Well ,i finally got it all greased and ready to go !!!!!! including umpteen track rollers. If it snows as much as it rained here this summer i may need it as my main vehicle this winter !!!Very cool
Mike, They appear to be the 1" size ,same as the ones on my spare tracks.The rollers are pretty good,they are flat for the most part,but some of the flange edges are sharp enough to shave with !! I blame that on the long pontoons and a crooked road going up Mt. Washington.Donare the rollers overly big? or are they 1".
reason i ask is there is a 1/2 of drum of big rollers that float around the midwest. they cam out of the tucker dealer in MN and are rumored to be in hiding in a failing packard dealership in the U.P.
Mike,Its just the upper edge,the flanges taper to almost full width on the bottoms,and they will get run .So the sharpened rolers are ice scrape-ers. Newer tuckers have ice breakers. Lets assume they have 50 hours left in them and run-em!
Great articleHey Don check this article out. Think this amazing article ties our cats together on MT Washington!
Long and great read. Tons of history: https://www.mtearchronicles.com/single-post/alone-on-mt-washington