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If you believe in the....


Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny or Santa Clause...vote for Gingrich, Santorum, Romney or Obama..

if you believe in the constitution.....vote RON PAUL!


Proudly Deplorable
GOLD Site Supporter
Re: I you believe in the....

Bummer, All this time I thought Ron Paul was the tooth fairy.:yum:


Proudly Deplorable
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Re: I you believe in the....

I like Paul, but he is not the answer.

It takes 1,144 delegates to win the nomination. Nobody has more than 10% so Romney is cocky but,,,,,,, is not yet a lock

Newt has pissed me off.

Tuesday will be our Primary in MO. I will be be voting for Santurom.


legendary ⚓
GOLD Site Supporter
Re: I you believe in the....

I realize the delegate count for a nomination.
Mitt is an ass.
Newt had me for a very short time after I got over the Cain fiasco.
Santorum actually has gotten my attention lately.. but not so much that I'd decide to go with him.
At least not right now.
It's all about Ron Paul.

300 H and H

Bronze Member
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Re: I you believe in the....

Santorum, really franc?

From what I have read about him, he is BIG government all the way. He believes that the Government is the answer to all of societies ills....At a time when we can no longer afford our Government as it stands today. He is a bit of yesterday, even though he is younger, he is the near opposite to Ron Paul as he believes Government is the answer, not the problem...Just a check of his voting record will answer that. He is the one running in this race, that I cann't figure out why. I guess he is the "christain conservatives" chior boy, but I don't believe he can carry a tune. I also believe big goverenment types will try and appeal to the "white haired" christians, who vote on social issues. And we are broke, and those social issues need a back seat at this time I feel. He will also back the FED with all they want. if your going to throw your vote away, Ron Paul would be a much better choice, IMHO.... Santorum Is not any different than the other Repulicans out there. Part of the problem, not the solution.

So franc, why Santorum??

Best regards, Kirk
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Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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Re: I you believe in the....

Kirk, got to go along with you on SOME of what you say about Santorum. He certainly is for pushing his version of social conservatism and using the gubmint to enforce his views.

He is purported to be strong pro-gun, but that alone is not reason to vote for someone. I do hold his view on abortion, but again that is not my only criteria. I honestly think he will use the gubmint to find 'socially conservative' ways to spend $$$$ we don't have, and grow gubmint in ways we haven't yet thought of.

The problem I see is that NO candidate for president deserves my vote.

At this point I am thinking we need to DRAFT RAND PAUL FOR V.P.

300 H and H

Bronze Member
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Re: I you believe in the....


I read he has consistantly voted agains gun owners rights....Maybe I read wrong? Guess the NRA may have an opinion of him. I just cann't find much if anything that would make me want to vote for him. I just don't get why he is in the race for sure.

Regards, Kirk


Proudly Deplorable
GOLD Site Supporter
Re: I you believe in the....

Santorum, really franc?

From what I have read about him, he is BIG government all the way. He believes that the Government is the answer to all of societies ills....At a time when we can no longer afford our Government as it stands today. He is a bit of yesterday, even though he is younger, he is the near opposite to Ron Paul as he believes Government is the answer, not the problem...Just a check of his voting record will answer that. He is the one running in this race, that I cann't figure out why. I guess he is the "christain conservatives" chior boy, but I don't believe he can carry a tune. I also believe big goverenment types will try and appeal to the "white haired" christians, who vote on social issues. And we are broke, and those social issues need a back seat at this time I feel. He will also back the FED with all they want. if your going to throw your vote away, Ron Paul would be a much better choice, IMHO.... Santorum Is not any different than the other Repulicans out there. Part of the problem, not the solution.

So franc, why Santorum??

Best regards, Kirk

Any Senator can vote for a good bill with a bad amendment, only to get nailed for it later.
Mitt has Romney-care about his neck like a milestone and then there is that flip flop on abortion to get elected Governor of MA
Newt has just become a bull in a china shop willing to tear down Capitalism to embarass Mitt. And Mitt has let him do it.
Ron Paul has some pretty scary ideas about social programs, cutting the war on drugs being prominent. His view on world affairs assumes we still use muskets,soldiers in straight lines, and sailing ships.

Santorum is consistantly Conservtive but not rigidly so. However, just like Ron Paul is unlikely, his message needs to be heard at the convention platform.

Besides, right now Rasmussen says he is the only GOP candidate that can beat Bari in a general election. Which, after all, is the object of the game.

Or did I miss something?


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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Re: I you believe in the....


I read he has consistantly voted agains gun owners rights....Maybe I read wrong? Guess the NRA may have an opinion of him. I just cann't find much if anything that would make me want to vote for him. I just don't get why he is in the race for sure.

Regards, Kirk

He did vote against SOME gun rights.

He has, after leaving office, been preaching pro-gun messages. Not sure if he can be believed.

Then again, look back in time to Ronald Reagan. As a Democrat, he was pro-abortion, anti-gun, pro-tax. Not sure if he got hit by lightning, had a personal revelation, or what, but he changed his tune and became a pretty good President. His biggest downfalls in office occurred when he tried to compromise with the Democrats and allowed deals "spending cuts for tax cuts" to occur. The tax cuts happened but the Dems didn't ever agree to any spending cuts, in fact spending went up.

So we now have Santorum who is preaching something different than how he voted. We see the same with Romney. We see the same with Gingrich. Can we believe any of them?

This is why I really think we may need to push for someone like RAND PAUL for the V.P. slot. That would put him in position to become the President in the future. Just a thought.


Proudly Deplorable
GOLD Site Supporter
Re: I you believe in the....

He did vote against SOME gun rights.

He has, after leaving office, been preaching pro-gun messages. Not sure if he can be believed.

Then again, look back in time to Ronald Reagan. As a Democrat, he was pro-abortion, anti-gun, pro-tax. Not sure if he got hit by lightning, had a personal revelation, or what, but he changed his tune and became a pretty good President. His biggest downfalls in office occurred when he tried to compromise with the Democrats and allowed deals "spending cuts for tax cuts" to occur. The tax cuts happened but the Dems didn't ever agree to any spending cuts, in fact spending went up.

So we now have Santorum who is preaching something different than how he voted. We see the same with Romney. We see the same with Gingrich. Can we believe any of them?

This is why I really think we may need to push for someone like RAND PAUL for the V.P. slot. That would put him in position to become the President in the future. Just a thought.

Congressman Paul has been in DC for what,,,20 years or so. What bills has he authored through to passing?
He is like the old uncle onthe porch telling you how you ought to fix your truck, or what you should have tried first, but never picking up a tool to help.

So in the end,with the exception of his rhetoric, he has a legilative record as clean as Bari's.


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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Re: I you believe in the....

Congressman Paul has been in DC for what,,,20 years or so. . .

I am referring to SENATOR Paul from Kentucky, he is in his first term. So far he has been an outstanding Senator championing individual liberty and reduced government size.


Proudly Deplorable
GOLD Site Supporter
Re: I you believe in the....

I am referring to SENATOR Paul from Kentucky, he is in his first term. So far he has been an outstanding Senator championing individual liberty and reduced government size.

I was unaware Rand was running.

Dr. Ron Paul is a congressman from Texas. And the central subject of our conversation.

To your point about Senator Rand Paul being picked for VP, I concurr.


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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Rand is not running.

I don't know that people run for VP.

I am beginning to think that dissatisfied voters who generally support voting OUT President Obama should try to work to draft RAND Paul onto the GOP ticket as the VP candidate.


The Old Salt
SUPER Site Supporter
The Rand Paul idea is a good one for VP, but IMHO Rubio is both Romney's and Gingrich's first choice. Just a funny feeling from what I have read. I know little. :biggrin:


RON PAUL himself would be great, but to solve our problems we need "ron pauls" at every level of government...state...local...and federal. Right now Federal is what is about to implode. The problem is the tooth fairy isnt going to pay off our debt. We need to switch course 180 degrees and quick.

As far as Ron Paul not picking up a tool and help. No single congressman can solve our problems by themselves. Its the people who need to help him (and the people are just starting to wake up and realize this). We need to elect others who can see 5 feet in to the future (or follow the constitution) Then we can get out of this situation.

But if we keep electing big spenders (bail outs , more programs, more wars) we are screwed.

What ever happened to Congress declaring war...before we go to war?
What happened to taking the land and resources when we won a war?

Utah was Mexican territory, then us territory, now a state. Avoid wars at all cost, but if need be let Congress declare war,,,then introduce the US Constitution after we win the wars.


Proudly Deplorable
GOLD Site Supporter
The Rand Paul idea is a good one for VP, but IMHO Rubio is both Romney's and Gingrich's first choice. Just a funny feeling from what I have read. I know little. :biggrin:

I would agree. And surprisingly Newt may be Santorum's choice.

Rubio has consistantly stated he does not want the offer.

The office of VP has one and only one qualification to be met, The President might die. But that is seldom the reason anyone is chosen.

Guys, we have to get there to get there. Once the primaries are over the choice of VP will be about consolidation of the base. Politics, not substance.

Always is and always will be.


Active member
Re: I you believe in the....

Congressman Paul has been in DC for what,,,20 years or so. What bills has he authored through to passing?
He is like the old uncle onthe porch telling you how you ought to fix your truck, or what you should have tried first, but never picking up a tool to help.

So in the end,with the exception of his rhetoric, he has a legilative record as clean as Bari's.

No one seems to address that little tidbit of information, what has he done to further any of the things he espouses?


Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
Re: I you believe in the....

No one seems to address that little tidbit of information, what has he done to further any of the things he espouses?

His bills make too much sense and are not laden with pork. Special interest groups do not benefit from them, just regular people. So, no, unless a miracle happens, most of what he authors will not pass. But, he should keep doing the right thing none the less.

List of legislation sponsored by Ron Paul


Active member
Re: I you believe in the....

His bills make too much sense and are not laden with pork. Special interest groups do not benefit from them, just regular people. So, no, unless a miracle happens, most of what he authors will not pass. But, he should keep doing the right thing none the less.

List of legislation sponsored by Ron Paul

It's been my understanding that he loads a bill up with pork, then votes against it knowing it will pass. He can claim to vote against the pork that he brings home. Don't recall where I read that, so no link.


Proudly Deplorable
GOLD Site Supporter
Voted this morning.


If St Charles County is any indication, the Senator will do well in Mo.


New member
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Voted this morning.


If St Charles County is any indication, the Senator will do well in Mo.

I have a question about how voting works in MO. It is my understanding it is pretty much a beauty contest in that no votes are committed to a particular candidate, is that true? If so how does that work for the winner or losers?


Proudly Deplorable
GOLD Site Supporter
I have a question about how voting works in MO. It is my understanding it is pretty much a beauty contest in that no votes are committed to a particular candidate, is that true? If so how does that work for the winner or losers?

Braggin rights Joec. Nothing more than a measurement of popularity. But given the amount of money spent, it must mean something.

Like the straw poll Bachman won in Iowa, it is just a measurement. However, as I understand it, convention delegates generaly vote veridical to the primary results.


Proudly Deplorable
GOLD Site Supporter
Re: I you believe in the....

You may want to watch this video before you make that decision Franc. :wink: That is if you hadn't before, I posted it the other day but it didn't get many views.


It would appear Santorum will indeed do well here in Mo. Can't be that he is most assuredly the one consistant conservative left in the race.:sad:

Or, that in the latest Rasmussen Poll, he is the only one of the final four who still beats Obama in a one to one race.:wink:

Must be that endorsement from Pat Boone.:whistling:

Yeah! that's it.


Site Supporter
Santorum is all there is all there is! Mitt Romney is a lighter shade of Obami, Ron Paul is a bit to far out their for me, and Newt is Newt, most of his problems are caused by the media. Anyway I look at I will vote Republican, and the main fault of this party is they compromise with the Democrats! They always loose when they do that in my opinion!


legendary ⚓
GOLD Site Supporter
Pat Boone? LOL

Hiya Enceladus!
Long time no type..
Yep, the Santorum news is rolling in.

What you say about Mitt vs Obama- agreed.
Ron Paul is out there.. which is why I am supporting him..
Most candidates problems are caused by the media.. no?.. depending on what way they swing.. tho that depends as well..
I am sick to death of the media spin and take myself..

There should be no compromise.. but that's politics..


Proudly Deplorable
GOLD Site Supporter
Pat Boone? LOL

Hiya Enceladus!
Long time no type..
Yep, the Santorum news is rolling in.

What you say about Mitt vs Obama- agreed.
Ron Paul is out there.. which is why I am supporting him..
Most candidates problems are caused by the media.. no?.. depending on what way they swing.. tho that depends as well..
I am sick to death of the media spin and take myself..

There should be no compromise.. but that's politics..

I wasn't kidding about the Pat Bone endorsement. He made it just yesterday.
Most folks I talk to any more, don't seem to know who he is. Weird.

Rick Santorum is doing well in MN and appears to be the winner. He took Mo big. Mo is a swing state so it matters come the final election, who is running and on what platform.

Early result from CO have Rick leading but, Romney will likely win there.

All in all a good night for Santorum. I'm happy.

Encelades, good to see you here again. And you are right. Santorum is the only conservative left in the field. No matter who wins, It is good to see him show well here tonite.

Two fingers of the good stuff raised high, for my man, Rick Santorum.