• Please be sure to read the rules and adhere to them. Some banned members have complained that they are not spammers. But they spammed us. Some even tried to redirect our members to other forums. Duh. Be smart. Read the rules and adhere to them and we will all get along just fine. Cheers. :beer: Link to the rules: https://www.forumsforums.com/threads/forum-rules-info.2974/

Individual Mandate Republican's Fault


New member
GOLD Site Supporter
It is simple fact TR the idea was first put forward by a conservative think tank, then adopted by a republican congress and pushed by republicans against Hilary care. The mandate was a republican idea so simply accept it. That is until the current president used it though he was against it from the start. It seems if Obama asks to do what conservatives have asked for in the past, they are now against it. Now spin that.


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
I agree with Joe, at least in part.

The mandate is a "GOP" idea . . . no, but it is a conservative think tank idea.

However, it was put forth NOT at the federal level where it is likely illegal/unconstitutional but rather it was put forth at the state level where it is legal (unless some individual state constitution makes it illegal).

We have to realize that most people don't understand how our Constitution works, what state's rights are, and what the limits are to federal power.

It should also be noted that while the mandate was a conservative think tank idea, that very same think tank that forwarded the idea also disowned the same idea as improper. So it put it out there, it then debated it, it considered its legal standing, it then said it was not legal.


The Old Salt
SUPER Site Supporter
Heath policy analysts at the conservative Heritage Foundation, led by Stuart Butler, picked up the idea and began developing it for lawmakers in Congress.
By 1993, when President Bill Clinton was readying his major health-care overhaul bill, the Heritage approach -- subsidizing and facilitating the purchase of private health plans, while using the individual mandate to maximize participation -- had gelled as the natural Republican alternative. Then-Sen. John Chafee (R-R.I.) formally proposed it in a bill that attracted 19 other Republican co-sponsors; the bill foundered once Clinton's effort unraveled. But the idea of the mandate gained currency in the ensuing years as Democrats chastened by the failure of the Clinton plan began considering new solutions more likely to attract bipartisan support. That process came to a head in 2005 when Mitt Romney, then governor of Massachusetts, turned to then- Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.) for help adopting a health-care overhaul for the state that was largely based on providing residents with government subsidies to buy private insurance.

19 years ago 19 Republicans endorsed the idea. 19. Now that this latest incarnation has been put on the ropes by SCOTUS and by most anylists doomed the fail, the Obama spin doctors are looking to put all the blame on the Republicans to save their asses. No mention the past two years giving credit to the Republicans when everything was sunshine and lollipops. I don't blame them I guess. If I looked as stupid as they have been the last three days I'd be looking to deflect as well.

This is the point I am trying to make you missed.

Sorry. Shouldn't have said Bush's fault. It's Chaffee's fault. :yum:


New member
GOLD Site Supporter
Actually it was put forward on the federal level first to combat Hillary Care by the The Heritage Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute hardly a left leaning groups. I was also pushed by the likes of Newt Gingrich and others on the conservative side in '93 against Hillary Care. Plain and simple flip flop by the republican/conservative party so why now? I think it is because Obama used it in his "Socialized system" which is hardly socialized medicine as it still is on private insurance, doctors, hospitals. Just more spin from the right trying to disavow their own suggestions. Typical really since they are great at coming up with sound bites and little in actually detail.

Now if it is struck down it now falls in their lap to come up with a solution and they flat don't have one any more than any other problems facing this nation at the moment except cut taxes. I sure don't like it either but at least it covers more Americans and stops companies from dumping people for pre existing conditions which I dealt with for 20 years. I'm on Medicare now so really don't give a damn but you of lower age people regardless of income are one illness away from bankruptcy without it.


The Old Salt
SUPER Site Supporter
Actually it was put forward on the federal level first to combat Hillary Care by the The Heritage Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute hardly a left leaning groups. I was also pushed by the likes of Newt Gingrich and others on the conservative side in '93 against Hillary Care. Plain and simple flip flop by the republican/conservative party so why now? I think it is because Obama used it in his "Socialized system" which is hardly socialized medicine as it still is on private insurance, doctors, hospitals. Just more spin from the right trying to disavow their own suggestions. Typical really since they are great at coming up with sound bites and little in actually detail.

Now if it is struck down it now falls in their lap to come up with a solution and they flat don't have one any more than any other problems facing this nation at the moment except cut taxes. I sure don't like it either but at least it covers more Americans and stops companies from dumping people for pre existing conditions which I dealt with for 20 years. I'm on Medicare now so really don't give a damn but you of lower age people regardless of income are one illness away from bankruptcy without it.

If each and every one of us were to be held accountable almost 20 years later by every stupid idea we ever came up with and never implemented it would be a scarier world than it already is. This is nothing but looking for the back door before the roof collapses.

I agree, the health care system needs fixing but not this way. I do not want the precedent of the government telling forcing me to buy something. I thought the cell phone analogy was a good point by SCOTUS. What's next? Electric cars? Implanted chips? It's a slippery slope and one which will be difficult to regain our footing on. Just saying. That's my spin. Tell me I am wrong.


New member
GOLD Site Supporter
If each and every one of us were to be held accountable almost 20 years later by every stupid idea we ever came up with and never implemented it would be a scarier world than it already is. This is nothing but looking for the back door before the roof collapses.

I agree, the health care system needs fixing but not this way. I do not want the precedent of the government telling forcing me to buy something. I thought the cell phone analogy was a good point by SCOTUS. What's next? Electric cars? Implanted chips? It's a slippery slope and one which will be difficult to regain our footing on. Just saying. That's my spin. Tell me I am wrong.

You thought the cell phone analogy was good, really? Not every one owns or even uses a cell phone ever, I for one. Fact is we will all use the health care system regardless and if nothing else will take tax dollars or higher premiums to pay for those with no insurance. Hospitals are required by law to treat the masses with or with out insurance, legal or not period and cell phone companies aren't nor will they ever. If you can't see that difference then you flat don't have a clue of what current life for the majority is really about.


The Old Salt
SUPER Site Supporter
You thought the cell phone analogy was good, really? Not every one owns or even uses a cell phone ever, I for one. Fact is we will all use the health care system regardless and if nothing else will take tax dollars or higher premiums to pay for those with no insurance. Hospitals are required by law to treat the masses with or with out insurance, legal or not period and cell phone companies aren't nor will they ever. If you can't see that difference then you flat don't have a clue of what current life for the majority is really about.

So obviously you think it is OK to take away some of our constitutional rights just because too many people are using emergency care services because they do not have insurance? That is your idea on how to fix a system? Strip away our rights one at a time? Ahh, shit. It is you that does not have a clue.


New member
GOLD Site Supporter
So obviously you think it is OK to take away some of our constitutional rights just because too many people are using emergency care services because they do not have insurance? That is your idea on how to fix a system? Strip away our rights one at a time? Ahh, shit. It is you that does not have a clue.

It has yet to be upheld that we have given up any constitutional rights as of yet. Now as for the rest of your statement not all can even get insurance and lets face it we live in an insurance world. As for a clue not a chance you have one with your little in a bubble world.

Big Dog

Large Member
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GOLD Site Supporter
Joe you should work for MSNBC cause you have the twisting down pat!

300 H and H

Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
Most intersting debate gentlemen...lets keep it from becoming too personal. Learning a bit of both sides here. Interesting for sure. This is the one thing our current administration has done (health care) that I know the least about. I am all eyes...:flowers:

Thanks, Kirk


Mr. Congeniality
GOLD Site Supporter
Most intersting debate gentlemen...lets keep it from becoming too personal. Learning a bit of both sides here. Interesting for sure. This is the one thing our current administration has done (health care) that I know the least about. I am all eyes...:flowers:

Thanks, Kirk
Pick up a copy at your local federal register, sit down with a couple cases of your favorite adult beverage, and see just how fucked we are after reading it. JoeC would disagree, but then he sees things differently. Oh, it's just 2,700 pages long, and you better have the IRS Code and the Unsociable Security Code as well ,because they are intertwined like a blood-sucking tumor on an elephant's ass hole. JMHO

300 H and H

Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter

If only I had the time to do so. I reley on several places for my information, predigested and passing the "cud test" with folks whom I respect for their intelligence, and their well informed opinion. Ocasionally I even take note of your very posts Sir.....

One of the very resons I am here is because of the diversity of opinion expressed by people who really know how to do that well. If you want to know some thing about a subject you kow very little about, then just kick back, tilt up my readers and learn.....

Regards, Kirk


New member
GOLD Site Supporter
Pick up a copy at your local federal register, sit down with a couple cases of your favorite adult beverage, and see just how fucked we are after reading it. JoeC would disagree, but then he sees things differently. Oh, it's just 2,700 pages long, and you better have the IRS Code and the Unsociable Security Code as well ,because they are intertwined like a blood-sucking tumor on an elephant's ass hole. JMHO

Now I do agree with that, this law needs to be thrown out and once I saw where it was going stated it shouldn't pass at that time. This bill was written by insurance companies for insurance companies and no one else. It gives them pretty much what they have always wanted more profits.

Either way we need a new system for supplying health care in this country regardless. There are a lot better ways than the US used previously and this law is no improvement. We really need to do away with insurance companies in general as they are a curse, basically selling a protection racket.


The Old Salt
SUPER Site Supporter
Now I do agree with that, this law needs to be thrown out and once I saw where it was going stated it shouldn't pass at that time. This bill was written by insurance companies for insurance companies and no one else. It gives them pretty much what they have always wanted more profits.

Either way we need a new system for supplying health care in this country regardless. There are a lot better ways than the US used previously and this law is no improvement. We really need to do away with insurance companies in general as they are a curse, basically selling a protection racket.

Just so you understand where I am coming from (not sure you ever will or even want to , but what the hell do I care) I also agree with what you said above that this bill should not have happened, that it is all about greasing the palms of insurance companies, but that the system needs an overall. A legal overall without infringing on the rights of American citizens. I guess it makes a difference who says it though, eh? Thanx JEV. :biggrin:


New member
GOLD Site Supporter
Just so you understand where I am coming from (not sure you ever will or even want to , but what the hell do I care) I also agree with what you said above that this bill should not have happened, that it is all about greasing the palms of insurance companies, but that the system needs an overall. A legal overall without infringing on the rights of American citizens. I guess it makes a difference who says it though, eh? Thanx JEV. :biggrin:

I'm on government insurance now called Medicare so as I've also stated I don't have a dog in this hunt at this point. The only systems in this country that seem to work for those on it is Medicare and the VA system both of which are cheaper than private insurance period. I pay about $2700 a year in addition and including medicare costs with total coverage and 1 small yearly deduction of about $150. All painless to me as they come out in my taxes and when I retire in another year or so will come out of my Social Security. This has been my first year on it after 25 years of not being insurable.


Diesel Truck Fan
GOLD Site Supporter
OK, can someone please help me oit with an explimation.

Being over 65, i collect SS and Medicare. I have paid in all my life, therefore, i do npt consider it being on the gov't teat, i paid for this. I have no hope of ever being able to retire.

I pay aomething each month foe my part D. How os thisamdated payment different from what is suggested now.


New member
GOLD Site Supporter
OK, can someone please help me oit with an explimation.

Being over 65, i collect SS and Medicare. I have paid in all my life, therefore, i do npt consider it being on the gov't teat, i paid for this. I have no hope of ever being able to retire.

I pay aomething each month foe my part D. How os thisamdated payment different from what is suggested now.

It really isn't Adillo, really. If you can't afford the premiums the government will supplement it or put you on Medicaid which they pay for also. I agree I've paid in to Social Security and Medicare since I started working and don't consider it a government handout at all.


The Old Salt
SUPER Site Supporter
It really isn't Adillo, really. If you can't afford the premiums the government will supplement it or put you on Medicaid which they pay for also. I agree I've paid in to Social Security and Medicare since I started working and don't consider it a government handout at all.

I hate it when the media refers to SS and medicare as an entitlement program and infers it is in the same classification as Food Stamps or Welfare. I paid into SS since my first job with deductions at 15 years of age. Medicare since day one. As many have here as well. We worked for this. I suspect many younger folks today do not grasp this and cannot wrap their minds around working for 50 years or more.


Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
I hate it when the media refers to SS and medicare as an entitlement program and infers it is in the same classification as Food Stamps or Welfare. I paid into SS since my first job with deductions at 15 years of age. Medicare since day one. As many have here as well. We worked for this. I suspect many younger folks today do not grasp this and cannot wrap their minds around working for 50 years or more.
The problem I have is far to many people of all ages have NOT worked a big part of their lives, nor even payed anything torwards their own exsistance. If they cant afford the insurance it will be provided for them at the tax payers expense. They also will not be fined for not having it, but even though I have no insurance I will be fined for not getting it if this passes. :glare:

I can not be the only one out there that beleives in being responsible for my own needs, I dont do hospitals/docters and dont ever plan on it no matter the problem might be, but I have to continue to pay for those that dont take the responsibility. :ermm:

Until this last year My wife has had good company insurance, and I will spend our last dime should something happen to her. BUT we are both very realistic and prepared for the worst, and if something should happen beyond what we can afford, its time to let the Good Lord decide whats best. Why should we expect anyone else to be responsible for our problems. :doh:

Danang Sailor

nullius in verba
GOLD Site Supporter
I hate it when the media refers to SS and medicare as an entitlement program and infers it is in the same classification as Food Stamps or Welfare. I paid into SS since my first job with deductions at 15 years of age. Medicare since day one. As many have here as well. We worked for this. I suspect many younger folks today do not grasp this and cannot wrap their minds around working for 50 years or more.

Okay, it looks as if I do have a dog in this fight, so I'm going to rant a bit. Mods, feel free to move this to the Rants thread if
you feel that's where it belongs.

I served 22 years on active duty, losing my girlish disposition and chunks of both knees in the process, as well as some
other minor hurts that are now impairing the use of my right hand and arm; at the end of that time I retired from the
service. After that I did a couple of years with a non-profit until my services were no longer needed. At that point,
since I still had a family to care for, it was back to the feds as a civilian employee, as they had need of someone with my
particular skill set; another 18 years somehow passed and I was old enough to retire again ... so I did. Please note that
I am not complaining about any of this; I would do it all over again without complaint.

Now, I am drawing SSA payments based on nearly 50 years of paying into that system. Also receiving retirement based on
my military service and civil service, plus a small monthly stipend from the VA based on the injuries received while
on active duty (which I pay for myself, as my military retirement is offset dollar-for-dollar against the VA payment).

In my jaundiced and selfish opinion, each and every one of the above payments were earned, at least two of them by putting
my body between this country and her enemies and paying a high price for the privilege. I do not feel as if I'm stealing
taxpayer money by accepting these payments, do not feel as if I'm "on the dole", and am not embarrassed to talk about
receiving them.

Yet, I am routinely told that I am "sucking the government tit", have never had "a real job", and should be ashamed to
accept "all that money" (less than you'd imagine, btw). [Note: As far as I am aware, no one on FF has ever said these things
to/about me, for which I am grateful.] Now, for the record, let me state that if these are indeed "entitlements" then I am 100%
confident that I am indeed entitled to these monies due to my paying taxes for one of them; shedding blood, bone, and
cartilage for two; and routinely working 10-20 hours of unpaid overtime most weeks for 18 years in order to provide those
still on active duty, as well as their dependents and regretfully on occasion, their survivors.

Anyone who believes that the last sentence above does not make sense, or is BS, and still believes that I have not earned
every penny I receive each month can kiss my ass!



New member
GOLD Site Supporter
Okay, it looks as if I do have a dog in this fight, so I'm going to rant a bit. Mods, feel free to move this to the Rants thread if
you feel that's where it belongs.

I served 22 years on active duty, losing my girlish disposition and chunks of both knees in the process, as well as some
other minor hurts that are now impairing the use of my right hand and arm; at the end of that time I retired from the
service. After that I did a couple of years with a non-profit until my services were no longer needed. At that point,
since I still had a family to care for, it was back to the feds as a civilian employee, as they had need of someone with my
particular skill set; another 18 years somehow passed and I was old enough to retire again ... so I did. Please note that
I am not complaining about any of this; I would do it all over again without complaint.

Now, I am drawing SSA payments based on nearly 50 years of paying into that system. Also receiving retirement based on
my military service and civil service, plus a small monthly stipend from the VA based on the injuries received while
on active duty (which I pay for myself, as my military retirement is offset dollar-for-dollar against the VA payment).

In my jaundiced and selfish opinion, each and every one of the above payments were earned, at least two of them by putting
my body between this country and her enemies and paying a high price for the privilege. I do not feel as if I'm stealing
taxpayer money by accepting these payments, do not feel as if I'm "on the dole", and am not embarrassed to talk about
receiving them.

Yet, I am routinely told that I am "sucking the government tit", have never had "a real job", and should be ashamed to
accept "all that money" (less than you'd imagine, btw). [Note: As far as I am aware, no one on FF has ever said these things
to/about me, for which I am grateful.] Now, for the record, let me state that if these are indeed "entitlements" then I am 100%
confident that I am indeed entitled to these monies due to my paying taxes for one of them; shedding blood, bone, and
cartilage for two; and routinely working 10-20 hours of unpaid overtime most weeks for 18 years in order to provide those
still on active duty, as well as their dependents and regretfully on occasion, their survivors.

Anyone who believes that the last sentence above does not make sense, or is BS, and still believes that I have not earned
every penny I receive each month can kiss my ass!

I agree with this completely and besides I was shot and stabbed in serving this country as a civilian capacity overseas. Now they took care of my immediate medical needs but no pension since I was basically security for hire as a contractor. But to be honest I paid those years and many others into what I'm getting now and no pension from anyone including the Sheet Metal Union that I worked for 20 years as they went bankrupt. Of course those funds was supposed to be backed up by the government and last offer I got was about 10 cents on the dollar. Since I haven't gone on SS yet we will see how that works out but I'm sure not banking on it. At any rate I find the term "entitlements" personally offensive when it comes to what I paid for. It is a contract between me and my government.


The Old Salt
SUPER Site Supporter
Okay, it looks as if I do have a dog in this fight, so I'm going to rant a bit. Mods, feel free to move this to the Rants thread if
you feel that's where it belongs.

I served 22 years on active duty, losing my girlish disposition and chunks of both knees in the process, as well as some
other minor hurts that are now impairing the use of my right hand and arm; at the end of that time I retired from the
service. After that I did a couple of years with a non-profit until my services were no longer needed. At that point,
since I still had a family to care for, it was back to the feds as a civilian employee, as they had need of someone with my
particular skill set; another 18 years somehow passed and I was old enough to retire again ... so I did. Please note that
I am not complaining about any of this; I would do it all over again without complaint.

Now, I am drawing SSA payments based on nearly 50 years of paying into that system. Also receiving retirement based on
my military service and civil service, plus a small monthly stipend from the VA based on the injuries received while
on active duty (which I pay for myself, as my military retirement is offset dollar-for-dollar against the VA payment).

In my jaundiced and selfish opinion, each and every one of the above payments were earned, at least two of them by putting
my body between this country and her enemies and paying a high price for the privilege. I do not feel as if I'm stealing
taxpayer money by accepting these payments, do not feel as if I'm "on the dole", and am not embarrassed to talk about
receiving them.

Yet, I am routinely told that I am "sucking the government tit", have never had "a real job", and should be ashamed to
accept "all that money" (less than you'd imagine, btw). [Note: As far as I am aware, no one on FF has ever said these things
to/about me, for which I am grateful.] Now, for the record, let me state that if these are indeed "entitlements" then I am 100%
confident that I am indeed entitled to these monies due to my paying taxes for one of them; shedding blood, bone, and
cartilage for two; and routinely working 10-20 hours of unpaid overtime most weeks for 18 years in order to provide those
still on active duty, as well as their dependents and regretfully on occasion, their survivors.

Anyone who believes that the last sentence above does not make sense, or is BS, and still believes that I have not earned
every penny I receive each month can kiss my ass!

I'm fairly certain none here on this site would ever feel you did not earn what you have coming to you ten times over, my friend. Most of us here, regardless of differences of opinion on various stupid things, have all worked hard their lives, kept their noses clean (most of the time) and retired with honor and dignity or are at least working toward that direction. Besides, you're a swabby. Don't ever let the bastards wear you down, as you say.


Diesel Truck Fan
GOLD Site Supporter
I hate it when the media refers to SS and medicare as an entitlement program and infers it is in the same classification as Food Stamps or Welfare. I paid into SS since my first job with deductions at 15 years of age. Medicare since day one. As many have here as well. We worked for this. I suspect many younger folks today do not grasp this and cannot wrap their minds around working for 50 years or more.

Here is me being apolitical - It has become indicative of our government (both parties) when they have badly screwed things up to attempt to vilify the people they govern. No one should be ashamed of taking payments that they earned. If the legislators had not spent so much time writing the laws in such a way their buddies could get paid without contributing, this would not be such a problem.

Danang Sailor

nullius in verba
GOLD Site Supporter
Joe, you have had my respect for your overseas security work since you first mentioned it. If not for my family situation
I might have gone "gray shirt" myself; I was approached at one point. As noted I share your revulsion at the way people
use the word "entitlement" as a pejorative.

TR, I'm not actually letting them get me down; it's more getting acutely pissed off. One of these days you'll probably
see my name on the news as the Old Poot who went ballistic and beat the crap out of some ninny who bitched about me
"being on the tit"!



Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
Okay, it looks as if I do have a dog in this fight, so I'm going to rant a bit. Mods, feel free to move this to the Rants thread if
you feel that's where it belongs.

I served 22 years on active duty, losing my girlish disposition and chunks of both knees in the process, as well as some
other minor hurts that are now impairing the use of my right hand and arm; at the end of that time I retired from the
service. After that I did a couple of years with a non-profit until my services were no longer needed. At that point,
since I still had a family to care for, it was back to the feds as a civilian employee, as they had need of someone with my
particular skill set; another 18 years somehow passed and I was old enough to retire again ... so I did. Please note that
I am not complaining about any of this; I would do it all over again without complaint.

Now, I am drawing SSA payments based on nearly 50 years of paying into that system. Also receiving retirement based on
my military service and civil service, plus a small monthly stipend from the VA based on the injuries received while
on active duty (which I pay for myself, as my military retirement is offset dollar-for-dollar against the VA payment).

In my jaundiced and selfish opinion, each and every one of the above payments were earned, at least two of them by putting
my body between this country and her enemies and paying a high price for the privilege. I do not feel as if I'm stealing
taxpayer money by accepting these payments, do not feel as if I'm "on the dole", and am not embarrassed to talk about
receiving them.

Yet, I am routinely told that I am "sucking the government tit", have never had "a real job", and should be ashamed to
accept "all that money" (less than you'd imagine, btw). [Note: As far as I am aware, no one on FF has ever said these things
to/about me, for which I am grateful.] Now, for the record, let me state that if these are indeed "entitlements" then I am 100%
confident that I am indeed entitled to these monies due to my paying taxes for one of them; shedding blood, bone, and
cartilage for two; and routinely working 10-20 hours of unpaid overtime most weeks for 18 years in order to provide those
still on active duty, as well as their dependents and regretfully on occasion, their survivors.

Anyone who believes that the last sentence above does not make sense, or is BS, and still believes that I have not earned
every penny I receive each month can kiss my ass!
I recon I am confused as to why anyone would even "think" of calling any person that served in any branch of the military as sucking off the governments teat. :unsure:

That is one of my favorite sayings that I use a lot, so I thought I should make it damn clear I sure as hell dont think that. :wink:

When I use that phrase, I am talking about the 100's of people I have met or known personaly in the past that were perty much worthless as far as taking care of their own, and milked the government for every dime they could while bragging about it. :hammer:

I see the same types advertise on Craigslist nowadays, and I would guess the numbers are much higher then when I actually was around the public before I chose to be a "hermit". Most are "scum" IMHO and ussually they tend to be junkers/scrappers roofers/framers tree trimmers and all sorts of other cash paying buisiness's that can get away with it while drawing what they refer to as "dumb checks", Welfare/disability checks. :ermm:

I am not saying all those are in general, but a big percent of the ones I have had personal experience with are. At any rate just to be clear those are the types I am reffering to that also raise tons of kids that follow in their footsteps. :sad:

Danang Sailor

nullius in verba
GOLD Site Supporter
Thanks for all the support I've gotten here, and thanks for letting me get this out of my system; it didn't apply to anyone on FF,
as noted in my bracketed [ ] sentence. You folks have always been supportive and that is appreciated more than I can say.
My rant was brought on by comments that were made to me recently when I was wearing my Vietnam veteran cap; kinda
the straw that broke the camel's back. I needed to vent and this was better than shooting that loud-mouthed moron. (At
least, I think it was. :shifty:)



Well-known member
Thanks for all the support I've gotten here, and thanks for letting me get this out of my system; it didn't apply to anyone on FF,
as noted in my bracketed [ ] sentence. You folks have always been supportive and that is appreciated more than I can say.
My rant was brought on by comments that were made to me recently when I was wearing my Vietnam veteran cap; kinda
the straw that broke the camel's back. I needed to vent and this was better than shooting that loud-mouthed moron. (At
least, I think it was. :shifty:)
I hear that. It should be legal to shoot idiots, but it ain't.
I too have retirement from the military, and yes, it's not much.
While I have no problem with those who worked all their lives collecting SS, I also realize that this system was never designed to give you your contribution back. your contribution has already been spent supporting the previous generation of recipients. currently we are drawing on the contributions of the next generation and there just aren't enough of them to continue to support the system.
Also, there are people who have never worked a lick in their lives drawing SS payments. Two of my grandchildren do so and for the life of me I can't figure out why. Both parents are alive. It is because they have problems form birth(Autism). to me this represents a major misuse of the SS system. I know the parents need help for with the treatments and such, but SS is (to me) not the way to do this. Also, you have people who have worked only short amounts of time and receive disability payments who are in better shape than I am.

Danang Sailor

nullius in verba
GOLD Site Supporter

I hear that. It should be legal to shoot idiots, but it ain't.
I too have retirement from the military, and yes, it's not much.
While I have no problem with those who worked all their lives collecting SS, I also realize that this system was never designed to give you your contribution back. your contribution has already been spent supporting the previous generation of recipients. currently we are drawing on the contributions of the next generation and there just aren't enough of them to continue to support the system.
Also, there are people who have never worked a lick in their lives drawing SS payments. Two of my grandchildren do so and for the life of me I can't figure out why. Both parents are alive. It is because they have problems form birth(Autism). to me this represents a major misuse of the SS system. I know the parents need help for with the treatments and such, but SS is (to me) not the way to do this. Also, you have people who have worked only short amounts of time and receive disability payments who are in better shape than I am.

Actually, that is exactly the say it was designed! It was working too until Congress, in its infinite wizdumb,
decided to move the SSA money from the separate account where it was held and place it instead into the general
fund. Of course, once it was in the general fund it could be reallocated to other programs ... which was exactly why
it was moved.:hammer:

Since that time it has been as you note: the money I paid in was used by those who retired before me, and those who
are working now are paying for me.
:shock: But, that is not the way the system was supposed to work.:sad: