It seems to me that none of this liar business came up until things started going poorly in Iraq. I will be the first to agree that the "operations" (I refuse to call it a war since our congress did not have the balls to pass a declaration of war) are being run poorly and mainly do to political sensitivity here back in the states and internationally. Congress had access to the same information that the White House did for the most part. Congress made a near unanimous vote to allow the use of force. Anyone who voted for the use of force and is now back tracking is either admitting they were a totally uninformed idiot or are playing politics.
In a nutshell and my opinion, what is driving this issue is the dycotomy of the unwillingness of our nation for the most part to accept and strongly support the use of effective measures to exterminate the enemy. If our military forces were allowed to be militarily effective; the revulsion and outcry would be world wide. Our current leadership on BOTH sides of the isle does not have the balls or the stomach to achieve victory in a timely manor. To me it is obvious that politically it is FAR more safe and "politically cheaper" to allow our military men and women to be sacrificed and made expendable in the name of the "War on Terror".
What is victory and what do I envision as effective measures to exterminate the enemy? Basically the simple rule of war that has governed war among man kind for millenia.............kill and exterminate the enemy by all means available until he surrenders unconditionally or exterminate him altogether. A KEY term and definition that MUST be clarified is the term "enemy". Exactly who is the enemy in my view? The enemy is ANYONE who is not assholes and elbows doing EVERYTHING humanly possible to aid and assist you in destroying the enemy. This include men, women, children, dogs, cats, etc.
An example of the leadership I speak of was the campaign to rid Fallujah of insurgents. Our marines tooks trendous losses not because of a fierce and brave fighting enemy......but because our leadership allowed the occupants of Fallujah several days to evacuate (so called non-combatants) thus allowing the enemy to infest the town with bobby traps and sniper positions! Had our leadership employed tactics that cut off food & water, destroy medical facilities, schools, water, electric, and basically all municipal facilities, followed up by the use of chemical weapons to purge the town of insurgents; our casualties would have been far fewer and the objective achieved in hours, not days. The Iraqis were soundly defeated on the field of battle. The insurgents and anyone who supports or tolerates them in ANY way are the enemy and should be exterminated. We have yet to attack the Syrians or the Iranians who are the prime support for the insurgents. What does this mean to the American public and world opinion?????? It means dead bodies numbering in the hundreds of thousands if not millions. The American public is not ready for this nor would it support it. The outcry of what we did to the Iraqi's in the first Gulf War on "the highway of death" served to ensure our military would not be fully unleashed again. The destruction was so complete that it broke the will of the Iraqi's to fight.
I got the opportunity to be there and see it first hand and still could not believe my eyes.
In more basic terms..........when in a bar fight, either fight with all ya got and kick the guy's ass or get out of the bar!
Our political leadership had this concept mastered with the decisions made on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
There in lies the rub and the running for political cover to claim lies.
I support our troops, the operations in Iraq, Afghanistan, and around the world and I DON"T support the half assed way we are going about it! I damn sure don't like the way our military men and women are being used as political pawns to buy time!
I don't think Bush lied. I voted for Bush both times and given his opponents, I would vote the same again. Still doesn't mean that I can't be mad as hell for how things are being run and hold Bush responsible for his part but congress holds the greatest responsibility by virtue of the fact that they abdicated their constitutional authority and duty by NOT voting on a declaration of war.
The average person in America could give shit less about the "War on Terror". Half don't even know who is their congressman or senator much less who is the vice president and in some cases the president! They seem more concerned about the price of gas, methamphetamine, pot, and how much they can get from the government. This is where leaders are supposed to lead!!!!! NOT take a poll to see what to do next!!!! It is sad that our nation can't even be rallied to shit or get off the pot!
Anyhow, that is my take on the issue. Think I'll step of the soap box before I fall off.

In a nutshell and my opinion, what is driving this issue is the dycotomy of the unwillingness of our nation for the most part to accept and strongly support the use of effective measures to exterminate the enemy. If our military forces were allowed to be militarily effective; the revulsion and outcry would be world wide. Our current leadership on BOTH sides of the isle does not have the balls or the stomach to achieve victory in a timely manor. To me it is obvious that politically it is FAR more safe and "politically cheaper" to allow our military men and women to be sacrificed and made expendable in the name of the "War on Terror".
What is victory and what do I envision as effective measures to exterminate the enemy? Basically the simple rule of war that has governed war among man kind for millenia.............kill and exterminate the enemy by all means available until he surrenders unconditionally or exterminate him altogether. A KEY term and definition that MUST be clarified is the term "enemy". Exactly who is the enemy in my view? The enemy is ANYONE who is not assholes and elbows doing EVERYTHING humanly possible to aid and assist you in destroying the enemy. This include men, women, children, dogs, cats, etc.
An example of the leadership I speak of was the campaign to rid Fallujah of insurgents. Our marines tooks trendous losses not because of a fierce and brave fighting enemy......but because our leadership allowed the occupants of Fallujah several days to evacuate (so called non-combatants) thus allowing the enemy to infest the town with bobby traps and sniper positions! Had our leadership employed tactics that cut off food & water, destroy medical facilities, schools, water, electric, and basically all municipal facilities, followed up by the use of chemical weapons to purge the town of insurgents; our casualties would have been far fewer and the objective achieved in hours, not days. The Iraqis were soundly defeated on the field of battle. The insurgents and anyone who supports or tolerates them in ANY way are the enemy and should be exterminated. We have yet to attack the Syrians or the Iranians who are the prime support for the insurgents. What does this mean to the American public and world opinion?????? It means dead bodies numbering in the hundreds of thousands if not millions. The American public is not ready for this nor would it support it. The outcry of what we did to the Iraqi's in the first Gulf War on "the highway of death" served to ensure our military would not be fully unleashed again. The destruction was so complete that it broke the will of the Iraqi's to fight.
I got the opportunity to be there and see it first hand and still could not believe my eyes.
In more basic terms..........when in a bar fight, either fight with all ya got and kick the guy's ass or get out of the bar!

There in lies the rub and the running for political cover to claim lies.
I support our troops, the operations in Iraq, Afghanistan, and around the world and I DON"T support the half assed way we are going about it! I damn sure don't like the way our military men and women are being used as political pawns to buy time!
I don't think Bush lied. I voted for Bush both times and given his opponents, I would vote the same again. Still doesn't mean that I can't be mad as hell for how things are being run and hold Bush responsible for his part but congress holds the greatest responsibility by virtue of the fact that they abdicated their constitutional authority and duty by NOT voting on a declaration of war.

The average person in America could give shit less about the "War on Terror". Half don't even know who is their congressman or senator much less who is the vice president and in some cases the president! They seem more concerned about the price of gas, methamphetamine, pot, and how much they can get from the government. This is where leaders are supposed to lead!!!!! NOT take a poll to see what to do next!!!! It is sad that our nation can't even be rallied to shit or get off the pot!
Anyhow, that is my take on the issue. Think I'll step of the soap box before I fall off.