reality shows about extreme preppers. It is anatempt to mock them and it makes guys like you friend here feel better about their inability to be responsible for their own future. Hewould trrust the government over common sense and what instinct tells us.
Given the economic situation most Americans are in; ie; Job and income insecurity, shrinking of their accumulated wealth, and thefragility of our food distribution system, it is wise to stock up a bit for the possible lean times.
Not the end of times scenarios but the lean times. Which at least one in six Americans are now facing first hand.
Your friend would have you believe the government is there for you. When the SHTF, the government will be there most certainly, exercising it's right to self preservation by taking what it deems neccesary for it's survival.
It could mean your property
It could mean your livelihood.
It could mean you stash of food and supplies.
It could mean your life.
But they will take it. And give the proceeds to your grasshopper friend in exchange for his support.
Best advice, teach your progeney to be like the ant, put stuff away, including a value system that recognizes the differences between responsiible neighbors and grasshoppers.
I was once asked why I bought my 8 year old granddaughter a BB gun. "To teach her to properly and safely operate a firearm." was my response.
The questioner continued, "That's sillly. We don't need to hunt for food anymore, we are not gatherers but farmers. What in these days of plenty do you teach her to shoot at."
Ignoring his lousy syntax, my response was simple and direct "Grasshoppers."
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