I got my car insurance when I bought my first truck at 18. It was 1990 and I had just bought a 1991 Chevy S10. I went with the same agent/company that Mom & Dad had for several years. Then when Monica and I built the house I just added the homeowner's coverage. Now through the years I've shopped around a bit, but no one ever comes close to price/coverage. Not even the insurance company I work for with my employee discount.

I went to State Farm a few years back. "Oh, we can save you hundreds if not thousands of dollars" So we make an appointment, sit there while they enter everything, and then they hand us our old policy back and say "Thanks for coming in." I was like WTF? They were so much higher, they wouldn't even tell me the price.
I must say that Motorists Insurance was very good to deal with during our house fire. I called my agent while on my way to the house, the adjuster called me with an hour - a Friday evening. He was there Monday morning giving us a check so that we could get some of our immediate needs taken care of. Then they sent us a "cancellation notice." I asked why? They said there wasn't anything left to insure any more and I shouldn't have to keep paying premiums. I immediately had them reinstate it because we still had 2 outbuildings and the garage full of tools and tractor. They did what I requested. Then when we insured the new house we had to pay an extra fee for 2 large losses in a 3 year period (hail storm 2 years before). Well that penalty amounts to about $50 per year. OK, you paid me $300k, I think I can handle an extra $50 per year. Considering out insurance is still only about $500 per year. I was just glad to have coverage, since after a total loss I knew insurance companies weren't going to be jumping over each other to insure us.
Oh, also wanted to add. When we bought the camper a few months ago, I insured it with the same company. About $85 every 6 months. Geico/Progressive the "cheap" companies wanted over 3 times that amount to insure it.