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Individual Mandate Republican's Fault


New member
Actually, that is exactly the say it was designed! It was working too until Congress, in its infinite wizdumb,
decided to move the SSA money from the separate account where it was held and place it instead into the general
fund. Of course, once it was in the general fund it could be reallocated to other programs ... which was exactly why
it was moved.:hammer:

Since that time it has been as you note: the money I paid in was used by those who retired before me, and those who
are working now are paying for me.
:shock: But, that is not the way the system was supposed to work.:sad:
I surely do not feel "entitled" (used as a perjorative) collecting the maximum SS check after paying the maximum tax for 50 years. But I've often wondered how I might have better invested that maximum tax myself in lieu of letting my government waste and mishandle it.