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High Tech Things That Don't Help.


Proudly Deplorable
GOLD Site Supporter
High Tech things that are supposed to make life easier but don't.
I just got this post from a friend.

I just HATE all these new tech things to make something easy (supposedly easier). When the tech fails, it takes a huge effort to replace/reprogram/troubleshoot/finding the manuals/and finally gobs of monies to fix. Just give me a key and a lock on a door, if the included garage opener on the vehicle doesn't work for ANY reason. Simple, very simply, use the key. Power failures, no problem... Lightning storms burning out receivers or high RFI locations (including a surge through the electrical grid sometimes called a momentary that wrecks havoc on components in electrical/electronics components), ad nauseam. KISS, someting engineers have no comprehension of because (it) to them it is an oxymoron. When has anyone of late crawled into an engine compartment to fix something? Usually, it is buried deep behind all the crapola throughout the engine bay....

There, I got that off my chest... Thanks all! LOL

300 H and H

Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
So true.
So many will find that out at some point. The day has come for someone to address this with products that minimize
electronics and rely more on old fashion manual operation.
Take out all the unnecessary garbage and build with simplicity serviceability and lower cost.

The time is ripe for such products in auto's trucks and tractors.

In my dreams I hope someone is willing to tackle this and be successful. :tiphat:


Well-known member
GOLD Site Supporter
I mow my property down every year with a 1953 ford Jubilee tractor
on the mountain I maintain the road with a 1945 Catterpillar D7-3t
I have a 90's mechanical Komatsu excavator
My 4x4 to drive to the mountain is a 1973 power wagon
Is there a pattern here