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Well we had some set backs with the invisible fence. We were making good progress with the dogs and they were staying in the yard. Then one day the power went out. We didn't think anything about it and we were outside working on the other side of the fence. Well they wanted to see what was going on. So they kept wondering up to the line and didn't get the warning so they finally crossed it. From that point on, they weren't afraid to cross it. Not sure if their hair grew and broke the contact with the skin or not. Then since they weren't afraid to cross the line, they went to our creek and pretty much ruined the collars.
Then after the house fire, the line got cut in a couple of places and then when I put the spouting lines in, it got cut in 4 more places. One of the goals for this spring is to rerun about 200' of our original 2000' feet of line.. Home Depot then sells higher wattage collars that we are going to get some of those. I would really like to be able to leave them out as the deer are really wrecking our trees and I think the dogs would keep them away.