I have been having a hankering for a water truck with an in cab controlled water cannon on top
Lol, reminds me of. When I was 21 some buddies and I spent the winter in Australia riding motorcycles around the country. We had some friends that farmed along the Snowy River and while we were there they invited us out to spotlight some rabbits one night. Sure, we know that game. So about dark that night one of the guys comes downstairs carrying a couple shotguns and shoulder belts full of shells. My buddies and I kinda look at each other like, wow at home we give the bunnies a chance, we just use .22s or something. But when in Rome, right?
Little did we know, it plays out like this. Put two guys in the back of a ute (think El Camino), one with a spotlight and one with a shotgun, the top of the cab hits you about your knee caps. We are in large paddocks, think pastures cleared from the bush with groves of trees, maybe 4-5 hundred acres each. They drive we shoot. The driver goes 30 mph no matter what and follows the bunnies every dart and turn. Trust me, the bunnies have a huge advantage, but we're practiced up now! In hindsight it's lucky no one in the cab got shot

Crazy Aussies.